Being so behind in software delivery you can only announce Metroid and Pokemon without any actual footage

>being so behind in software delivery you can only announce Metroid and Pokemon without any actual footage

worst part is blind fanboys will actually think this makes Nintendo "win" E3

Other urls found in this thread:

It's so fucking sad and yet they'll attack Sony for announcing stuff to early with huge trailers and full realized concepts for their games.

But yeah, Sup Forumstendo-neo GAF is absolutely undeniable.

It was enough for Sony to win the last two years, right?

whens the last time Metroid has been even good?

vaporware franchise

Wtf I hate Nintendo now

They announced good exclusive games.
They won.

God of War came with ingame footage
whatsitsface generic zombie game came with ingame footage

When was the last time Sony "won" by just dropping a name?

I don't think you know what that word means

That won't be out until 2019.
Also funny how you think they're gonna be good, seing how we know literally nothing about them.

>Show extended Spiderman trailer and gameplay

>Show a Metroid Prime 4 title screen with no date at all

Fuck Sup Forums

Literally the third to last game breh
They're what people wanted at the very least. Nintendo has a good track record when it comes to the main games of their classic IPs.

Except they announce their games with full trailers and not just flippant announcement that oh.... yeah, this thing exists to placate their autismo degenerate fanbase.

Automata, Shenmue, Death Stranding, etc.

Why are other companies allowed to show no gameplay trailers for games coming out next year or longer, but not nintendo?

Yeah dude Other M was fucking amazing.

Automata and Shenmue were announced with ingame footage, Death Stranding with that weird (supposedly) in-engine cutscene.

>what is Final Fantasy 7
>Last of us 2
>Shenmue 3

Cool one sonybro

Spider-Man looked bad.

Retro has been teasing that they've been working on something for quite awhile now
They're announcing it here, and we'll see it at tgs

Literally wasn't made by Nintendo
Also one bad game out of 12 is what we call a good track record.

Nigger KH3 was announced in 2013 and that was enough to win E3 back then, kindly fuck off.

>>being so behind in software delivery you can only announce Metroid and Pokemon without any actual footage
Sony showed the same three goddamn games as last year, and they still don't have release dates outside of 2018.
Yes, I'm fucking mad, I've been awaiting Greatness™ for three goddamn years.

Other companies don't claim to "win" E3 based on smokes and mirrors.

I remember a few E3s ago, PS4 showd gameplay of uncharted 4, horizon, final fantasy XV and KH3,nintendo fans claimed sony didn't get the most hype because they announced games that would take more than one year to be released.

Then again, I am also excited to know what the fuck this pokemon and metroid game are going to be like.

>metroid was just a logo
>pokemon was literally nothing, just "we're working on it ;)))"

yet nintenbabs will spam the board with NINTENDO WON for the next week

fucking amazing


What game was show every E3 since 2015?

>tfw the best thing about Nintendo's E3 stream was finding the Etrian Odyssey 5 localisation announcement video in the sidebar

I love qtes!


It's hilarious people will criticize Nintendo for this when Sony does it every single year. Where the fuck is the Final Fantasy remake? When is that coming out? Sony will literally announce games 4 years in advance and you will shit on Nintendo for announcing it a year early.

Be honest here, if Nintendo had not announced Mario and Metroid you would insult them for it, and now that they did announce it you still insult them.

Missed the Sony Conference, what was there? I don't see the point of "winning" E3, I'm just going to wait until whatever games interest me release anyhow.

How's that FF7 remake for PS4?

Oh right, Sonygros are still waiting

I am under the impression they added those in just yesterday because they saw E3 was so shitty and saw it as good PR if they """ won"""" by announcing 2 games that are probably still in their conceptional phases.
>mfw all the butthurt

no trailers, and yet thoses games will be released next years, versus trailers for the same games for 5 years.

A bunch of jap games released this year and they all were fantastic. You dont just buy western stuff, do you user?

Even KH3 showed a fucking trailer, you sperg.

You obviously didn't see the GREATNESS, you colossal faggot. It's called EVOLVE

I consider myself a Nintendofag since theirs are the only home consoles and handhelds I ever owned but I didn't buy the Wii U because it had no games and for now I also won't be buying the Switch for the same reason.

