Where were you when MH was ruined to appeal to casuals? There are no core monster hunter elements left in this game...

Where were you when MH was ruined to appeal to casuals? There are no core monster hunter elements left in this game. A fucking grappling hook, machine gun, auto monster tracker, dumbed down combat, and gimmick environments.

>we want the cod audience
But if course it's ok when Sony does it!!

Other urls found in this thread:


Go play the old games then I'm tired of playing the same shit over and over

No combat was shown, relax.

>gimmicks etc
No they're new mechanics. If this shit had the word Zelda on it people would be calling it GOTY
>all of a sudden monster tracking is somehow a big deal
Yes because paintballs and a minimap are such a core mechanic to completing the hunt. Stop complaining for the sake of it and just enjoy vidya

The colors looked a bit washed out

>auto monster tracker

Did you play the other games user? It was the easiest thing to have a fucking monster tracker. And even if you didn't have it, you could just run through every area in the span of a minute to find your hunt.

As for the other stuff, I don't know yet. It looks a hell of a lot more natural however, and I for one, want to play it to check it out.

Where were you when MH was ruined to appeal to casuals? There are no core monster hunter elements left in this game. Fucking climbing, Insect Glaive (wtf?), instant monster tracker, dumbed down combat, and gimmick environments.

>we want the cod audience
But if course it's ok when Sony does it!!

Looks like the shills have entered the thread.

>everyone is retarded but me

I'm just glad they try to do something new
they missed the ball with underwater combat in mh3u
the verticality in mh4u was pretty good
MHX made the game laughably easy with the styles, and really annoying with the required prowler missions
I'm just glad to see a MH game that doesn't require me to buy a console, MH3U is literally the only game I have on my WiiU

Hey I'd be salty too if I bought a Switch just for MH.

Since when did MH become the next Madden and Fifa?

I mean for fucks sake even those games had to evolve to stay fresh. I've played MH since Freedom Unite and while Generations was a stupid fucking cash grab this actually looks GOOD.

>when Capcom can't even afford to localize MHXX

Keep dreaming

Sup Forums is SonyGAF so it can't be helped.

Dillusional beyond belief man

Where were you when MH was ruined to appeal to casuals? There are no core monster hunter elements left in this game. Fucking swimming, Switch Axe, charms, dumbed down combat, and gimmick environments.

>we want the mmo audience
But if course it's ok when Sony does it!!

I'm a skeptical longtime fan as well and while it certainly seems this way we really don't know for now, they didn't show the core MH gameplay but that might just be for the sake of a flash trailer

>inb4 they don't bother to localize MHXX, or any future traditional Monster Hunter titles, in favor of trying to push the new dumbed down World series in the west so they don't confuse the stupid gaijins who are their new target demo

It hurts

I hope they fuckin destroy MH's old shitty combat system.

Tedious trial and error fights are cancer.

>Hurr, go kill this enemy.
>Whoops, it 1-shot you. Now learn to avoid that.
>You got it down to 50! New mechanics! 1-shot!
>Alright, now you've learned the choreography for this shit fight after dying twice, you get to move on to the next fight that's the same bullshit with new moves!
>BUT WAIT. To survive the gimmicks of this new fight you have to craft armor out of drops from the LAST fight!
>Remember that enemy you got bored of fighting already? Now you have to go back and kill them 10-50 more times for drops just to craft armor to do the same to the next boss, and the one after that, and the one after that!

This is a more tedious, boring, and worthless gear treadmill than even an MMO would have.

If you think raiders in WoW are retards for farming the same fights every week and wiping 20 times on each new "progression" fight before moving on and repeating it on the next boss, you must admit that MH game design is even worse.

So tell me, which monsters need a spot in for this game to become a mustplay and do you hope for any new monsters or subraces?

Looks like World is just for you.

The grappling hooks is a great addition especially if its any whete near as good as it was in Lost planet 2.

The west hates bright colors, that's why they like black characters.

>all of the original mechanics are present in this



I've been playing the games since the first MH, and I much more like the general style and look from what was shown of this. I hate the stupid flashy anime style the newer MH games have and how over-the-top they seem with butt fucking retarded monster designs and all the rest, hopefully this one isn't like that. I am however a bit worried the actual gameplay will be shit, especially with that batman detective mode we seen.
But who knows, it was a first reveal trailer so I'm gonna keep an open mind, but I'm not keeping my hopes up

>They're adding new things to this installment of Monster Hunter!
>What the fuck?!?

Why are you pretending lile your first MH wasn't MHX?

>First monster hunter not on a sony console since P3RD HD
>Its now a 'cinematic' experience focused on QTEs and enviromental hazard damage

Monster Hunter Divine Old One here with over 600,000,000,000,000 hours of game time beginning with the Devil May Cry 3 demo and leading all the way up to secret dev builds of the latest Monster Hunter test rigs, having acquired the speedrun records of every hunt under several alias as well as having found the perfect stun chains for ever monster before hammers were even cool, and having been the first one to solo many high ranking hunts, and who still to this day hones his might on secret Taiwanese pirate servers to continue the multiplayer tradition of the very first Monster Hunter for endless farming Rathalos Rubies, and I'm not even talking about Edo Tensei Rathalos. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Rathalos either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Rathalos with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Fatalis DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu, just like when in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table, here.

