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>melee counter

AM2R unironically looked better than this.

AM2R actually looks kinda better though.

If the official remake turns out good remake then I'm not even mad anymore. Nintendo actually listened to what the fans wanted for once, color me impressed.

AM2R is a better game. Maybe if this remake was on switch I could dig it but since it is ugly 3d on the shit tier 3ds it's worse. It probably doesn't even have any new bosses like am2r had

I'm very curious about this game. It's western made, by the guys who did the Lords of Shadow Castlevania games.

Those didn't review so hot.

>Stream just showed the boss fight with the ball guy
AM2R's version of the fight was far better, this is just embarrassing.

Counting you chickens before they hatch.
There's no way this is a 1 to 1 port, it's going to be a remake like Zero Mission was guaranteed.

Even though it looks alright, the fact still remains that a fan made game is a much more appealing game than the official source.
Nintendo was way, way too late on this game and dun fucked it up because of how little communication was spent on why they had to pursue legal action.
It's obvious now that they did it because of what they're working on now, but the damage is already done.

Not after the first one, no. And what talent MercurySteam did have (i.e. their artists) went full indie to work on some kickstarter shit.

That's what's making me worried. Like, it seems it would be a decent fit, considering they worked on Castlevania, but when you look at the nitty gritty at what they've produced, this might not be as strong a match as one could hope.

I don't know. Is Metroid just basically a western franchise now? What happened to the team that did the GBA games?

>expecting quality from modern Nintendo or if this guy speaks true mercury steam
It's going to be a 1 for 1 port and it's going to be shit compared to am2r

Guess that explains why the visuals are so bad. Graphics and art style aside though, what the fuck were they thinking with the HUD? Why is your health and ammo on the bottom screen?

>we get a prime 4 on the switch instead of a proper metroid game on switch

Sprites will always look better than low res 3D

>a remake
>a re-imagining
two different games senpai

but it looks like complete shit.

How fucking hard is it to make a fan game without infringing on IP?

If the Metroid name is the only reason people play it the first place then what's the loss in shutting it down?


AM2R was super fun, looking forward to AM2R 3D

AM2R is still great. Hopefully Mercury Steam won't fuck this up and it could be good. At least it's in the rightt direction, and not Federation Force spinoffs.

And Retro is probably (hopefully) on Prime 4.

I bet you didn't like the muzzle flash attack in Fusion, huh?

>Tell the public what game you're working on because another game exists
Nigger you're stupid

>Melee counters
>Trailer at the start showed QTE for the later metroids ala Other M's awful melee combat
Fucking hell.

Lowres itself can be good, but this isn't. It looks just as pitiful as Federation Force.

That was a Remake.
Nintendo is calling theirs a Reimagining.

I mean good for nintendo for remaking it in what is probably going to be a good game

but am2r was too good man, it's legit the second best 2d metroid. Ninty is going to play it too safe to surpass it.

These counters are incredibly Overpowered & scanning ruins the secrets

Please for the love of god have a hard mode to disable them

This definitely looks visually worse than AM2R.

I would have preferred a new game. Why can't they just make Dread?


AM2R was a great re-imagining. Looking forward to playing this one too.

Being on a 7 year old handheld doesn't help either

Judging fan interest :^)

>samus dying is the modern zero suit instead of classic
Fuck you nintendo

Maybe it'll look better when actually played, but I really don't like the use of colors here. I know they're trying to go for that comic book-like aesthetic from Zero Mission, but it just comes off gaudy.

>Checkpoints to restart whenever you die to a boss

We're literally seeing live footage right now that shows it's not a 1 for 1 port


Yeah nah, Id rather play AM2R

>amiibo support
Dead on arrival

>cinematic takedowns


Such a shame about LoS. They had something really good with the first game.

