Best skin ever

Best skin ever

dat gyno

I like most of the new Youtube millenial memes but idubbbz is fucking shit.

Porn when?

Those hips tough

Nintendo be tryin to turn us gay


Can he even look like more of a fuckboi?

aready happened, now they need to undone it

Link is still early in her transition, don't be a shitlord.

I'm not gay, but I'd fuck Link's ass till I nut, maybe make out with him a little.

No homo tho.

t. gyno cuck


>no homo tho

why are straight guys so gay?

It's called Roman Straight, it's only full gay of you're the bottom.

Fucking feminine males is a very ancient tradition from all over the world and dominating other men used to be seen as manly

but would you give him a reacharound?

So am I supposed to dominate Link or be dominated

Like this one?

No, penetrative sex with another man would get you ostracized/executed/stripped of citizenship in ancient greece and rome.

looks gay

Yes I would dominate lunatrap

>sex is a battle of the wills
>my relationships all fall apart, wtf

But the ancient greeks were homos who molested little boys.

What about young boys then?

HAHAHHA those fucking shoulders


>molester little boys
god I want to live in ancient greece

Even Romans knew it was extremely gay. They just didn't care. They only cared about being dominant. If you want to fuck males you're gay, no matter what.

I want a buff xboxhueg natty bodybuilder Link now
When will they allow us to change his physique

I hate this ugly cunt for posting on /cuteboys/. Trannies are fucking nasty and should be burned.

I'm gay

trannies and the lazy admin killed that board

Sokrates was not sentenced for fucking young boys

>those hips
Thank you, god. His hips are so fucking wide he literally has girl hips in BOTW and I love it.

Why does he have tits in that image?

>can breed your kids

Okay but R34 when?

Weren't Roman soldiers encouraged to fuck each other to build better unit cohesion?


can't wait to get more cute fanart from the new costumes

>those hips


Mostly Greeks did that. Between the two the Greeks were much gayer, because they were civilized and understood that love only exists between males. Romans were still pretty gay though.

>Hyrule soldiers fuck each other to build friendship
>Link included
Ok, where's porn

Is that a new costume? Anyone have a LINK to the new ones? I'm sorry, I had to.

You guys do realize he only has that ratio because all his bodyfat is concentrated on his love handles and ass, right?

Greek women didn't get outside much, so they were overweight and pasty. Greek men spent the majority of their time in intense physical exertion in the hot Mediterranean sun forming bonds of camaraderie and brotherhood. Can you really blame them?

What's your point?

>love handles
He has none. He just has wide hips and a thicc ass from squats. Plus he's just naturally shaped like a girl.

"Jump down from the Great Plateau and say some gay shit"

Men are just inherently more attractive than women, no matter what their lifestyles are like. The female body is a disgusting trainwreck that shouldn't even exist desu.

He's shaped like a dude. He looks nothing like a girl at all. Get out of the closet, man.

>shaped like a dude
>with those thicc hips and thighs
I'm a lesbian.

He's shaped like literally every healthy guy his age. There isn't even a single feminine feature about Link, period.

I don't demand you not to be a gay, but dob't be a moron.
Link has girly features.
Look at this curved hips which are for women and talk again

>ey b0ss

Not that user but that's blatantly a masculine physique. Sounds like you really are in the closet and can't admit you want to fuck a man's body.

That's not the answer I was expecting

I just rechecked OP's image and you can see his love handles, it's what gives the fullness to the hips, bones alone would look less round and more rectangular.

Even females have that.

lol no. You're the one who's a moron here, user.

>being this retarded
Why are you in such denial that he has wide hips for a dude? It's literally the most obvious shit and many people commented on it. Stop being stupid. Are you two the real fucking closet cases here?

Everything about him is obviously and inherently masculine. Have you never seen a naked man before"?

>love handles
You have no idea what those are. Look at

They're completely right, you're the one in denial user. Link looks like a dude. Just stop posting.

bait or stupid. Link is clearly a man with a masculine body.

Link has no girly features. Everything about him looks natural for a guy. I think you hang around too many fat people, user.

That's a front picture, love handles happen on the backside, this is why you can see it in op but not that one.

t. fat ugly neckbeard
If your body doesn't look like Link's then you need to stop eating so much and go for some walks. He's the definition of masculine.

what is love handles?
If Link has them, that means I can drive him?

twink =/= girly

>All this talk of fat Link

>filthy frank cosplay
Wow so now nintendo is pandering to the eceleb crowd

>ywn have a link of your very own

fucking ew. women go in the trash.

His shoulders are as broad as his torso is tall

Hip bones only affect how large someone hips are by the front view, if a guy has no body fat in the area he gets that sexy apollo's belt starting at almost his back, the more fat a person has has in the area the bigger his/her hips look from behind. Females are much more likely to concentrate fat in that area which is why their hips look bigger from both the front and from behind.

New Tingle game never ever

Well have you?

At least post something good.

not enough link in this thread desu


Also here's a comparison in this picture he doesn't has love handles

fug forgot pic

Toon Link is cuter

In this one he does.

He has no love handles there. That's muscle and bone. Love handles are fat.

No, he doesn't. Learn the difference between an adonis belt and love handles.

>Broad shoulders
>Bazooka chin

Will the perfect trap ever appear?