He's not wrong

He's not wrong.

wtf i hate nintendo now



I agree

How is announcing work on a sequel to a well liked series bad?

You people are acting like they shouldnt have announced anything, at least now people can shut up about metroid never.

literally this

>posting a social media cap of some nobody
A bit desperate, aren't we?

people will never shut up, life its a shitposting cycle

opinions from the youtuber with a sex tape

not even kidding joshy cocks is a thing

How about this ? Or is it okay because Nintenbro does it?

Tthey only have like 5 games and some DLC between now and the end of the year for the Switch and they didn't even touch the 3DS. Worst showing by far.

>announcing development on a game isn't allowed until they can show stable, working, gameplay

why? point of e3 is to build hype for your platform/upcoming games is it not? everyone besides Nintendo and Ubisoft seems to have forgotten that this year, obviously gameplay is the best thing to show, but even just a logo is better than fucking N O T H I N G

I like how Josh went full contrarian once they stopped sending him free games.

Metroid will still be out before Shenmue, FFVII and Beyond good and evil

It's fucking confirmed for 2018, there are at least 5 big titles announced for 2018...

its not if you are able to show SOMETHING else

The problem is nintenbros are spamming ''nintendo won'' with a fucking logo, and aside metroid 4 the conference was a fucking shit

>It's a Twitter screencap thread

Check my 7


why is he white?



>It's fucking confirmed for 2018


Why are you getting paid to post here to stir up race bullshit?

No seriously though, go away shoo no one likes your race baiting.

It's sad that trips were wasted on this. Can't wait for the next E3 where they just show pictures and shit. You brought this upon yourself. I hope your happy.

Reminder: anyone who uses JC as a curse word is a trash tier human being whos opinion means jack shit.

Who is this delusional faggot and why should I care about his aids-tier opinion?

Literally who?

It will probably be out before FFVII
And Death Stranding
And SoC
Do I have to go on? :^)

>not directly addressing absolutely everything means you're a hypocrite

Josh stop posting things about yourself on Sup Forums

would you like it better if nintenbros were spamming golden face

I specifically remember people shitting on Sony hardcore for announcing the Crash remaster trilogy at E3 last year and not showing gameplay

this sexy hunk


>Putting words in his mouth

Literally fuck klumpf and fuck white people levels of inane screeching over nothing.

Don't show your product until you have something to show.

Nintendo didn't show any strong, powerful women of color with a strong and powerful afro.

Why is everyone getting so mad about Metroid and Pokemon not showing any footage? What do you need to see? You know exactly what you're going to get.

this is the guy who made those tweets. really makes you think huh?

>I want sjw meme filled games made by treehouse


A part of this anger is the creeping disappointment that they're so early in develpoment, they can't show anything and wont be out until like 2019.

platformers are goat you uncultured pleb

Really makes me think about sucking his dick

if a literal man-child doesn't like nintendo, then nintendo is finished.

So? It's been 10 fucking years since Prime 3. At this point I'm just happy it's happening at all.

This piece of shit is a Trump supporter and he is stupid as hell

>making games

It leaves us to speculation as well.

I'd be fucking down for an open(er) world fps metroid like they did with zelda's open world aspect.

>we're working on shit you've been asking
I mean, that's better than showing things nobody asked for.

Not even a Nintendo fan (haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Wii), but it's perfectly understandable why people are cool with this.

Mario looks better than Spider-Man

Yes he is.


Reminder that this would be okay if Sony had done it.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>New Yoshi
>New Kirby
>Prime 4

This is literally the best conference this decade. For Nintendo. Everyone else had fuck all.

>TheSaltBlock still salty he got blacklisted

Actually, it wouldn't have been. People complained. Nobody complains about Nintendo, it's okay when they do it.

wtf I love jt now

>new yoshi
The you say this as something good shows your nintendogaf fanboyism

>worse than 2015
The hell was he watching

is patrick, dare i say it, ourguy

>Nobody complains about Nintendo, it's okay when they do it.
Are people unaware about the threads they're posting in?

>Twitter screencap
>Josh Thomas

I'm gonna find you and stuff a cyanide pill down your throat

Woolly World was fantastic. This one doesn't look as good, but that's incidental.

>Nobody complains about Nintendo, it's okay when they do it.
You're complaining about it right now.

That's a 4 user much like the 4 at the end of my post. Go tell your Twitter friends I have returned.

Because most of the games shown at Nintendo's E3 are out this year? Mario, Splatoon, ARMS, Xenoblade Chronicles 2...

It's just a little teaser for Metroid Prime 4, and it was enough to make fans happy.

fuck off with this low quality shit posting

Josh is the biggest fuccboi of any Nintendo community anywhere. The worst kind of person. I can't believe I used to watch him 3+ years ago.

The show was only for Switch games you retard, they're revealing 3DS games through the treehouse

This, everyone was subpar this E3. Maybe a cool reveal here or there, but basically 1 per show.

Fucking Ubisoft and Devolver Digital won E3....That's how bad this year was.

Why does he look fat when he looks fit here?


Nintendo had new zero games to show.
MS had zero exclusives to show.
Sony had very few exclusives to show.

Sony > MS > Nintendo

I want god of wife's son instead

Eat your own shit

None of you fuckers know how Josh operates. He ONLY plays Nintendo games (thinks having multiple consoles is unhealthy), is currently tired of 2D platformers and does more than just play vidya.

It was good user

>mad noise reduction and air brushing
Fucking trannies

Remember when they announced The Last Guardian like, 20 years ago?
Remember when they like, showed a tech demo and a logo for FFXV sum eons before our time?
Remember how Beyond Good and Evil 2 had a trail sometime at the dawn of human civilization before they bait and switched us with a prequel?

Getting excited over a title and "please be patient" is the most retarded thing a mouth breathing individual like yourself can do.

Stop posting shit from this fag


>He ONLY plays Nintendo games (thinks having multiple consoles is unhealthy).

Is he retarded?

Y-Y-Yeah! They didn't have a c-cool VR showcase!!

Microdicked fatty. I've seen woman with puffy vulvas having bigger bulges than him.

I wonder if people magically forgot that E3 has always been mostly reveals and any footage is PC rendered crap??

In his profil pic it looks like that the wants to suck dicks

You're not fooling anyone.

Did you read the rest of my post?

>no youtube content creators

No shit. He wants to suck dicks all the time.


Maybe that's just your brain rationalizing your latent desire to suck his dick :)

>people are now pretending the rest of the E3 had FUCKING ANYTHING
HAH! Sony announced NOTHING! FUCKING NOTHING. Japanese games? FUCK YOU. FISHING GAME AND KNACK 2. Their second half of 2017 is empty as fuck. Not to mention Nintendo has tons of other games that are being worked on because Nintendo doesn't announce their games 8 years ahead like FF7.

Oh boy, it's Josh getting upset because Nintendo found his jerk-off video so repulsive that they gave him copyright strikes and stopped sending him free games. What an autistic retard.

I want to like this guy but he can be such a brat. Those fucking fashion videos he posted may be the gayest things I have ever seen in my life.

Give it up Josh. We all know you are in this thread. Hell, you probably made this thread.