>Metroid 2 was my favorite Metroid
>AM2R was released
>now there is an official remake
I'm happy

That is kind of shit, but it's not really that far off from what Metroid 2 did anyway. It threw save points at you right before certain areas. AM2R did similar as well. There really isn't any reason to make players run through all the shit they did before because the game's save points are thousands of miles between things. It's just bad design. Real players won't even notice, because we don't fucking die to bosses.

>There really isn't any reason to make players run through all the shit they did before because the game's save points are thousands of miles between things.
The reason is to make getting through the area between the save and the boss part of the challenge, instead of the boss being the only challenge.

Did you even watch the gameplay?


I expect they'll both be good in different ways. AM2R is the faithful remake, while this one is a "reimagining".

What are you talking about? Did you mean Other M?


How is is this something to celebrate exactly?

it's very funny when you spend your entire fucking life making a metroid 2 remake

and then they try to shut it down when you're done

and then they make it themselves

and then yours is better anyways, and free, and not difficult to come by either way

They were not going to make a 2D metroid with 2D graphics. You know it. Specially in this fucking console.

AM2R was just Zero Mission with a Metroid II skin. This looks like a proper evolution of the series with a lot more work put into it.

Even if Metroid: Samus Returns is good (which it should be), AM2R will probably still stand up to MSR.

Except it looks uglier than AM2R.

240p 3D is a mistake.

You did not play the game. Stop talking out your fucking ass.

I do agree with you that this seems like an evolution of the series. The gameplay during the Treehouse looked like it took queues from Metroid: Other M.

Honestly I think it'll be cool. Even if I think AM2R will probably be the better game. pic related

>All Metroid threads are now going to be stupid AM2R vs SR fights.

I'm going to enjoy both and you can't stop me.

>The people who made fucking Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
>making a metroid 2 remake
How can anyone think it's not going to be shit?

Just a reminder with a bit of Game Maker knowledge you can now use AM2R's source code to make your own Metroid.

This brought a tear to my eye... This is probably how Doc64 is feeling right now.

Fusion had this weird blast effect when you charged your beam cannon.

It is a bit casualized, but it also looks solid. All of the monsters seems to hit harder and faster, so it does require skills.

I still think AM2R looked better and is a more natural aproach to an upgrade of the Metroid formula.

Oh my fuck.

This. Doctorm64 would have wanted it this way.

Who the hell honestly makes sprite based video games anymore that isn't the indies?

pixel shit cucks spotted. amr2 rehashed metroid fusion's art

It would be fine if it did that, instead it literally copypasted Zero Mission's art

In the trailer it looked more like the one that was playing wasn't all that skillful.

>expecting quality from modern Nintendo

BOTW just released a few months ago, faggot.


>boring empty world game with no true puzzel solving elements and worse combat
Yeah so good

Retro are working on something else, Prime 4 is worked by an internal team + Tanabe.

Yes, and? Your claim and my claim are not mutually exclusive. She was unskillful, but thats the reason why the gameplay leads me to believe you must be skillful on this game, given how each energy tank goes in 2 hits.


>evolution of the series
>took queues from the worst game in the series
Metroid is dead.

Why was it your favorite? It aged really poorly compared to pretty much every other metroid game.

It looked like a mediocre indie game that borrowed assets from other game and mixed in shaders that don't work at all with pixel art. It played damn well, but the visuals were not that game's strength.

and hell yeah we now have DBZ game from a competent fg developer now.

mvci is dead

Who are they again? You talking about the GG and DB Fighter Z guys?

If so those games aren't true sprite games.

>All of the monsters seems to hit harder and faster
And they give you a melee counter which is press X to stun enemies for 20 seconds, thus making it a fucking joke. The girl playing it in the stream was fucking terrible, there's no way it's going to be a difficult game.
Of course this is also putting aside that it being hard or not doesn't have much to do with it being good.

I don't see why people can't enjoy both. Nintendo has an official Metroid 2 remake, and fans can also play Another Metroid 2 Remake.