Game will probably be okay

Does this mean we cant start Monster Hunter threads by making fun of casuals anymore

Fuck those were fun

>when dragon's dogma sells well you gotta copy it for your biggest cash cow

>A fucking grappling hook
Allows them to develop great environments like that dense forest while still making it traversable.
>Machine gun
Already in MHXX as a hunter art.
>Auto monster tracker
>Dumbed down combat
[Citation needed]
>Gimmick environments
I'd rather have gimmicks than a boring circular arena.

We still can, we can make fun of you.

>buying a console for something not even announced let alone released
Could someone please explain?

>I'd rather have gimmicks than a boring circular arena.

That shit's already in the previous MH games. Remember those Dragonators and Wyvernators you could only trigger once per 20 minutes? Yeah.

You want me to explain stupidity to you?

Im fine with that

What's your favorite monster user?

the last good mh that therell ever be is 4u,anything post that is/will be inevitable garbage,so get that 3fu 4u ps2 and psp versions and be done with the franchise it was good while it lasted lads

I'd like to say Dalamadurr, but he's only good for one fight when you don't have your bearings.

So gonna have to say Barioth. I fucking love those fast motherfuckers, and the armour looks sweet too.

Finally i can play it. MH has always been too unfocused with the slow ass grinding and farming

Yian Garuga is cool and edgy.

We have barley seen anything yet. Also what do you mean
>no core core monster hunter elements?

I'm on board with everyone whose giving it a chance until we see some true gameplay.

All we saw is brief glimpse into some new stealth mechanic, we barely saw any combat.

Now the important question.
PS4, Xbone or PC?

Why are people trashing a game that#s had a few minutes of footage that's entirely scripted anyway? Most of the stuff that's in there is even in other games so I don't see the point in getting mad already

>inb4 shill
The core elements are confirmed to be returning, HBG is basically a machine gun in XX anyway, Psychoserum exists and the grappling hook probably serves the same purpose as mounting

b-but it's cool because it's not on switch

>I can't deny they're correct so I'll call it bait!
-Sup Forums for the past 3 years


>comparing a hud feature to an item you have to sacrifice an inventory slot

Why are you guys crying so hard, MH has always been a series for casuals who like grinding more than fun games. The first two that made it a hit were on PS2, and then they moved to handhelds. They're just shitty little grinding simulators for chinks to play together on the train. I bought the original MH when it was only a year old and what I saw last night looked a thousand times more appealing and like an actual game. I'm excited for it. Thank god Nintendo isn't holding the series hostage on their shitty underpowered handhelds anymore and it can be a real game again.

PC easy.
Just think of the nude mods. For Rathian.

I believe he got easier in MHX though; he doesn't spam his stand up swipe anymore.

>sacrifice an inventory slot

Oh NO! What a great loss!

>being so bad you need a gorrilian Mega Potions, Honey and Herbs


I cannot wait to play monster hunter on the PC. Jesus christ.

>same set up when revealing 4
>no hud, examples of new gameplay elements, title
>this is bad now though

nintenbros can't stand it's not on their tablet desu.

it used to be tigrex, but I feel he got too easy when they added the exhaustion mechanic

Just come to the realization that every franchise you like is going to be shit on eventually pandering to braindead, shiteating retards who never once paid attention to it.

>MH threads used to be started by ironic shitposting that the game is too hard and doesn't handhold you enough
>now MH threads will be started by actual shitposting that the game is the too hard and doesn't handhold you enough, now with more BTFO consolewarring bullshit

analysis of the announcement trailer
lots of old mechanics still in game
speculating on some of the newer stuff
going slowmotion on short scenes and seeing some interesting shit


Lao-Shan Lung if we're talking in general, just because of the scale since I love me some big/huge monsters in the game

For the flavour it's Teostra just because of how the jaw click it does actually works. MonHun Biology is neat

>so desperate for exclusives that you have to cling to a multiplat
You've fallen a long way from Bloodborne.

>pandering to braindead, shiteating retards
Monster Hunter has been marketed to these people for like ten years though. It was always just a psuedo MMO where you spent 900 hours grinding for a new hat or some shit. The games have hardly even changed despite the first one being released like 14 years ago, lol. You're basically complaining about Dynasty Warriors and saying "this new one is just for casuals and other retards!!! It was always a good series until (insert company, probably Sony) ruined it!!!

>no fucking triangles everywhere
>smooth FPS
Like why did MH release on the worst fucking platforms?

PC, only reason not to would be because you can't.

