Xbox Won X
Xbox Won X
Xbox wonx.
>show 42 games
>barely any are good
>pretty much none of them are exclusive
Cool, what exclusives should I be looking for?
Sony won, but the most important thing is that Nintendo lost (only 20 minutes)
xbox done x
>Show 3 mediocre exclusives and a DLC
Sony always win baby! All these exclusives, am I right, sonybro?
Well, yeah, seeing as I get to play every Xbox game shown on my PS4 or PC lol.
>All these exclusives, am I right, sonybro?
unironically yeah. except for the Destiny DLC Sony didn't use the term "timed/console exclusive" once. They brute forced their presentation with first party games. We already know most of them but it was a good display of power.
>so butthurt you need to start a console war
Still 3 more exclusives than Microsoft showed to be honest. Also them being mediocre is completely subjective.
ex box youan ex
not after they turned Crackdown 3 into a joke
the one game i was still looking forward to
fuck microsoft, their entire was shitty and things we already knew about, no surprised at all
Nice asshurt.
Ubisoft is taking the lead
>only 20 minutes
It's confirmed to be 15 minutes
because they didn't dare say it
Monhun isn't even a timed exclusive
at least microsoft is honest about it, sony tries to hide it away in twitter messages
and "display of power", sony didn't display any gameplay what so ever on it's exclusives mate
As a PCbro, Sony had the best conference
PC gaming a was shit, Xbox never game me halo but Wolfenstein/metro look cool, that's about it
Last Night
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Forza 7 on PC finally
Sea of Thieves
Crackdown was okay still hope they have destruction in MP but Terry Crews is funny
State of Decay 2 might be cool for some
Spiderman gameplay
Another cinematic zombie survival, not even multiplayer
Cuck of War, no gameplay shown
Yeah I wonder which conference was the better one overall
>Being this mad at reality
But you can play all of the stuff from microsofts conference on ps4 or pc.
>because they didn't dare say it
>at least microsoft is honest about it,
are you seriously retarded ? you just admitted they didn't lie about anything. and no MS is not honest, just slow on the uptake; EVERYONE and their mothers know that "exclusive" means nothing when it's not first party.
>sony didn't display any gameplay what so ever on it's exclusives mate
literally all of their games were in game footage.
>literally all of their games were in game footage.
don't make me post that uncharted pic
And that's bad how?
I don't have an Xbox so for me Microsofts conference was the superior PC Gaming Show :^)
Ok. Now let me whittle that down so you only see exclusives for each platform
Day's Gone
God of War
Ok finished.
I'm more a Nintendo fanboy but:
Kinda point
>Last Night
Indie pixel shit
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Forza 7 on PC finally
So no reason to own a fucking XBOX
>Sea of Thieves
>Crackdown was okay still hope they have destruction in MP but Terry Crews is funny
I cant understand how can anyone find funny that man also dem ps2 quality
Not evem exclusive
>State of Decay 2 might be cool for some
SoD2 and Days gone are the same fucking shit
Both conferences were shit M$'s sucked less but not for the reasons you gave.
>don't make me post that uncharted pic
do it fagit
>Spiderman gameplay
wot ?
>MS was 100% multiplat
>Sony was mediocre and also multiplat
And then anons tell me that xbots are extinct.
Feels good to be objectively superior idort and just watch the shit flinging on the sidelines.
None of it was exclusive.
Xbox is now 0-3 in the console wars. How does it make you feel Micro dicks?
I have a PC and no Xbox so telling me they're not exclusive is not a negative for me, get the fuck outta here with your console wars.
Same to you
PS2 outsold Xbox
PS3 outsold 360
PS4 outsold Xbone
How does it feel to keep losing?
>>Sony was mediocre and also multiplat
>also multiplat
you mad tho ?
It really did
The problem with Sony is they pretty much showed 2016 again & Detroit is clearly a 2019 title
Shadow of the Colossus was their only WOW moment & even as a big fan, as a lot of people were pointing out it's kind of just another remaster if they don't add back in all the cut content
All the games that are coming out this year were multiplat.
Sony has no more exclusives for this year except Knack 2. Embarrassing.
>its still called the xbox one
How fucking retarded do you have to be to not at least change it to xbox scorpio? Its like microsoft wants the console to die.
Xbox conference made me realize that video games are no longer for people with no friends.
The normalfags have won and they are taking our games.
>this year
you mad.
Friendly Reminder:
3 > 0
its simple math really
>sony lost by showing only a few exclusives
>xbox won by showing no exclusives
really gets the ol nogging jogging
Yes I am MAD because I bought a PSPro that I can't use because there's no games except Knack 2 this year.
>Hillary won the popular vote
Still mad I see?
The only decent looking game of the conference (mon hun) is a multiplat.
SotC, as good as it is, still a remake of a game i already beaten several times, and spiderman looks unironically bad. The swinging was slow and combat was bamham copy.
I still have my ps2 hooked up, and it still better than the ps4.
I judge presentations on the games they sell me that are theirs.
And Microsoft sold me other peoples games. so they failed.
Microsoft won by showing games everyone can enjoy this year, not just Sonyniggas in the next year.
Sony and Microsoft dont make games
>Male tomb raider
Bloodborne is great but at least put some good games in there like nioh or yakuza
>no games except knack 2 this year
nioh, yakuza 0, gravity rush 2, horizon, persona 5, yakuza kiwami
and apart from the last one you can play them all right now
Shit because ea
No halo
Dude be lmao
Showed nothing worthwhile
Nothing from fromsoft
Never watched Nintendo's but e3 was shit this year
literally none of the games at the ms conference were interesting
sony's conference was disappointing as shit, but at least monster hunter was interesting (even if it is multiplat)
For you
>all this weebshit i dont care about
yeah nah
but they pay for exclusives.
And Microsoft didn't this year or last.