QTE galore

>QTE galore
>Broken stealth
>Meh combat


>Yuri Lowenthal as Spiderman

So its metal gear and final fantatasy, the kinda games sony getting since ps1.

Who was the glowy guy in the helicopter? I don't read comics

>meh combat
you mispelled cuhrayzee frend

>steal so much from the Arkham series
>fail to do any of it right

Come on, Insomnia. It's right there.
The combat seems so shit because there is no weight to any of the moves. Batman feels heavy and strong as fuck even if he's fast.
Why does combat here feel like there's a canned animation and the bad guy falls down?

And the grappling to targets. Why does it feel like a long teleport rather than actually moving to that position?
Why isn't there an option to fling yourself off the target to the next one? It feels so stilted to fly up to a perch, stop, jump to the next one, stop.
Since Arkham City you could glide smoothly after one.

And the auto-swinging is shit too. Give the player targets like you have grappling hook targets when you're flying around as Batman

It's like they looked at the Arkham games and then decided to learn absolutely nothing about why they were good.

Mr. Negative, an evil Chinaman that can corrupt people and invert the color of their clothes for some reason

>Sony won't let us have any big list names because it might clash with movies/other projects

I would rather have him than Doc Ock and Green Goblin and Shocker and Venom for the 20,000th time

I know this is probably autistic of me to bring up, but did anybody else roll their eyes at spiderman holding a fucking helicopter with like 5 seconds of shooting web?

Yeah the grappling is utter retarded. I wish they could incorporate the majority of the aspects from the Ultimate Spiderman. Feel that had the best overall gameplay.
Also anyone else get pissed off that the web just disappears once youre latched on? 1:26

Would you have preferred if he just caught it?

I thought it looked great until qtes, I hope there aren't a lot

It looks fine but I'm still super disappointed. It's just Arkham with glue guns on your hands. Plus the swinging looks bad. Hopefully it was a bad demo and they'll improve it before release.

>It's just Arkham with glue guns on your hands
But it's not even a good-Arkham

I'd be happy with a straight Arkham clone but this looks like it feels like shit

The only problem I have here is the slow motion combat.

Everything else looks fine

>it's a Sup Forums calling OG SM2 gameplay Batman combat episode

honestly this is a disaster, how could a big budget spiderman game go so fucking wrong?

This looks extremely fucking meh

That fight with the brute lacked any impact. The combat looks and sounds floaty and slow.

Yeah actually seems more plausible. If he can hold a fucking helicopter with webs, why not just construct a fucking giant web boulder to just throw at enemies?

I thought you were better than this insomniac

I feel betrayed by Sony. Remember me? I was claiming that PC + PS4 is the true master race combo, but this E3 proved me wrong. I feel really bad, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on my PS4 Pro. What a disaster. They said nothing about Death Stranding and Deep Down. Bloodborne 2 didn't get announced, Studio Japan was working on a fucking Shadow of the Colossus remaster/remake that people already played on PS2 and PS3, so they couldn't have been working on Bloodborne 2 which means that Bloodborne 2 is not happening. Days Gone turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit with horrible enemy AI. Spider-Man turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events and no real physics/momentum based webslinging. God of War looked decent, but isn't coming until 2018. This E3 was an absolute disaster for Sony and PS4! Metro Exodus, Code Vein and Monster Hunter World will all be available on the PC. What is the point of owning a PS4 then? Here is the updated list of good games:

PC exclusives:
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Mordhau
- Star Citizen
- Camelot Unchained
- Ashes of Creation
- Wild West Online
- Project Wight
- La-Mulana 2
- Ghost Song

Multi-platform games definitive version on the PC:
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Armored Core 6
- Ace Combat 7
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter World
- Metro Exodus
- LawBreakers
- GreedFall
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blasphemous

PS4 exclusives:
- Death Stranding (when?)
- Deep Down (when?)
- God of War

Multi-platform games not on PC, but on the PS4:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)

What should I do? Is there any hope for Sony? Will From Software save PlayStation with a Sony exclusive again?

Looks like Spiderman 2, which Sup Forums loved.

But this is new, so they'll hate it.

Other than the QTEs (even if they don't bother me much) it looks pretty good, and I don't even like Arkham combat.

>I'd be happy with a straight Arkham clone
The amazing Spider man 1/2 games are literally spiderman with bamham combat

This is the same game has the ASM movie tie-ins. People think this looks good?

Saw you in the other thread my man, but anyone who shits on Sony is welcome :)

But, again, they don't do it good

It's not good enough to just have a counter/dodge button
It needs that visceral feel and thrill

Many games have tried to copy the Arkham combat but none of them get it right

You mean the MCU tie ins
They ripped so many things from the MCU version
>sphincter eyes
>web mines
>identical webshooters

Arkham combat is shit and I hope games don't start copying it.

If you only need two buttons to win every combat situation in the game, it's probably shit.

Looks genuinely terrible.

I was boycotting anyways because of Insomniac's bullshit anti-Trump statement, but this just confirms it.