>mvci is dead
Did you check out the demo? Holy shit was it fucking bad.

Shit, I never knew that did anything.

>+ Tanabe

Metroid games typically aren't known for being that difficult anyways.

I've actually yet to play this and I'm a huge Metroidfag. I might get to it tonight.

You could call it Zibzab's Meme Dream, it wouldn't matter, they would still be infringing on the Metroid 2's level design

Well, he produced all of the other prime games + the new DK games so i'm not that scared.
I hope

Don't hype yourself up too much.

Guilty Gear isn't their only property, user. BlazBlue is still using sprites.

Not necessarily. Other M is shit but not precisely because of the combat, which seems what inspired the combat in MSR.

Look at the Treehouse you fat fuck, the game looks fun

The girl was terrible, yes, but that doesnt mean you dont need a certain degree of skill not to have your shit wrecked. The Zeta and the Gamma pushed her shit in just a couple of hits, even with the Varia suit. Metroid fans should have a nice tight game. Its not like Metroid was ever hard at all. Thats not the focuse of the franchise.

>Guilty Gear Xrd was developed using Unreal Engine 3, with cel-shaded graphics in place of the series traditional hand drawn sprites.

No developer does sprites anymore. I'd bet it is because it is seen as archaic. From a bygone era. Similar to lightgun shooters.
I don't feel like deleting the above since I took the time to look it up on wikipedia. Also that DBZ game clearly does not use sprites.

>Other M is shit but not precisely because of the combat
Other M's melee combat was fucking terrible.
>Look at the Treehouse you fat fuck
I watched the whole thing, it looks mediocre.
> The Zeta and the Gamma pushed her shit in just a couple of hits
She was literally standing in place or running right into the projectiles instead of jumping over them, and the projectiles are slow as shit compared to in other Metroid games. AM2R's versions of the same fights were much faster and clearly much more difficult.
>Its not like Metroid was ever hard at all.
It always offered a decent challenge. This just looks stupidly easy. Especially with the checkpoints on top of it.

AM2R did looks better at points, but 90% of the new sprites in the game looked terrible and very unprofessional, which is completely fine for a fangame, but can't really be compared to graphics made by actual artists in a positive light imo.

Remember that fucking jetpack chozo boss? it looked like it was out of a completely different game.

AM2R will always be superior. Also nothing will beat the stuff the dev added in like seeing the marines get fucked, or the timed explosion segment. Also the cliff at the top of the planet was great. The new 3DS Metroid game is by mercurystream the idiots that did the 3DS Castlevania games so DROPPED
>2.5D 30fps Metroid 2 remake
>from the developers of this pile of shit
Oh boy, I can't wait!
Same engine as Mirror of Fate, same slow-motion block-counter move as Mirror of Fate, same floaty movement, same 30 FPS lock with dips way below that (you can clearly see the trailer going sub 30 FPS multiple times) and most importantly, MercurySteam logo at the end.
It's trash..

Pretty sure most, if not all of AM2R's art, was original.

>(you can clearly see the trailer going sub 30 FPS multiple times)
Aren't they streamed in 30fps? How would you know if the game runs at 60? Most first-party 3DS titles tend to run at ~60fps anyway, and that might be a requirement set by their publishers.

>that trailer
What is with Nintendo and overused bloom?

>The new 3DS Metroid game is by mercurystream the idiots that did the 3DS Castlevania games so DROPPED
I wouldn't say dropped at all, but I am deeply concerned. ms made the castlevania game feel absolutely AWFUL, and I'm seeing some questionable things in the game already, sonar for instance. Definitely too early to call, but I'm worried.

Not him, but whether the stream is 30fps or 60fps, you could see the FPS dropping either way, because it's dipping below the standard. That's always going to be noticeable.

AM2R was worth it just for the amazing OST imo, and I loved it overall. It's one of those fangames that fits so well into the actual series, I sometimes forget that it's not official.