I dont get it? Why is Nintendo the winner?

I dont get it? Why is Nintendo the winner?

new games

because nintendo has the least bad, microsoft had a car, and sony was the worst
it's unanimous

What's bad about what they showed

They finally gave the fans what they asked for.

Also no movie games, western shit, or SJW crap.

>Pokemon Stars confirmed
>2 metroids
>Mario Odyssey
>Kirby with Combo attacks
>Cute yoshi
>Half the time as other confrences, showed more and didn't do a self jerkoff of themselves and how 'progressive' they are

Xbox was tough compition and Sony was fucking shit along with the others.

Nintendo wins

Because they literally flashed a new Metroid logo with nothing else.

That's it. It's that fucking stupid.

everyone else shit the bed horribly

the others were that bad

well not to mention the 2D Metroid game they're playing right now

it was a bit short

With no gameplay? lol.

It was shit but it was the least shit.

How the fuck is sony the worst when bethesda showed diddly squat and are bringing back paid mods? At least they showed two exclusives and revealed the new monhun.

Everyone else was pretty meh regarding announcements, nothing huge besides Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Nintendos show overall was -mostly- meh too, but Prime 4 is easily the biggest and most desired announcement at this years E3.

So they are the winner because no black woman, no nazi killing and no we wuz kangs shit?

>Actual games as opposed to movies
>Actual, live gameplay instead of trailers and concept footage
>The revival of series that actually has potential, instead pf just remasters after remasters

Gee, I dunno...

Metroid is getting redeemed. Maybe.

because they announced 4 games for a console that has currently 0

>nstead pf just remasters after remasters
>Metroid, Mario, Pokemon, Kirby



They showed gameplay for all but one.
Two if you count the casual Pokemon Switch announcement.

Nintendo fanboys are easily impressed. All we got was a fucking logo of Prime 4 and a very brief announcement of a new Switch Pokemon game. No gameplay or estimated release dates. They are both at least two years away. Nintenbros are so starved for games though that they salivate at even just the mention of a new game. Odyssey looks neat but we still know very little about the game and it comes out in a few months. They should have shown more of it.

Meanwhile Microsoft showed off a ton of cool things and Sony, while not showing very many new things, showed off a lot of gameplay and Monster Hunter World/SotC were nice surprises. Nintendo's presentation was really bad compared to Microsoft/Sony.

If they'd announced new IPs like Splatoon or Arms you'd move the goalposts.

arms comes out in 3 days or some shit

they still have several days of announcements to go, how is that short?

Uh, no sweetie, Nintendo showed the same things they show every year? Sony was best by far, they even have Monster Hunter, a former Nintendo exclusive.

It's not part of their presentation.

Psst. Those aren't remasters. The only one close is a Metroid 2 remake for the 3DS. And even then they're changing a huge amount.

Yeah, just like fishing FFXV minigames, remasters of PS2/PS1 games and spinoff of duvious quality.

All i want for a nintendo console is another good game like Terranigma, Chrono Trigger, Castlevania, Pilotwings or F-Zero.

Who gives a fuck?


they're not, Sup Forums is just flooded by infants with a hardon for Nintendo despite all reason

Are they presenting it?

Then it fucking is

So is Monster Hunter XX not happening or is that just my imagination?

Besides, Nintendo is still getting the non-westernized MH games (the real MH).

What did they give?

What did they show?

They didn't show shit. They just TOLD us they're making a new Pokemon and Metroid.

Sony AT LEAST had Spider-Man ffs. Microsoft had Last Night and uh Sea of Thieves I guess.

Yeah, a remaster or rehash is basically upgrading the graphics and maybe fixing a few bugs before shipping.

This is more of a re-imagining. Completely redoing the game from the ground up based on the old gameboy game's content.

Wow it's like I'm in 2014

But we've known about Spider Man for a long time. You might as well say Nintendo showed Mario if you want to go that route.

If you include Spider man, then Nintendo showed Mario

wow 1 new IP amazing

Because m$ was bland and sony dropped the fucking ball hard. It wasnt like they had much competition to begin with. Ill admit, I didnt think a 25 minute conference would be any better but the hype for a new metroid is more exciting than what anyone else showed off.

Glad we agree

Can we stop this meme already? It's pathetic.

E3 is advertising and Nintendo come out on top.
Sony is paying the price of pandering and you fucking know it.
Don't fight it. It will only hurt more.

>and Nintendo come out on top.

That is the part... how and why?
All of them did a bad job. Even nintendo.

By default?


Sony: We fucking suck and didn't release a single good game, we also ruined monster hunter series by making the gameplay... fucking terrible.. and casualizing it for a western audience. DUDE ZOMBIE BEAR LMAO

Nintendo won by virtue of being not-complete-fucking-shit and even then their big announcements aren't going to be playable until Q4 2019

devolver digital is the true winner you bunch of shill shits


>push up = big tits

virgin detected

Yeah, okay, I can admit I'm biased as fuck towards Spider-Man. I still don't see how Nintendo made the cut.

They were all shit but I'll give Nintendo props for streaming an aftershow straight after their announcements to show off gameplay and interview the directors of the games. It would be nice of that were more common for every conference.

>nintenbros complain when MH gets upgraded and improved in every single aspect

Honestly, you are completely retarded

Because it caters to my tastes while the other shows didn't!

Fanboys wont let it die.

>Pokemon Stars
>Mario Odyssey
>anime tiddies

I like both but Sony was trash this year, along with everyone else. Monster Hunter is multiplat.

Besides Odyssey Nintendo was trash but with great promises, making it slightly less shit.

Did you see the fucking gameplay of the game. Graphics aren't everything that matters dude. When you upgrade graphics then add "press 1 button to jump on giant dinosaur's back and kill it instantly" it's kind of a bad tradeoff you dumb fuck. Monster Hunter series is cherished as being ridiculously hard, punishing, deep combat system. Not walk up to dinosaur jump on its back and kill it instantly.

Monster hunter is also on xbox so that's not a win for sony.

i dont understand why people refuse to crown microsoft as the winner. sony had a decidely mediocre conference and nintendo was meh

imagine if Nintendo didn't annouce so many games leading up to E3, shit would be a lot more crazy

I guess they wanted to host the arms tournament and have the booth be themed for mario odyssey and stuff.

If they didn't announce arms until today, that game would be FUCKED.

like 5 months in and a lot of people still aren't sold on it. You think 2 days would be enough?

I am just happy that sony didn't win.

What part of
>E3 is advertising
didn't you understand?
The whole point of E3 is to be better than anyone else on the show, it isn't doing a good job.

But there's more.
Sony couldn't possibly fuck up so bad after the success of PS4.
This whole E3 show Sony's limit. Western tropes will bring you sales on short term but will eventually erode your brand on the long term.

it wasn't even that cool a car.
the GT40 was rad as fuck, but porsche looks the same every time. If they put the previous model there, nobody would have even known.

its a video games press conference

they could have put a honda civic out there and no one would know

That awfully designed T-Rex didn't even die retard, have you seen the trailer holy fuck. Having more options is somehow bad now? I'm sure as fuck it will still be challenging, but you will have better controls now instead of that shit you forced yourself to like. It's an improvement in every way. It's a shame you can't get it on the switch though

>That thing you wanted? We didn't do it. But now we double do it. Are you happy?

Fanboys wont allow xbox to have a win.

car people and video game people have some overlap.

Are you gay?

...you can see her tits overflowing from the bra

They didn't user, it's just the usual ninten-drones shills raid

trying too hard

They announced actual video games and not more "games are services" platforms.