Let me list the most unfun things in gaming:
>Stealth in games that aren't designed around it
>context sensitive actions out the ass
>scripted sequences
>excessive slowdown and slowmo

That's literally all I saw

ITT: Literal kids that haven't played any Spiderman games and are here just to meme

This game looks exactly like Spiderman 2 down to the combat, spouting "Arkham QTE" only makes you out yourself as a newfag retard, keep it up r/Sup Forums


Spider-man 2 was over 10 years ago.
Looking exactly like it is NOT a measure of success

There have been many advances in that formula and this game ignores them all


To me it looked like Spider-Man 2 with Arkham combat and a lot of scripted sequences for that one particular boss fight. I'm looking forward to seeing more about the open world

>Slowdown and slomo
Christ I forgot to mention that. Why do devs keep thinking this is a clever way to block enemies?

There have? I wasn't aware.

Name even just two. Games have been utterly creatively bankrupt over the last five years.

>arkham combat
>press triangle to counter: the game
Theres nothing cuhrayzee about this boring ass shallow combat


>There have been many advances in that formula
>Looking exactly like it is NOT a measure of success
Appeasing fans who have been demanding we do just that is a measure of success unless you're an anti-consumerist fuck who thinks all games should be soulslike now because it's the ~newest fad~

You're an idiot and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, Spiderman 2 is an excellent open world game, developers should take inspiration from it. For anyone who has actually played SM2 this game looks like the best sequel, literally the exact same game mechanics only more refined and with added depth. You are all retards talking out of their ass

Arkhamshit is never cuh-rayzee

look at the swinging again and tell me it's anything like SM2

Fuck you, Venom and Shocker are GOAT boss fights.

they should have shown him swinging around for 10 minutes. that's all anybody really cares about in spideyman games.

Are you people incapable of reading or are you just trying to be retarded?

Where is the weight and impact of combat? It's so floaty and inconsequential. You don't feel anything.

Why does the grapple to perch feel like a teleport? Why do you need to stop between each perch? Arkham figured that shit out and changed it years ago.

You guys are looking at the superficial skin layer
>Ok, there's combo and counter combat. All good!
>I can jump to shit. All good!

Look at the details and it's just hollow and flat

And look at that webswinging. Autoswing is back.

>more scripted sequences and qtes than actual gameplay
>all those button prompts mid combat

dude c'mon i though we were past this

fuck off, Mr. Negative is my boy

>He will actually spend money on this piece of trash """game"""
*breathes in, then out once more

It's fucking exactly like SM2 you dense unappeasable autist, I've spent countless hours swinging around NY and this is the only time I've seen web swinging so similar to SM2

That's sequel material, don't expect him until 2021 at the earliest. Shocker would work though. If we're going after Fisk early on I want to see Electro though.

after asura's wrath, if i'm not throwing a guy through a planet after a qte sequence, it doesn't belong.



Nigga just blew the entire city trying to get a heli.

god of war on its own shits on every pc exclusive ever made
stay mad

>It's fucking exactly like SM2
Welp, I guess we all know you never played it now

t. Actual fucking idiot

Anyone who's actually played SM2 can tell this is a great Spiderman game, everything you mentioned was what made SM2 good so keep outing yourself as a newfag

The problem is QTEs is that you so often feel like "Why aren't I doing this on my own?"
Like the first QTE in the Spider-man video.
Why can't I start the combat the way I want?

In Asura's Wrath, you don't feel at all like it's something that you can do in normal gameplay
>stopping a finger the size of a moon from crushing you
>yeah ok, a QTE is perfectly reasonable

No he means the game looks exactly like the ASM movie tie in games.


Christ people
I'm not saying fucking SM2 is bad
Can anyone fucking READ here?

I'm talking about the new one.
It's been years since SM2. Things change. Things improve.
It'd be like if a shooter came out now that had Doom style movement
>I wish this game would allow me to look around freely
That's what you are doing.

This that were good for their times are still good.
But modern games that don't change are not as good.

whoever made that swinging failed his high school physics class

Insomniac said on their twitter that ever demo player swings differently, meaning that there are many different ways to swing. It's the ultimate swinging sim

Gonna have to call bullshit on that one
Pretty sure it's highly scripted

Like that part where he swings through the sign that's falling apart and a custom animation plays

Scripted. As. Fuck

The ultimate swinging sim would give us targets to choose from

Remember the new Bionic Commando? Now that's swinging

i'll believe it when i see a video of some amateur non-shill e-celeb playing it

Green Goblin is a good boss fight as long as it's a high speed Glider Chase

niggas chill, what you should be talking about rather than personal preference for style of combat, you should be talking abiut how fucking ugly and annoying it is for a button to appear on your screen every 2 seconds to do an action that could easily be a fightan game style combo.

as it is now, it looks just like "press random button to do thing"

Look on their twitter you fucking moron. Straight from insomniac

>bitches about QTEs
>forgets that video games are nothing more than a series of button presses anyway

a-at least spidey is not a nigger

>look at the game dev's twitter to verify they aren't lying about what they claimed on their twitter
absolutely brilliant

i want another, third-party, impression of it. why would i trust the people trying to make me buy their product? i want proof.

Uh excuse me?
Spider-man 2 had lots of QTEs and it's literally perfect

So stop complaining you newfag.

jesus christ this thread

Why not just throw web on the heli's rotors or catch it between two buildings? Is all that destruction really necessary?

We've barely seen enough real gameplay to discuss anything. Most of the presentation was QTE. The small amount of swinging we saw looked underwhelming because spidey was clearly in a chase . Wait until we see gameplay of him freely roaming the city before we call it a blunder, okay?

We saw the combat though.
And it was awfully floaty and light