Who are your favorite let's players and why? What do you look for in a let's play/walkthrough?

Who are your favorite let's players and why? What do you look for in a let's play/walkthrough?

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pewdiepie because he's funny and makes me laugh.

DSP *burp* uuh excuse me


Long ago in a distant land

My nigga

Gopher, because his voice is entertaining despite his shitty playstyle.

Wish she would just do nudes already

>Linking yourself to a group actively trying to monetize and ruin internet hentai
I'm sure she cries herself to sleep every night.

No. Fuck you. You do not understand her appeal. When you take away the clothes she becomes nothing. Worthless. Garbage. It is only the presence of the lewd clothes that transcend her to the higher level of sexiness.

shut the fuck up faggot

Educate yourself, you swine. You fucking philistine.

are there any sets of her on exhentai? like hell im'm paying for some weeb twitter whore's imagesets


he's literally right tho

Not really. Just like 20 pictures of cosplaying.

Nah, i wanna at least see some nipple peak. Hiding it all is boring

u first faggot


I just want to know who the chick is so I can pleasure myself


A tease. She is never nude.

>being mad on the Internet
Look and point at the fool.

unironically super best friends.
they make me feel better about myself on the sole ground that i am not them.

He's right, she not that great looking only fetish clothes make her erotic.


GO fuck yourself Daiz

Stop making me mad!

*sighh..* i said...
u first


Indeed mah man. Being revealing while still hiding the most important places is way more alluring than plain nudity. Same way strippers make you anticipate their big reveal, the tease stimulates a mans desire much more than naked titties right from the get go.

Only watching them if there is some intresting approach to the theme.
Like that one guy on twitch that works for gamedev company and was streaming some of the older games explaining design choices etc.
Or Nier's 9S voice actor that did whole playthrough of Automata with VA of 2b joining him at times.


Become a Patron of my work! patreon.com/darksydephil

you're right but this post reeks of autism



Many porn repositories are still missing thousands of comics due to this fucking garbage company. He even DMCAs Sup Forums posts.

Shofu and King Jae.

Fuck off Daiz

No nudes
Not even a slight peak of the nipple
No point

>doesn't even have pictures of her butthole on Google

fucking dropped in a heartbeat

It's a guy so that's not happening

Not sure if cute desu. One picture is not enough. Panties cute though.

are all her pics still locked behind patreon paywalls?

I like teases
got a name?

keep feeding me you're mad pics, autist


Not like you miss anything from her public stuff

I can hit the image cap, but I won't because I've got other threads going on.

swimsuit succubus.

Finally an user who gets it.

do it faggot

>tfw not a qt asian girl so can't make money off of autists by just being qt
life hurts

Read the fucking thread, or even better the filename you fucking mouthbreather

TheWhiteDragon's FFIX playthrough is charming, albeit occasionally irritating. It happens with anything on the spectrum of weebgames though.

Epee Em's Battle Network series playthroughs are masterpieces.

Elentor's ongoing FFVII LP inspired me to play the game again and I've fucking beaten FFVII 3 TIMES since he started it.

its literally in OP's file name

I downloaded a pack of 114 of her pictures from empornium. To be honest, the only worthwhile pictures are the ones which are frequently posted here anyway. She has a ugly teeth, and her pictures are edited to the point where she doesn't even look real.

Does anyone know where to get her full gallery rips? there's not more than 100 pics or so around, and they're clearly not the full sets, this bitch deletes everything.

I guess I'm a casual because I don't understand the point of watching other people play games unless you yourself have no means of getting the game or are using it as a walkthrough

can someone explain where the fun comes in? I can't imagine myself enjoying watching someone listen to music or read a book

Anyone kind enough to share Fakku mirror?


She a spic.

There's only one correct answer

I don't get it? Explain?

how do you get an account for that?

spics are part asian generally

Its like cuckolds for videogames I guess

That's what kept me away, her earlier pics led on to that and then she absolutely blew up along with some others and I constantly see her reposted.

Unless you just want to see thousands of pics of her in near-nude outfits then you're missing nothing. There is no nude photo of her on the internet, trust me.

Not everything is made to appeal specifically to you. It's strange that there are people that don't get that.

Fuck off and kill yourself you bald piece of shit.

I remember this whole ordeal

A sysadmin gave everyone access to a 3gbps up/down ftp server to store all the DMCA'd porn on for safekeeping, I can't even imagine where he worked that he had 3gbps internet four years ago

I never bothered to explore outside of Panda, but after I found out they are missing a lot of Wani stuff I became kinda interested. What are some porn repositories that don't bow to DMCAs? Sure there must be some. I'm still surprised Ex does that, though.

He's actually pretty fun to watch sometimes, the guy has a schedule and tries to entertain every time he streams, looks professional somehow.

>watching other people play games



I don't care about nudes, I want to see panties and her magnificent ass, but thanks for the concern.

You have no idea how many times I've wacked to Ushijima,

Exhentai still has all of the DMCA'd content, it is simply hidden

To access it you need to do some bunch of secret shit, like reaching high level in the 'hentaiverse' game, or running exhentai's load distributor P2P thing a lot, not sure.

I've only ever watched a couple of chip cheesy videos. Had a pretty good one explaining all the mechanics in W101.

and a couple of shitty random ones because it was the only way to see some footage of some old obscure games.

Many A True Nerd
He's funny and competent at games provided they don't require much in the reflexes department.

Listen you triggered whit boy I'm trying to understand why you fucks like it instead of just shutting it out because honestly my initial thought is that is right but I wanted to hear the appeal from those who actually watch it

If you can't even describe that and get defensive about it it does not help your case at all.

you can find a bunch of her stuff on SankakuComplex/IdolComplex

can you not link the gallery?

>reading comprehension
The dude is just asking why. Stay asshurt.

lorik, my man


your welcome

Obviously not, you can't access it without one of the privileged exhentai accounts. I don't even have one.

If you ask around on their IRC you will probably find out how to get access, just be discrete.

muh dikku

>let's players
fucking kill me

Void Burger used to be my favorite

Not anymore...

Trash it

Clemente, probably a person no one really knows, wouldn't be surprised he's not very popular. I like him because he only shows the recording where he beats a level/portion of the game. I fucking HATE watching some faggot take 10k episodes losing to a shit boss and reacting to everything like it's hyphy, It's annoying, it's obnoxious and it's not fun to watch.

I don't watch too many let's plays so yeah.

Sounds sad to me. But if that's your thing brother.

Personally I don't see the point in non-nudes. I mean obviously swimsuits are sexy but when a woman is making a career out of it then shes just cucking losers and married men who edge on what they think Jesus lets them do.

>trusting that fucking whore
I've known her as a fucking retard since I first met her.

>paying for hentai



Get fucked.
You summerfags don't know how to act.

If I was going to kill myself I would first kill fakku

I've never hated a company more


>Who are your favorite let's players and why?

friendly reminder!