Why do grills always play Medic?

Why do grills always play Medic?

Most fun role

they can't aim so they play something that doesn't require them to aim

Aggressiveness isn't in them

Girls don't play videogames

It's the easiest class to play and new player friendly.

Because it's the easiest class to play that makes a decent contribution to the team.

Girls just want positive attention like the healsluts they are.


They have a motherly nurturing nature about them, they can't help it

whereas men just want to compare dick size

support classes are universally played by women and very drunk men because they're easy

So did I send my dick pics to a guy?

>play medic
>don't heal and go full battle
Is there a better feeling?

No, because you're retarded and taking up a slot on your team

>drunk men being support bitches

When I'm drunk I pick up a shotgun and play as aggressively as possible.

I usually play support roles

because most of the time there's no one playing them

SInce nobody actually said the true reason, here goes

>Guy play videogame
>Gal is losing attention, so want to join the videogame
>Can't do shit alone, so make a ''healer'' so she can always follow the guy around, and he can't escape her bullshit

Thats the point were woman are healers. If allowed to continue, guy get tired of having to carry the dumb whore and drop the game, take up another game/hobby until it is also ruined by woman. Repeat till merciful release of death

Everyone is a grill but you

It depends on the game. If it's something like TF2, Overwatch or some other game which doesn't allow you to do anything but healing and support, you're retarded. You should spend more time on support, healing and backing up your team mates.

If it's something like Killing Floor, Battlefield or (Insert RPG that allows you to play Battle Priest), then yes. It's fucking awesome.

They don't

user have you considered therapy? Your paralyzing fear of girls is having a negative impact on your worldview.

Uh, no. Gays play healers. Women play those shitty off dex classes like Hunter from WoW.

im not afraid of them, i'm tired of their bullshit. THe pussygame isn't worth it.

he was cute tho

He has a tumblr where he reblogs plants and marine life and listens to sad songs
He lounges around every morning thinking about hand holding

I always play support roles. You're a necessary part of the team that doesn't need to clamber for attention. You can just be satisfied in your contribution to the whole effort.

It's a nice feeling desu

user, you know deep inside that you want to be the little girl

>im not afraid of them
haha okay guy. I hate women so much and i'm completely incapable of being around them, but I'm not scared!

Actually sniper is the second most played by females, its just they don't like being frontline and like being protected

They don't. Men play medic. You're thinking of healer/white mage etc


>tfw I'm a guy who exclusively plays healer/sniper
o boy

niggah you seem to be projecting a bunch. You'll find a woman that want to touch your peepee someday(if you are lucky)

less pressure, less competitive, you aren't the one that has to kill the target

>please don't make me interact with any girls I HATE GIRLS SO MUCH

They don't like to see their team fight over who plays support

not entirely true, i was a healer in wow and had a lot of fun because i was druid and could just sprinkle healing everywhere and completely destroy the priest and pala healer cucks. Also pvp healing as druid for extreme salt when you run around like a fuckhead but won't die

I don't believe you have any evidence for this.

whatever you say, tard

i'm sure in your little mind you believe it

aw that's a pretty sweet reasoning

mercy420xxxtreme? Is that you?

>extreme salt when you run around like a fuckhead but won't die
priest is the only healer that actually took skill to play in wow

btw im a girn

>be medic
>heal team
>everything ok
>"heal me im such a slut, oniichan"
>dont heal him
what went wrong (with people)?

tits or gtfo


You think I'm gay or something?

don't hit on me you silly boy

anime, Sup Forums's existence and believing it's ok to be that weird kid

Personal experience.

>work as maintenance engineer
>always drawn to support classes in videogames