Hard to justify a 300+ eurobuck purchase when the thing is looking to have like 3 good games until 2019.
Because that's the thing - Metroid and Pokemon where the best they got to announce and those announcements were literally nothing, so what the hell do you think is gonna release in 2018? Fucking nothing worthwhile.

>No MHXX localization announcement

Almost explicitly the opposite. But those aren't efforts on Sony's part, who is sitting on plenty of franchises I would love to see rather than showing the same game multiple years.
I actually want Spider-Man, but don't bother showing me when it's still so far out.

>Nintendo shows one new exclusive
>Sony doesn't
There's no competition.

Really? Fuck yeah, literally better announcement than this crap.

2015 with FF7 Remake and Shenmue

Nintendo fans are THE WORST in video gaming. Pisses me off so much.

They didn't even give us details on the new sun and moon games so we have no idea what really any of the changes are.

This is sad.

No XX either.

It's over MH fans. MHW is the next full game in the series and XX is the side game.

Sony could've let slip their entire 2018/2019 pipeline with logos too you fucking dumbasses and "WON E3".

Shit is beyond pathetic.

>literally just a logo
Reminds me when nintendodrones were saying they won the gen with literally one game (BotW). Why are they so easily pleased?

FF7 remake came with a proper trailer

>you can't win e3 with just a logo and no gameplay nintenbros!
>gets hype over a cinematic trailer with no gameplay
>sometimes with fucking kickstarters attached to it
Well which is it?


Honestly, what was Sony thinking? Outside of VR shit they didn't even announce one new IP.

Automata was announced at Squeenix

something > nothing

I'd rather get hyped over unscripted ingame footage but if that doesn't happen I'll take cinematic trailers and if that's not there either, maybe somewhere down the line I'll get hyped for a fucking logo.

Was spiderman announced already? I honestly can't remember
There's also that one Uncharted: Lesbian edition game and multiple vr shovelware.

>convenientely forgetting the other games announced in that e3 which camwith gameplay trailer.

anything that isn't gameplay footage is just a meme anyway

>i'd rather get hype at no gameplay from my favorite company than get hyped at no gameplay from the one I don't like
Cool biased opinion. It's all or nothing fuckface.

>thinking I'm talking about those when I said cinematics with no gameplay at all
I'm excited for Anthem but I wish they just showed gameplay the first time.

Stop being loyalist retards to companies who don't give a shit about you.

what did sony announce without showing anything?

>wahhhh why did everyone like their games more than mine!!! :(((((

Get over yourselves, how pathetic

>It's all or nothing fuckface.
No it very clearly isn't. For one, it shows how far development is, if there's a clear vision for the game, one that was worth building a presentation around.
Or if it was a random logo thrown in at the last second because they got fucking nothing.

It really does.

E3 is about hype. Sony won E3 in 2015 by showing games that wouldn't be released for years. I remember Nintendo blowing everyone away in 2004 with Twilight Princess, even though the game didn't even have a name and wouldn't be released for another two and a half years.

The future feels bright.

I've been watching the consolewarring, and I can objectively say Nintenbros are the worst.

At least Xbros are just goofing around

>taking the whole "X company wins" thing seriously

I knew Sup Forums was too retarded for jokes

Dumb anime poster

What games? Pokemon and Metroid might as well by conceptual ideas at this stage.

absolutely. the nintendogaf is real. what have these studios been doing all these years? they stopped making games for wiiu in like 2014

>cinematic trailer
>clear vision of a game
Hell to the fuck no.

>people still get mad over anime girls in 2017

What a loser you are, user

Twilight Princess won by actually showing up with in-engine, supposedly real gameplay footage. That packs a punch. A logo doesn't.
Honestly you'd have to be very silly to be excited for Metroid or Pokemon for longer than 10 minutes, because there's nothing to be excited about as of yet. How starved for games are you that the mere confirmation that somewhere down the line these games will exists gives you euphoria?

>Sony could've let slip their entire 2018/2019 pipeline with logos too you fucking dumbasses and "WON E3".
They do that shit every year lmao. When is this SotC remake coming out? I'm willing to bet it will take at least 3 years, probably 4.

You don't start game development by crafting a cinematic trailer.
And I actually think those generally display the creative vision for the game, whether or not the developers actually achieve it in the final product is another story.