>Shitposting is now valid criticism


>Complaining about 4U because of mounting
>Complaining about X because of Styles
>Complaining about MHW because of a few gimmicks

Don't let the "long term Monster Hunter players" fool you, people spout this kind of shit with every new game that comes out and the game still ends up being pretty good

PC, I got a high end pc so there is no point In playing on shitty consoles if its not portable, plus I don't have to pay 50 pound to play games online every year.

>MH threads are now filled to the fucking brim with people who don't give two shits about the series and have never played any of them, and are just consolewarring like the pathetic shitstains they are.

I think people on both sides should hold their opinions until gameplay is shown, but for the love of god stop trying to act like you know fucking shit other than what's been parroted already.

>HBG is basically a machine gun in XX anyway,

That was an LBG in the trailer

>completely change all the core mechanics of a series to the point where it's unrecognizable
This is literally DmC all over again.

What if you have friends you want to play with on consoles? Optional cross play would be cool.

Can we at least agree that the shift to consoles is a good thing? Fuck the 3ds control scheme, that made my fingers ache for hours. I literally couldn't play it for more than an hour and a half at a time it was so bad.

The animations looked pretty good.
Having played a few Korean MH MMO copies I think it'll stay pretty faithful to the original series.
I mean there already was mounting and shit so really it isn't a big surprise that they add a few more things.

I primarily play fronter, so it doesn't bother me. But I can understand your pain. Luckily the switch isnt region locked

Really? It looked pretty fucking recognizable to me, someone who hasn't played any of the games besides the first, within literal seconds. It looked like a Monster Hunter game being made on hardware that can actually support a good game and not a handheld meant to just play grinding simulators on public transit.

>Gun as big as the person
>Clear segment for where it folds to be sheathed

It's very much a HBG.

Any actual sources or are drones STILL pissed?

Huh? Nintendo controls were comfy and ergonomic as fuck. Maybe you have manlet hands which is why you prefer small part controllers.

Dude anyone could tell it was Monster Hunter just by looking at it in the first couple of seconds and the core mechanics are still there, just with added gimmicks on top. Absolutely nothing in that trailer didn't fit with the style of Monster Hunter other than the washed out colours

>A series where you couldn't attack and move at the same time for quite a while

Maybe if the series wasn't straight fucking garbage from the start, I would have actually considered playing it at some point earlier on. This new one looks like it's actually good and it features combat mechanics that should be in any game like Monster Hunter. I might actually have to give it a try now.

>any actual sources


Why are people complaining? This game is exactly what I've been asking for, since I'm sick of them being on nintendo consoles. Its for PC, looks gorgeous, has dynamic and seamless mapping, indepth envirormental gameplay, and has new monsters/world. My childhood can finally be recreated.


The hate for this game is just shitposting at this point

>tfw too low IQ to enjoy Monster Hunter kino edition
i dont want to use the environment bros.... just let me gangrape a monster with my 3 buds in a flat plain

>Monhun Biology
>Nakarkos eat Ceadeus babies but Ceadeus eat Nakarkos

Fuck I want past elder dragons in World or future installments

If you need a party to kill something then you already fucked up.

>3ds controls are comfy and ergonomic

I had to buy a fucking grip for it because even the nu XL sized one was too small, and even then the fucking little nib is a piece of cancerous shit.

The Dualshock 4 is bigger than a 3DS. Probably same with the Xbone controller too.

What are you even talking about, all we saw was a cinematic trailer. Jesus you people just love to hate on everything.

>2016: Monster Hunter is the best. NEVER EVER Sonybros!!!

>2017: Monster Hunter is fucking casual, I'm totally not bitter about getting ANOTHER port from a 3DS game I already have.

You guys are the fucking worst. I'm looking forward to it, DB master race.
Enjoy playing this new installment on the Switch.

Nintendofriends are just upset that they won't be able to play this game.

I'm excited for the things that they can do with invading monsters in a game like this. Like instead of having scripted quests where an Elder Dragon invades they could have it happen at any time based on the ecology of the monster and where it's likely to show up.

Thinking about things like that makes me look forward to the game quite a bit actually

>playing MH on your controller of choice

No they weren't. It's awkward and terrible on the same level as kid icarus uprising.

>Monsterhunter for casuals

Sounds like my dream game desu. If not wanting to play Farmville to be able to make traps, just to increase the chances of some faggot monster dropping his uber-rare item by 4 % makes me a casual, then pour that Mtn dew baby.

I just remember playing MH on the 3ds with my buddy, hunting Rathalos like 20 times just so he could get his ruby, with me getting it on the first attempt. So fucking tedious.

That's just regular rape, not gangrape.
And now don't give me that
>he can't gangrape alone

That Xbone pro controller is literally the best fucking controller ever made. Is heavy, feels fucking great, and you can customise a lot of it.

Unfortunately it costs an arm and a leg, and I still haven't bought it, since I don't have the budget to spend on that kind of luxury.

The only thing that matters to me.

every single time i ask for a source when someone says anything about this game i get ignored. I don't know where people are pulling their information from.

Been doing this for years.
And it's oh so good.