Ninten-drones on suicide watch after all that nothing
I'll play Odyssey just for that Pimpin' Boweser
I got everything I wanted from that E3, enough shit coming out this year for the switch to keep me entertained and knowing pokemon will be coming to it in the future ensures that the console won't fail with the masses like the wii u did
all that NOTHING?!
i think you mean all that disappointment my friend!!!
m8 that mario game looked sick
>Pokemon main line confirmed for switch
>suicide watch
Nah, you are the one on suicide watch and the faggots who said switch was not the 3ds succesor
xenoblade 2 confirmed not only to have shit art but shit VA's, that was literally the only thing i was excited for on switch because the first game was so good and X was such a fucking failure
>being so mad Nintendo won E3 already and hasn't even covered the 3DS stuff in the treehouse
I'll get everyone of the games they showed except for Yoshi...lol fuck off. It's too bad I can only play most of them on Switch.
>Pokemon mainline claimed for switch
Fixed it for you, they literally didn't have anything
Microsoft and Nintendo doing mostly the "releasing in the next year" approach, while Sony shows off things years off. Which approach is better?
Pretty happy I'll be buying a switch with Mario a month sooner than I expected though
there's a new Pokemon game every year, what are you saying? That it won't come out? lol
>Buying Xenoblade Chronicles 2: We made it a bad anime
It gave me enough reasons to buy a Switch
I'm more pissed off because Mario Odyssey is just Warioland without wario.
Just confirming that it is coming for the switch even without saying when will be enough, once it drops the masses will eat it up ensuring that the switch will be a success
>Kirby game already
Isn't it a little early for the console mark of death or were they just not ready for Wii U to kick the bucket that quickly?
X is better than the original by a country mile
Mario learned the ability to MINDJACK
>There's a new pokemon game every year
Exactly, this announcement was literally nothing but "please get hyped for something that you know nothing about because it doesn't exist yet because we know you'll buy it like you always do"
How often do I need to read retarded associations like this in my lifetime?
They can't show off a new gen when they are releasing new games in the current this year you mong
but it's on switch bruhh there's gonna be something new in it I swearrr
>Metroid coming back from the dead
>mainline pokemon
>Mario Odyssey
>Pimpin new Kirby game thats basically a combo between his two best titles.
Damage control is out of this world.
They probably have something very beta running already but nothing you can display on a conference, unless you're fan of programmer art.
You mean like Mario and........
Well, at least it will run on a resolution superior to a CRT television this time.
Nintendo won so hard they made everyone else look like amateurs.
If you have nothing then say nothing
Sony or Microsoft would never have gotten away with that
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
This is why they're getting shitter and shitter
>Odyssey has no lives, only coins
You ps4cucks are making yourselves too obvious
Let's just hope they bring their A game. The last pokemon game didn't have the best pokemon designs.
Pokemon. They can't show the next gen of Pokemon if they aren't done releasing in the current gen
Game is all about exploration and discovering shit on your own.
So many casual fucks WILL get stuck
Well, given the fact they were hiring 3d modelers in march as well...
But it was not for you, was for the japanese publishers.
You see, if nintendo is not willing to call the switch a portable and treat it like one, the switch don't get things like rune factory, so now it is baptized as a portable, and in theory it will get portable japanese games now.
I'm still mad Spider Man has been delayed and Death Stranding and TLOU 2 are 2019
Sony was even worse with Shenmue 3
Hmm, I can't decide if Nintendo won or not. Sony and Ubisoft were more interesting and hype, but I liked the most games from Nintendo and Nintendo did nothing to piss me off. I could definitively say that Nintendo won if it had a showstopper surprise, but there wasn't any of that. I was hoping to be sold on a Switch this E3. This conference brought me to borderline, but I can still wait for Metroid Prime 4, Mario Odyssey, or Mainline Pokemon. But who knows, Treehouse might have some special stuff.
Overall I might be able to say Nintendo tied or just barely won E3, but it didn't save E3.
They could bring their f game and it'll still sell by the truckload, pokemon was the one IP they needed for the console to move, they should have focused on this instead of the new sun/moon though but I guess it gives us something to look forward to
Yeah m8 SSU totally killed the DS
They did literally show nothing, despite what fanboys ITT say.
We know half of the games they announced this year won't come out for years, they will be constantly delayed just like most Nintendo games. Expect 2-3 games a year on the Switch.
>They can't show
Then they should have shut their fucking mouths
But they didn't, because they know Nintendo fanboys will lose their minds over something they already knew
It looks better than Xenoblade 1 and X. It might be too moe for my taste as a Xenoblade game but it looks miles better than potato girl from X.
