Skyrim is a 6 year old game and Bethesda is still trying to act like it came out yesterday. By video game standards, it was released an eternity ago.
What is wrong with Bethesda?
Skyrim is a 6 year old game and Bethesda is still trying to act like it came out yesterday. By video game standards, it was released an eternity ago.
What is wrong with Bethesda?
it sells
I sincerely doubt Skyrim is still pulling in release day numbers almost a decade later.
>tfw I have now purchased 9 different version of Skyrim.
i knew a guy like this
the only thing he did everyday was playing skyrim and fallout 3
Milking because they're shit.
what are you talking about?
>People like this actually exist
They've always been lazy ass motherfuckers, only difference is now they figured all new ways to make money off their shit.
Becasue skyrim still has a large active fan bace.
is any of the fallout 4 dlc worth it?
Pretty much me in highschool when I went about 2 years without internet.
Those games kept me sane.
Who?? Where? Skyrim is definitively one of the shallowest games I have ever played. There are, at the very most, 300 hours of things to do in that game, and that's if you have an utterly monumental amount of patience.
I cannot imagine what kind of person is still religiously playing skyrim enough to want to buy paid mods now, six years on.
Far Harbor and Nuka World are nice. Automatron is neat but they're probably asking too much for it. The two workshop DLCs are absolute garbage.
Check steam best selling. Its still top 30.
I've never played skyrim or any of those kind of games so yeah I don't totally get it either but people like it.
I wouldn't mind if they'd actually release some new content for it. But they are just trying to make you rebuy it. Fuck, give me some new dlc and I'd be all over it.
thanks user
>By video game standards, it was released an eternity ago.
Not that I'm defending skyrim, but you're a literal pleb idiot that's ruining gaming and I hope you die.
>still pulling in release day numbers
At what fucking point did he say that, faggot?
Skyrim's appeal is long lasting and it's replayability is high, just like Oblivion's was. Until they release a new Elder Scrolls, I suspect people will continue to play this, again, just like Oblivion. I'd bet a hundred bucks a lot of people were still playing Oblivion frequently right before Skyrim came out.
i like that bethesda keeps skyrim alive, cause i am making money selling bootleg skyrim costume pieces.
Is this Todd's revenge? Is re-releasing Skyrim every year his way of getting back at Sup Forums and all of those lost sales?
Skyrim's player base only began to decline in 2017
Also it's fucking weird that a single player game that was released in 2011 reached peak player base over four years later.
why the fuck would you do that