Ubisoft WON

>AC Origins
>Beyond Good and Evil FUCKING TWO
>The Crew 2
>FarCry 5

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Not even Norwegian, or white for that matter, and that pic makes me sad.




>Diversity prequel
>Shitty racing just buy forza or GT
>kill the white man open world shit


we wuz vikangs

Vote Vote Vote

So it's bad when immigrants assimilate and identify with their host nation?

>freaking out over dark colored pixles in a game

How the hell do you retards handle seeing actual women and minorities in real life?

>Beyond Good and Evil 2
>by modern devs, let alone modern Ubisoft
Yeah, I bet it's gonna be great.


They shouldn't be there in the first place.

So did the original game shit for brains.

Hell Jade ran a fucking orphanage filled with many different species of kids.

And what I am supposed to see here? What is the context of that hand sign?


>What is the context of that hand sign?
it was from a movie made in a school in Sweden to fight islamic racism. It's a muslim sign "Allah is the only true god"

>what is the context of the hand sign
Literally Isis...

Proofs. For all of that.

One finger held up is what ISIS uses as their "thumbs up" while genociding everyone else.

Muslim invaders "who totally aren't ISIS supporters" also use it.

Again, proofs.


are you living under a rock or are you a leftist denying there is a video clip made in sweden that praise allah?


The hand gesture
>The hand gesture is part of the the tawhid which comprises the first half of the shahada, which is an affirmation of faith, one of the five pillars of Islam, and a component of daily prayers: “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”



Yes, they're filthy subhumans that should all die.

There is literally nothing wrong with black protagonists in video games.

>One finger held up is what ISIS uses as their "thumbs up" while genociding everyone else.
It's a generic Islamic gesture.

>What is the context of that hand sign
That there is only one true god - Allah. They point up every second they do something righteous and cry Allahu Akbar(Glory to Allah).

This post goes against my narrative therefore I decide to ignore it.

>tumblrs asking Sup Forums to leave in 3..2..1..

Uh oh

Sup Forums can stay
nu-Sup Forums cucks like (((you)))rself need to leave

Nothing better than a community where monkeys grotesque fat pigs, and black people can live in harmony

>The Crew 2

AND it's used as a non-religious "I'm number one" gesture as well.


Meanwhile in Nazitendo:

>Boy has blue clothes, Girl has pink ones
>Boy has armor, girl has skimpy suit
>Both are bodyable cis gender AND white
>Boy has to rescue the girl in the trailer
>Ancient civilization iconography but no black people, the fathers of civilization

Why is this allowed?

I mean Sony is a Jap company but understood the value of the diversity and the black superiority, why Cant Nintendo do the same?

Doesn't seem like they live in harmony in BGE 2. The original was comfy as fuck but this one looks like it's gonna be a lot more edgy.

Our forefathers are rolling in their graves

>The sequel to BGaE is an online prequel that pushes multiculti propaganda starring a nigger

There is no point in looking forward to games anymore

>a lot more edgy.
You meant more badass, right?

>Far Cry
>ever good

you suck

Depends on the minority


its bad when I go on vacation to norway

I want to see tall blonde men in funny hats not random african migrants. If I wanted to see africans I would go vacation to africa

immigration ruins vacations

Why are liberals trying so hard to turn western civilization into the Middle East/Africa? Do you see that shit and think "Damn, I'd really like to live in one of those brown shit holes surrounded by those animals but I just don't have the money for a plane ticket"? Is that it? Because I can buy you a ticket.

Non-Europeans cannot and never will understand European culture or identity.


>Diversity means brown
Why no East Asians?

>traking arrows and eagle drones lmao
>beyond 2
>prequels lmao
>crew 2
>nobody cares
>farcry 5
>dude memes lmao

I thought Red Skull was supposed to be a villian

>thinking that can beat two metroid games and a new kirby game

I'd rather they promise a good game.

Proofs. I've met many non-whites in Europe who have assimilated so much they're just as shit as the whites surrounding them.

dele this!

A belief that society should help the less fortunate and a need for cheap labour to keep the average age of the population down. The hope is that they assimilate and western civilization does not become the Middle East/Africa, which we're ostensibly saving refugees from.

