Post E3 point of view boiiissss

I'm the guy from the last pov thread .
As youll see from my pov. Where is my fishboal dude

Lets enjoy nintendo in 25 mins.

>no nigger hand

Im a dutch guy with moroccan roots, so yeah pretty white/kebab.





Painted my wall red in honour of Nintendo and winning E3.

>babby's eerste studentenhuis

I kid, enjoy the show, let's hope it's beter than Sony's yesterday

ive got my skittles, my body is ready

> guitar hero
> weed
christ man, sort your self oat



>dutch guy with moroccan roots
Is this the same things as a tanned German?

Jesus Christ fix those wires


That cloudy TV

Never buy edge lit garbage

>dutch guy with moroccan roots
do you get dirty looks now in europe because of looking arab and all the recent terrorist attacks/isis? or does it still feel like home? genuinely curious.

I'm in the process of fixing the place up user. I'm putting a long box shelf under the TV tomorrow and putting my PS4 and Switch on it. I'll wrap the excess wires up in a cable tie after.


what is with the GH2 box?

Post bulges of Sup Forums :3

I do regret it a bit. Although it's 4K and 3D. HDMI1 automatically upscales input to 4K and it's surprisingly decent. Playing BOTW I didn't actually notice many jaggies thanks to it. Even when playing in 3D