Oh look
Other urls found in this thread:
It's honestly a better remake.
Mercury steam is awful.
>Nintendo took down the fan-made metroid 2 remake so they could make a metroid 2 remake
You are all very upset over Nintendo taking AM2R down, but look at it this way.
They knew about AM2R's development.
They had every opportunity to send a C&D order before AM2R was ever released.
Yet they didn't. Only after its release did they do that.
Meaning Nintendo was fine with Nintendo fans enjoying a Metroid like game, but at the same time had to protect their own remake project.
You are literally getting the best of both worlds now, and yet you are still upset. Why?
Sorry but nintendo did do wrong.
Wheres the pokemon fangames?
Wheres the nintendo power magazine archive? I wanted to read that!
>Wheres the pokemon fangames?
There's billions of them
Wow, really makes me think
And uranium?
I can understand the aggressive position they had against AM2R now, BUT the cat is out of the bag now, and the fan remake was AMAZING (in a few aspects the best 2d metroid to date), so now they have very big shoes to fit in, and i doubt they will. The fan remake not only remade the game, but fixed a lot of it's worse flaws while maintaining the strengths and adding SO MUCH MORE (new areas, new bosses, new mechanics and new story bits), and having incredible atmosphere and make every metroid encounter unique in a way (jump scares, platform heavy, closed spaces, etc).
I am happy with both new metroid titles right now, nothing will change that, but when the game releases i will not be pushed around to give good regards about the game JUST because it exists and i want to keep the franchise alive when i have played such a beautiful piece of fanmade love. This game will have to earn my compliments and AM2R has set the standard for remake really, really high.
I'm not angry at all, i am thrilled and feel a little guitly for shittalking nintendo for neglecting metroid (or maybe not, maybe that was what made such resurgence), but while i am glad they exist, they will have to stand on it's own when the time comes.
Their actions to AM2R were perfect though, wait for release then take it down and i apologize for nothing, since i understood their position even during the time it happened.
This is right.
No one thinks it's odd that AM2R was well known for years, but it only gets taken down AFTER their 1.0 release?
It was intentional.
Was never taken down by Nintendo
The devs pussied out
>but at the same time had to protect their own remake project.
There was no need for them to take down AM2R to do this. The idea of losing their product if they don't defend their trademark is a myth.
You forgot to mention that AM2R looked far better. These 3D graphics are shit, not just as a matter of quality but also in art style. Hell, Prime 4 will be the 3D game, so why not have this in 2D?
google it faggot, it's everywhere
Agreed, we got the best of both worlds. A remake that was 'faithful', while also fixing the major flaws of the title. And now a complete re imagining of the game, new engine, new moves, new ways to explore.
Two separate games, complimenting each other in ways we could never have expected. How could anyone really be angry after this? Nintendo LISTENED! You hear that, a company listened and now it is up to us to make sure it SELLS and we continue to get amazing Metroid games in the future.
AM2R will always be superior. Also nothing will beat the stuff the dev added in like seeing the marines get fucked, or the timed explosion segment. Also the cliff at the top of the planet was great. The new 3DS Metroid game is by mercurystream the idiots that did the 3DS Castlevania games so DROPPED
>2.5D 30fps Metroid 2 remake
>from the developers of this pile of shit
Oh boy, I can't wait!
Same engine as Mirror of Fate, same slow-motion block-counter move as Mirror of Fate, same floaty movement, same 30 FPS lock with dips way below that (you can clearly see the trailer going sub 30 FPS multiple times) and most importantly, MercurySteam logo at the end.
It's trash.
>glorious HD sprite graphics vs shitty 240p 3ds
Tough choice really. I'll play the 3ds version but even I know which one is better
I'm going to buy both games, but that doesnt mean i will like it, they still need to earn that, both MP4 by not being as weak or worse than Corruption and SR by being being as good as a remake AM2R was, even if in different ways.
I have come to accept that professional 2d is dead, companies just think is too much of a hassle compared to 3d, either be time, money or even lack of staff, 2d is overall too complicated for big fat company cats to choose over 3d. 2d will now forever be relished to indie market.
>Nintendo take down smb1 level maker
Mario Maker gets announced.
>Nintendo take down A2MR
Metroid 2 remake gets announced.
>How could anyone really be angry after this?
Because I want a new fucking game. And I don't want shitty 3D graphics, and I especially don't want fucking MercurySteam making it.
One is a remake and one is a completely new game re-imagined.
DIdn't Sega pull a similar thing with that Streets of Rage remake?
I mean, except for the part where they released their own
You can still play am2r, wtf is your problem?
>takes down smb1 maker
Source? I mean. You can probably do more with a smb1 level editor than with mario maker
Someone make a new F-Zero game, then Nintendo can take that down and reveal their own too.
This though. I'm thankful it got released, but it's still a retarded corporate move. As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo is still a shitty corporation just as much as any other.
>new moves, new ways to explore.
Does any real human being say the phrase "new ways to explore"? That shit is straight out of a fucking marketing line.
>Fan-made version is beautiful pixel art
>Nintendo version is absolutely hideous 3d
I want to add, AM2R didn't get a C&D.
They got DMCA claims on the download links to the game after they released it, then chose to discontinue production afterwards.
I really don't know if any fangames got official, real C&D letters. All the ones I keep looking into actually got DMCAs and then chose to stop pushing it.
Im perfectly okay with this
because they hire soulless drones out of college
>fan version runs at 1080p
>Nintendo version at 240p
because 3d modelling is far cheaper to make than high quality pixel art.
This game legitimately looks like it's running on a Playstation One. Because thats about all the 3ds can actually manage to run.
This. Fuck new blood, fuck the kids trying to make their first game, only the old people who've been doing it for decades should be allowed to make games.
>but what about when thei retire or die?!
Then let games die with them so they'll stop being ruined by all this modern shit.
No I can't, it was taken down.
Wow, that makes too much sense!