So the Prime faggots won. 2D Metroid is dead as shit and all we have are these shitty fucking FPS games
So the Prime faggots won. 2D Metroid is dead as shit and all we have are these shitty fucking FPS games
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So fucking gutted it's another Prime
>lock-on feature
yeah, no
"4" appeared and my heart fucking sunk.
Eh, indies have picked up the slack in my opinion.
13 years. It's been 13 fucking years since the last 2D Metroid, and we get another shitty Prime game.
>any year past 2000
Grandpa says the darndest things.
It's time to go home. Metroid is dead.
>not enjoying both
You're a huge faggot OP.
Enjoy your fucking scanning!
as soon as i heard the fucking music my heart sunk
this is not the metroid i wanted
you fags deserved it. shat on a sub-series even Sakamoto said it did a lot to bring more people into Metroid.
Takahashi even said there's a traditional Metroid coming but i'm already seeing you fucking faggots coming out of the wood works claming they aren't doing Metroid 5
i hope you retards enjoy your extended suffering while you don't see this is proof Nintendo fucking cares what we want
Same. Never cared for that series. I know they're considered great, but just not my cup of tea. Plenty of fucking FPS games out there. No real Metroids, though.
>Some point in the near future
That's too vague, nigga.
>yfw they did MP4 because Zero Suit still appears in Metroid Prime right before Fusion even happens
>all those threads with sales autists claiming the new metroid game wouldn't be prime 4
>muh 2d metroid have consistently sold more than all prime games except for prime 1
>prime 1 selling the most of any metroid game didn't matter
>reggie liking prime more than 2d metroid didn't matter
>mfw prime 4 is now the only metroid game announced
In the mean while you just have to play the fan game that nintendo made ilegal
fucking end yourselves. prime is one of nintendo's best franchises, and i've been playing metroid since i got the first one for my NES back when i was 5 years old.
go play a fucking phone game you tasteless plebians.
They're both good, but all the 2D ones are better.
uh WHAT?
AM2R was withing last year.
If you followed the rumors that proved true now.
There are two metroid games in development.
the other is classic 2d metroid from another studio
>muh 2d vs 3d
who the fuck cares
both versions are fun though, i dont know why any Metroid fan would be upset
yeah just like Federation Force and Metroid Prime 4 was too vague
fucking hang yourself for even doubting Nintendo about Metroid, they even went out saying it's their CROWN JEWEL among their major franchises.
i hope they're doing DKC6 next after this, cause i'm hyped for that shit too along with Kirby Switch
>Legitimately thinks a fan remake counts as a new entry in the series
I just want a third person metroid that doesn't suck
fuck your FPS and 2D shit, we've had enough of those
I was very much hoping for a double announcement ala Prime/Fusion. Shame it's only a prime title
As good as AM2R is it's a non-official remake. I want a new 2D Metroid.
I also am hype as fuck for Prime 4 though.
People that don't have fun with the primeshit games
>FPS baby calling anyone a pleb
Slit your wrists you faggot.
After 8 years I prefer another prime than nothing.
But yeah, I'd love another 2D Metroid, they could even go the Arc System Works route if they NEED to make it 3D for the Switch.
>3rd person remake of a 2d platformer
Damn, is it 1997?
same here, just be happy series is alive
It's just zero mission for 2?
Or does zero mission not count because remake.
It's not any worse then zero for the game its remaking
AM2r was the last straw for me. Fuck Nintendo.
>muh taste is better than your taste
grow the fuck up
>tfw 2dfag
Your quoted interview was from 2014 and before Federation Force was announced. It's not happening, you fucking moron.
did I say remake, i don't remember saying remake
Casual bitch
>It's just zero mission for 2?
What is this even supposed to mean?
>Or does zero mission not count because remake.
Zero Mission does count because it's not a fucking fan game, idiot.
Metroid should have stayed dead rather than catering to this faux "Prime" series that doesn't resemble the core games in ANY WAY.
Because Prime is vastly inferior to the 2D Metroids. People generally agree that Prime 1 was the best but even that was hugely linear and a chunk of the game revolves around collecting artifacts which are just glorified keys that do nothing else, which is missing the entire fucking point of Metroid's power-ups.
I'd be pretty happy to get the team that made Hard Corps Uprising in charge of a new Metroid.
Fucking Matterfall is the closest I'm gonna get to anything even resembling a real Metroid game. Thanks Sony, I guess.
>think the year matters
>especially when they said a Prime-style game was in the making since after Tropical Freeze was fucking done
i'm seriously done with you fags. You clearly done give a shit about Metroid nor see Prime 4 as proof they are bringing back 2D Metroid soon
yeah, keep on making threads about how Prime "killed" Traditional Metroid, every Nintendofag will deflect back to spoiled 2Dbrats like the smartasses they are.
>2dfag tears
If this game does well it can revive Metroid enough to have them actually make more than one game a decade.
Go play one of the trillion metroidvanias that your game inspired
Can't I like both?
>vague statement saying "hopefully in the near future we'll be able to say something about them"
>3 years later, still zero word of any 2D Metroid
It's not happening. Your faith is blind.
You had AM2R and now its source code was reconstructed you can make your own.
Fuck off.
