We want the manlet audience

>we want the manlet audience

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Is that official art? Those designs are vomit-inducing.

I can't wait to change that horrendous outfit

Yes, it is.

Short guy x tall girl is best height difference

His pants trigger the shit out of me. I hope we can change our clothes in game.

>Those nonsense giant boots
>Those belts for no reason
>That shirt

Cucks under 6'0 playing this


Of coursh user, it is being made in Japan

We were able to in the first one, so why woudn't that be the case this time?

what's with monolith and shit character design?

this has convinced me to buy a switch, thanks for targeting your demographic nintendo.

>newfags not knowing that you can change your outfit in xenoblade games

actually I'm gonna play it for the shota ass

>This music

He got some thic feet

I've only played X, and not the first one

Everything about him triggers the fuck out of me.
Why does he look like he's 8 years old?
Why is his jacket so retardedly short?
Is he wearing a fucking onesie swimsuit under that thing?
Three belts? What couldn't he have achieved with one?

They can make good characters, like Dunban. This game seems to be a mess on that front however.

shulk being revealed for smash ruined the xenoblade franchise by bringing these faggots into the series, causing monolith to appeal to them with this artstyle.
I miss the days when I could discuss the original without "I'M REALLY FEELING IT" every time i breathe.

Girl is good, male should should be removed.

i wanna hold that sword

Whats this Stand's name?

I can see why you would believe that, manlet

Finally, a game just for me!

Were the outfits designed by a 12 year old?

Fuck, more and more I look into it I start to realize how bs his design is.

oh my god the game's character designs are so fucking awful, what happened to the artist from the first game

What Tales game is this?

Would be an improvement but her outfit still looks pretty retarded


Which character was done by nomura?

If the boy looked cute at least it would be nice /ss/ but they couldn't even get that right

I'm 100% liking this.


t. manlytears

Please confirm fashion armor. Let me transfer some of my tank tops and jeans from Xenoblade X or something.

No this a generic Xenoblade money milking nostalgia machine. That means 99% of the budget is on cutscenes with terrible voice acting. Gameplay and customization will not be found in this game. Wait till 2020 for Xenoblade X2


Good grief. This game can't come sooner. Think we'll get a track to rival "You Will Know Our Names"?

So the girl the sword, but she can manifest herself as stand like person for interaction?

I too have been convinced to buy a Switch, tits save everything.

Are you 14?

Whose the VA?

What is her name?

Okay, back in. Fuck the character design, but the soundtrack will be 10/10

Are you gay?

What is with manlet games recently? Shovel Knight does it too, even the expansion it has with Plague Knight.


I wish I would have saved more images from the last thread.


I hope she is.

Can't you read? 下地紫野

>Pants with ass opening
Now to just remove his shorts...


are you a faggot?

apologise to saitom

Nice argument on opinion, Neogaf-kun

Meant to

boner why jesus

Anime was a mistake

>feet aren't even level

Xenoblade /ss/

T-That's a pretty small skirt.

I can't wait to see Kloah draw stuff of those two.

What's under it?

Sauce pls

t. manlet

For you

razor blades


Being a 6 foot+ guy with an amazon fetish must be true suffering.


14 year olds always get so triggered when you point out that they're 14

I'm 28. Usually don't like fanservice too much, but I'm really liking her design.

>Dub is trash
>Character designs are hot garbage


I think they're hotpants

salty milk and coins


Lanklets will NEVER know the feeling of hugging a girl and your head getting pressed into her bosom.


You mean tall guy x tiny girl
The balloon tits are optional but welcome

Manlets are taking over, lanky. Better invest in shin guards, we're coming for you!

yeah i want to fuck both of them, so what

I'm glad someone else noticed it.

They're right though.

These designes are awful.

meh, i'd rather have sawano

sweet fucking jesus this track only gets better the longer it goes


They are

It looks ridiculous

So basically a small skirt


>Draw a shota
>Give him a grown man voice



Yeah, ridiculously sexy.

How can someone have a taro game avatar and complain about sexuality in a game?

I mean, I agree the designs are bad, but for design reasons, not ewwwwwwww, boobies, yuck.

MC's outfit would look good on a girl.

It looks ridiculous, I won't deny that. Maybe I'm getting to an age where I'm into fanservice again.

Good taste.