
>shows a bunch of casual shit for morons like everyone else at e3
>Sup Forums claims they won something

>>Sup Forums claims they won something
I guess other companies are something.

speak english

"win someone" can be used as "defeat someone".

butthurt deluded sonynîgger detected
even the normies like twitch chat agree that Nintendo won
with little to no effort

Nitendo makes games, the rest just makes pc/sjw propaganda everyone is sick of

no it can't, you ESL fuck

casual garbage is casual garbage, it doesn't matter who makes it

Well, they owned the other companies.

have an arguement instead of just spewing the world casual every other word you faggot

Nintendogaf doesn't even need games to claim they won, just logos

not even one game looks even remotely difficult. it looks like babby shit because it is.


Name one (1) non-casual game from this E3 (ee three)

oh rattigan!

maybe xenoblade chronicles 2.

>bunch of casual shit
like those QTE, press X to do awesome Spiderman?
OR casual of war, the last of my wife son's?

DBZ is probably the only one. Not sure about Code Vein or Monhun world. Need to see more of those

but right now it's just dragon ball fighterz


learn to read, drone

>shows a bunch of casual shit for morons like everyone else at e3
>shows a bunch of casual shit that their audience actually wants

No wonder everyone agrees that Nintendo had and is still having the strongest presentation.

I guess flashing lights and pyrotechnics on stage don't make games more outstanding and memorable.

yeah im stupid

2d metroid looks hard though

I'm not a Nintendo fan either (not a fan of any company really, I just play good games wherever they come from), but come on man, enough pretending.

I know baby casual le mfw, end your existence retarded muppet.

he's a criminal mastermind, what did you expect?

who are you quoting



>casual shit for morons
>sony's big reveal was spiderman-arkham complete with QTE spam
>microsofts big reveals also on PC

PC was the big winner of course by proxy.

games > movies

its only because the nintendo fanbase is loud as fuck, even if they're the smallest majority on this site


>things that didn't happen

One of the first posts in a Nintendo thread I just came from was "WE WON!". That guy is right.

>that guy
Anyway, that's not what I'm talking about.
>sonyfags trying to piggyback off PC and Microsoft
>sonyfags acting like they are in league with anyone else after having the worst conference

>That guy is right.
Dude, even Xdudes are applauding this. There's no reason to be bitter.

They probably did win but it was a race between a turd sandwich, a diarreah sandwich and a giant douche.

What should worry nintenbabies is that the first e3 after a new console is released should be the strongest, Nintendo relies only on first party and right now the only exciting exclusive is Mario Odyssey. At this pace we will get Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon released for the switch and the new nintendo console

> /$0nyn1igg3rs/ believe Call of Duty isn't casual

How deluded can one group be?

learn to read, drone

t. bottom of leaderboard in every match