>the very first Prime outsold the entire 2D line
>every main Prime game still sold millions
>Prime 3 outsold Super Metroid
>Zero Mission, A REMAKE OF THE FIRST METROID THAT SOLD 2.73 MILLION, didn't even break a million (like fucking Star Fox 643D)
>neither did Other M
>Hunters stopped with and estimate of 1.09million sales
>Japanese bought Prime Hunters more so than Other M and Zero Mission
yeah i wonder why they announced Prime 4 over Metroid 5 first
don't fucking underestimate the sub-series, Nintendo did the right thing to go for the major hittter first.
>there are people who don't like both styles of metroid games
I never understood this, they're both absolutely fantastic
What difference does it make if its a fan game or not. The quality is just as high as an official release. Lacking nintendo approval doesn't really change a thing.
I like both. Metroid idort is fine.
But hey, maybe Ghost Song will come out in the next year or two.
>it's okay when Nintendo makes pixel shit if it itches my nostalgia
Eat shit. We REALLY don't need more of these.
the nitpicking and delusion is unbelievable
They are both fantastic, but the Prime games aren't even GOOD Metroid games.
>metroid get's a new game and you faggots STILL complain
I hate every single one of you insufferable entitled crybabies, metroidfags have finally proven they are the worst nintendo related fanbase
>What difference does it make if its a fan game or not.
The difference is that Nintendo isn't the one making it you dumb cunt.
> Lacking nintendo approval doesn't really change a thing.
It doesn't just lack Nintendo's approval, they went out of their way to shut it down when they had zero reason to.
I couldn't even make it through the first Prime game. Stopped playing about half way. I don't know what people see in it.
The only deluded one here is the one believing that a company is going to provide a product that he wants based on a one-off statement that could potentially be interpreted in such a manner if one thinks wishfully, despite there being zero signs of such being the case.
this thread does definitely seem that way.
Metroid is one of the best things Nintendo's ever done, but they could release a fucking 2d metroid tomorrow, and you fags would still bitch about it because of some small way it deviates from Super Metroid, so it doesn't count.
>another ~17 hour experience of scanning uninteresting shit
Honestly, fuck the novelty starved faggots that pretended the Prime series was ever not shit.
Prime is literally the best series of Metroid out there. Most of the Switches games is shitty 2D pixel art platformers and I am glad the new Metroid isn't adding to that garbage.
I'm fucking PISSED.
I didn't want a fucking Prime game, Nintendo. A wanted a real, traditional, back to basics Super Metroid sequel.
Fucking Other M killed all interest in this franchise. FUCK.
Nintendo can release something like Federation Force, have it BOMB, and still fucking pump out the next one. They don't care about their fans, the REAL Metroid fans. All they care about is appealing to that Halo audience.
Fuck Nintendo, and FUCK Prime 4.
>That "Art"
Wow so edgy.
Pretty sure Sakamoto killed 2D metroid.
>lock on is only ever done through a third person perspective
yeah, no
Shut the fuck up Caladez.
Suck on your Nintendy's long wrinkled tits a bit longer you ape, you fucking savage
to be fair, it's like asking for a final fantasy tactics 2 and getting final fantasy Dissidia
>no u: the post
Thank God we Prime fans had a victory today. I was not looking forward to a shitty, nostalgiabait 2D, linear, "bomb all the tiles" Metroid game. Not yet, anyway.
Yo idiot. Federation Force was a Prime-style.
>Other M killed all interest in this franchise
Keep thinking that sweaty
Why does it matter who makes it. I still had the experience of playing a brand new 2D metroid. Doesnt matter who makes it, and nintendo didnt shut down anything, cant delete it once its been released.
No, fuck you for being reasonable and appreciating games for their merits instead of blindly supporting one or the other.
Metroid needs to be strong as a brand if you want to ever get a 2D game. I recommend you buy as many copies of it as possible.
0/10, didn't even try.
I'm happy fuck you I've been waiting for years nigga
Maybe the metroid series just isn't for you then.
>mfw a fan does better job than Nintendo
They are lame.
Nintendo should have canned the Prime series after Federation Force flopped, and that was the game Primefaggots were begging for
I hope this amount of baiting goes away after a week or so, but I know Metroid threads are doomed to this shit for years now.
Epic one, sir! I'll be sure to respond angrily and assume your opinion denotes the opinion of fans of the Prime series!
Nintendo can manage to make shitty Kirby games every fucking year on every platform but can't make a 2D Metroid. This pisses me off so much
maybe you should kys
you can't just hijack a series from fans who who've been here way longer than you
Nobody knows where to go after 5. Samus has crazy Metroid powers, she's being hunted by the galactic federation, Ridley is really really really dead and the Space Pirates were completely and royally fucked.
Maybe you should walk through a bad neighborhood naked covered in BBQ sauce
Why because i'm not crying like a pissbaby over a game not getting an entry the exact way i wanted it to? Smashfags have more integrity than you faggots
>another game of this
>Why does it matter who makes it.
Because Nintendo's Metroids were of far better quality than AM2R. And aside from Zero Mission, they were entirely original games.
>I still had the experience of playing a brand new 2D metroid.
No, you played a fan remake of an old game.
>and nintendo didnt shut down anything, cant delete it once its been released.
The dev was planning to add more content and fix bugs post-release, with the shutdown that never happened. The shutdown also means no one else is going to bother making something like that in the future.
Let's be honest
If they had the technology back then, Metroid would have been a 3D fps from the start
>think the year matters
it completely invalidates what you said
so yeah it matters
No bait. 2D Metroid has potential, but they have never been really good. Decent, yes. Great, no.
How does that musty old milk taste? Can your teeth filter out the hair and debris?