You know nothing about death stranding besides a nondescript poster
Why would they not say anything about it, the announcement alone will push some people to buy the console when they wouldn't have before as they are ensured that a new pokemon rpg will be coming for the console
if another developer just showed game titles with no gameplay Sup Forums would be all over it screaming NO GAMEPLAY SHOWN LMAO, once again we see it's okay when nintendo does it
the winer before nintendo was ubisoft.
do you seriously want to subject yourself to that just for the sake of console wars?
Yeah because there's always a mainline Pokemon on Nintendo's home consoles right? Not like fans have been asking for one for almost 20 years.
>2-3 games a year on the Switch
You say that like it's a bad thing
>It will push some people to buy a console
>For a game that is has so far only been announced by word of mouth
Of course there's going to be a Pokemon game on it, any one with half a brain already knew that, this was a blatantly disgusting marketing tactic
Not really, people were saying Sony won from Shenmue 3 and FF7 Remake when they didn't show any gameplay.
What was more show stopping in Sonys than Metroid prime 4? I'd say that and beyond good and evil 2 are the only real showstoppers this year
>Nintendo's home console
Nintendo doesn't have a home console anymore, neither do they have handhelds, they have one fucking thing, did you think it wasn't getting a Pokemon game before they told you so? Fucking moron
Why shut their mouths? I'm buying a switch now because of it
Why are you so angry about it? It's not that obvious, Wii u didn't have one, and Wii got battle revolution
Metroid Prime 4 is all I wanted. Hopefully we'll get to see it in action next year.
This Mario Odyssey gameplay is pretty cool. The city area doesn't do anything for me, but everything they've showed after leaving there seems neat. I like the little 2D segments, kinda reminds me of A Link Between Worlds.
Because you fell for it
You did exactly what they were trying to make you do
Buy a console for something that won't be out for "maybe a year"
They actually said "Maybe next year"
Which means 2019
It wasn't obvious outside of pokken as we haven't had a actual pokemon game on a console since xd and that was a far departure from the normal games. For all we knew they could have come out with another ds and still not released pokemon games for the switch
One of which wasn't even funded at the time(and still isn't for the real full game). The ponies are so defensive
Remember when Nintendo said they were only going to be showing titles releasing this year? I guess they realized they have literally nothing to release this year and were forced to show things that most likely won't be released until 2019.
It's obvious because Nintendo has made a huge deal about merging their home and portable consoles into one, meaning all games will come out on just the Switch
How can you not piece this together?
>He's a Nintendo fanboy
Ohhhhh, you're 13
And now you are sure.
THe last two months several, several, several,several people said that switch would never, ever, EVER get a mainline pokemon game, that it was WiiU2, that the best you could hope for was a colosseum etc..
Now those are dead and buried.
It is WiiU2
You're really bad at quotes, he was implying over a year away, aka holiday 2018. I almost bought a ps3 for the last guardian, I am glad I can actually trust Nintendo
Those people were idiots and so were you for listening to them
Nintendo made so much noise about merging their home and portable consoles into one thing that going back on that would have caused way too much backlash for them to risk
For me, Monster Hunter and Marvel vs. Capcom were Sony's offerings. Plus those cute 3D platformers. I expected Metroid and they didn't do anything to hype it or show anything about it. If they did it properly and showed gameplay, Metroid would have been my game of the show. With that said, Sony was a big disappointment to me as well. They didn't even have a major surprise reveal and just ended on the same Spiderman they announced last year. Beyond Good and Evil 2 was a neat announcement, but it felt like a very far cry from the first game. Particularly with them constantly saying "fuck." That was uncalled for. In fact, I noticed that obscene language was vastly overused this E3 in general.
>that lunatic trying to claim they WON'T make a new Pokemon game
I didn't "listened" to em, but sadly, idiots around em did.
So why it have games?
It's not coming out next year, if it was they would have said it very clearly, they stayed vague because they like money
>I can actually trust Nintendo
The self-delusion is real
Or continued with the 3ds or even gone mobile; black and white 2 came out on D's long after 3ds was out
I didn't see one of those, but there are quite a few that claimed that they would make it for "the true successor of the 3DS!".
This true sucessor of the 3DS will live for years and years.
I think you need a time out, Timmy.
Sup Forums is full of retards, you retard.
True, i'm just glad this confirms nintendo is standing behind the switch and are putting all the games they can onto it and aren't going to pull a wii u again
I've been watching e3 for 13 years. I have xbone, Wii u, ps4 , and pc. Pokemon continued on DS even years after it was succeeded. This announcement was no worse than Sonys lies
Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that Metroid Prime 4 exists? If Retro is making it, it almost has to be good.
Shit animation, and they showed what like 3 seconds of gameplay and the rest was Cutscenes i guess i know where nintendos priorities are
Monster hunter and MvC are multiplats that were already known about though