The best villains always start with the truth. It's called "ratcheting"

they don't do that in Europe

The Nintendo shilling is strong here in Sup Forums

Then why aren't you supporting efforts to get them to assimilate?

Everyone needs to go back

Yeah, you're doing yours proud by shitposting on Sup Forums.

Seems like a cool guy


I am supporting efforts to kick them out of here


>a game with different aliens
>actually diverse, nothing is shoved down your throat

>before they showed anything, "how do you do, fellow kids" dyke starts talking about a "multi-ethnic" and "multi-cultural" society
>(((diversity))) is their actual aim, not the game itself
>chimp with an obnoxious chav nigger accent

Impractical. You'll never find enough support and the determinated will get in anyway unless you have a soldier every ten feet along the border.


Because it destroys the actual human diversity that we have. We're talking about small countries with comparatively small populations, but each with their own unique culture, language and history.

The current level and kind of migration that is being pushed on Western countries right now, will destroy these unique characteristics that have developed over hundreds and thousands of years and leave us with nothing but a brown hodgepodge.

And don't tell me: Oh you're exagerating the problem most people are still white anyway, because it only shows that you really haven't looked at or understood the numbers that are available for all to see.

Europe's native population is shrinking while Africa is exploding in population over the course of this century, which means the number of Africans pushing north will only continue to increase. If the European people don't develop a desire to fight for their own survival, they will be demographically crushed over the course of the next 2-3 generations and it will truly be the end of Europe as a cultural entity.

I know he's supposed to be the bad guy, but i unironically can't see anything wrong with what he's saying, ESPECIALLY with that last panel. Is it supposed to be morally ambiguous? Or do they really think this is an evil speech?

If a speech like this is supposed to be evil, you've gone off the deep end.


Fuck off Sup Forums

No wonder Cap joined Hydra.

>Western games.
Thank you Nintendo for staying pure.

Ever wonder if the entire europe will end up a desolate place just like africa or muslim countries?

You're right.
But there is something absolutely wrong with caricatures who are nothing but a big bundle of easily exploited walking stereotypes being used as a feeble attempt to boost dwindling sales.
If some all black devs wanna go make blaxploitation games then, shit I ain't gonna stop them, but this shit here? This shit from E3?This is to representation what Ikea is to furniture - cheap shit.

>le cuck fantasies


There is not a single country in Europe that is less than 75% white, I believe, and most countries - even Sup Forums's boogeyman, Sweden - are cutting down on immigration. Besides, if you can get immigrants to assimilate - which you won't do by ostracizing them - you won't lose those things.

Blaming bankers and politicians is universal across the political spectrum. Nobody, from Marxists to Nazis and everybody inbetween, likes them.

>>Beyond Good and Evil FUCKING TWO
So what? They get to win whenever they decide to allow us to see this game they announced several years ago and should rightfully have shown at prior E3s and already released?

If you agree with the assumptions - that all refugees are criminal fanatics - you'll agree with the speech. You're not meant to agree with those assumptions though, it's just a very well written villain.

Sup Forumstards are really pathetic, all least neo-nazis do something about what they believe in the real world, Sup Forumstars are just LARPer nerds and keyboard warriors that don't even get involved in real political parties they just shit post in their containment board or hidden behind anime avatars in Facebook and twitter (the ones I have the misfortune to witness don't even dare to show their faces), they unironically believe that trolling equally retarded tumblr users, what they call 'meme war" , means something in real life and unironically expect things to happen or change according to GET numbers


Literally did nothing wrong

you are amusing

I'm sure your post will give them an epihany.

>There is not a single country in Europe that is less than 75% white, I believe, and most countries - even Sup Forums's boogeyman, Sweden - are cutting down on immigration
Except those immigrant families have lots of kids on average, whereas western birth rates are falling...



Not correct. Some may get through, but it's not difficult to find them and execute them.

Eww they all look so disgusting

Immigrants in the west have less children than their counterparts in the middle east. If you can get birth rates up though - and I doubt it - it would severly reduce the need for younger immigrants to maintain an ageing population.


And how do you find them? Just shoot anyone who looks foreign?

>I've met many non-whites in Europe
where? in england?

Immigrants can't "maintain" an aging native population. They can only replace them, which is why this is a bad idea.

like pottery