>hurr durr y u appeal to black people
Bet you idiots feel stupid now
>hurr durr y u appeal to black people
Bet you idiots feel stupid now
inb4 Sup Forumstards get triggered
Blacks only make up 14% of the population.
Everyone knows Terry is based as fuck. Fuck the other niggers for pretending it's a big deal and fuck false flagers.
>13% of the US population.
Its not even like they're pandering to Black Men, its all been Nigresses, so what? 6% of the US population then.
That's going to translate well into sales, totally worth tanking a franchise over.
>SJW and Women in general purchase video games.
thats only millions of people :^)
But white people are already addicted to vidya so it makes sense to target blacks and other minorities
Holy shit that computer is terrible
I guess you're right user. I was being racist, I was thinking that white people were putting what they thought were black people stereotypes thinking they were doing a service for blacks but now I truley see that all black people are stereo types and can't even build a pc for themselves.
>MS got Terry Crews before Overwatch did
Terry was the only good black thing at E3 so far.
This just increases the chances of him being in Overwatch. Blizzard will see the positive reactions and hire him
This. This man is a black man. Not a nigger.
All black people are niggers you retard
>there is no agenda across all forms of media and advertising to desensitize whitey to da bbc, just paranoid Sup Forumssters!
99% of people who play video games are white or asian
Stop spamming
What kind of mental gymnastics made you come up with that false number?
"Triggered" is the the new word for react to.
Let's wait and see some sales numbers before deciding on the failure or success of it