I'm not starved for games, but I am starved for certain games.

I really enjoy Pokemon and Metroid Prime. It's good knowing that both are in development.

>monstergirl shit
Absolute cancerous, you have to go back to cuckl/a/nd

Tell that to the companies with a cinematic trailer then asks for money via fucking kikestarter. No gameplay is no gameplay, cinematic or not. You're either hyped for both (unless you actually do not like previous titles if said game has them) or not.

Pokemon they said 'may take more than a year to come out' so I imagine that means either late 2018 or late 2019, either way just 1.5-2.5 years away which is nothing compared to the shit Sony and MS have been doing as of late.
Metroid Prime 4 is probably a 2020 holiday title honestly yea, but it's not going to stop me from being excited.

That said, they absolutely won E3. Odyssey is one of the best looking shows on the showfloor this year period (only the Ubisoft black flag spin off coming remotely close in terms of cool factor), they were the ONLY one of the big 3 to get exclusives that weren't VR shit / remakes, they dropped massive bombshells, they showed that Xenoblade fucking 2 was coming out this year in the west when every shitposter on this site said it would come out in 2018 at the earliest but probably 2019, they should off gameplay footage of upcoming new Kirby and Yoshi platformers and they didn't force any SJW shit into their conference.

Trying to damage control and say Nintendo DIDN'T win is fanboyism. They announced the two things the fanbase wanted more than anything else on Switch (mainline Pokemon and Metroid) while also showing other new upcoming games, no delays of currently announced stuff, and all the games currently announced are still looking good.

Stay assmad though, I'll just stay here being smug knowing that the best sonyggs can even try to do is say "no on won" because of how bad Sony did.

>Grown men still play nintendo games

Are you seriously arguing that a cinematic trailer is just as exciting as a logo? In general?


Consider for a moment the site you're on

They couldn't even give us a logo for Pokemon. This shit's 2019 at the earliest.

>Death Stranding (Okay I give you guys that one, I'm genuinely excited Kojima unhinged)
>FF7:RE (That one is potentially good too)
>Shenmue 3
>Last of Us 2
You have no excuses too Sonybro

Yes because all I care about is fucking GAMEPLAY.

It's like arguing with a witcherfag, holy fucking shit.

>thinking I'm a Sonybro

It depends. I think they're aiming for a 2018 release but don't know if they can make it.

We'll know in January. If we get a pokemon direct with an announcement then it'll be 2018, if we don't, it'll be 2019
>at the earliest
You overestimate the amount of effort gamefreak will ever put into a pokemon game.

Guess you're a fucking robot then because trailer literally only exists because they excite people.

It's better than showing off a cinematic that has nothing to do with the game besides the face of what we already know. People aren't happy either way.

No it's not better and you know it.

B-but yesterday people complai--- Never mind.

Oh and don't fucking speak for me.

>Crackdown 3

If I told you could chose to have them announce Metroid Prime 4 with a nice cinematic trailer or just a nce logo, you know you'd choose the trailer.

If I was asked whether I wanted a MP4 logo or nothing, I'd take the logo so we could have Prime threads again on Sup Forums without people shouting it's dead.

Of course. But at the same time satisfaction should just come from knowing it's in production. Working in gaming myself I understand this process. In the past cinematic reveals could be manipulative and harm the reputation of the game. The Division.

Well assuming it's the first Gen 8 game, the schedule could go something like this
>2017: US/UM
>2018: D/P remakes
>2019: new game

Id rather a non gameplay trailer for an actual game rather than a movie.

Automata was announced with a video of concept art by Square Enix. It was just Sony that had the first footage last year,. It they didn't announce it like that.

>D/P remakes
Nope, those will be on Switch after the gen 8 game.
It's literally BW2 -> X/Y all over again. There are 2 gens per device (except GBA due to early death) and 1 remake gen per device. This is the pattern they've been following.

They just announced Metroid for 3DS.

Game looked fuckin ABAP

Why didn't they put this shit into their main event? Fucking idiots at Nintendo.

Would you really want your first mainline game on a non handheld console to be a remake?
They want to pull in buyers by having something new on a new system, so id say new game would come out before D/P remakes.

>dub only
It's shit.