No point in playing this now right?

Other urls found in this thread:

The official is made by the lords of shadow devs and Sakamoto
So AM2D is likely still better

The legit remake is made by Mercury steam.
So yes. Yes you should play AM2R.

Music's great

Play them both. They're both another metroid 2 remake.

Looks like they are two different styles. AM2R is basically Super Metroid, the official one is more modern (3D graphics, 360 aiming, ...).

I just joined the live, did they mention AM2R at any point?

Are you retarded? What do you think?

Go back to bed Nintendo Legal Team, a fan made a better version of their game already.

It would only be polite, they handled this so awfully - plus the FF debacle - just so they could stick to the E3 reveal.

If I was a gambling man, I'd bet on AM2R ending up better than the M2 remake.


There was never a point in playing this derivative fan game.

Hahahaha, you're one naive dumbass.

>naive dumbass

Did you lost your way fro neogaf you nigger?

>Replace artist with Dev

But which dev?

AM2R might have had sprites, but this has better gameplay and soundtrack. Movement looks smooth as fuck.

from >Base game:

>Latest fan update: Includes new game plus, bugfixes, and a powerup randomizer mode.

>All these faggots bashing the fan remake because it doesn't have grorious nippon seal on it

Nigga I'm fucking hyped as fuck Nintendo are actually doing not one but TWO new Metroid games but you are seriously deluded by fanboyism. Fan remake is fucking amazing its literally a free game, go fucking play it right this instant if you already haven't.

Neat, thanks user,

>this has better gameplay and soundtrack

It honestly doesn't matter

Metroid threads have their dedicated shitposters, don't bother

>cinematic counters against the big metroids
>Machinegun rocketlaunchers

Wow, it looks easy as fuck.

Gorgeous 2d sprites> the ugly as fuck, ultra pixelated 2.5d they're trying to do.

Metroids rip entire energy bars though

Do I download this with megadownloader or torrent

One is the game, the other is a tiny patch

Did you not see how she died in like four hits?

Yeah, but the game is a magnet link, I don't download those, is it a torrent or mega?


More like
>cheat ez modo button built in that reveals all secrets and the entire map for like 30 rooms in each direction
>press X to awesome
>made by the people who killed castlevania
>killed clive barker
>killed american mcgee (who cares tho lmao)
>might be making prime 4

i can't believe it took them 12 years to announce a new metroid game, and 2 (even if one is a remake) but I am really scared.

I'll play both. Fingers crossed.

I don't mind the 3D or minor QTE shit, but Metroid is a surprisingly easy series to fuck up. I like the music and style right now.

Cautiously optimistic.

copy paste magnet:?xt=urn:btih:71c3dbdf9d7962c0cf359bea43ec99c8948ecac5& into ur torrent program

Ah, thanks, downloading it after I get a torrent thingy
Bittorrent or utorrent?

AM2R is extremely good, you definitely should play it

The scan doesn't seem any more busted than the scanner in Super or the hints that Statues face in Metroid Zero Mission.

Everything else seems like a valid concern.

I just want the new amiibos

About fucking time we got a good pose for samus instead of that dainty walk Other M one smash has


It's more of the fact that it straight up reveals EVERYTHING in a very, very big radius. If itw as just the room you're in and took way more magic juice, it'd be fine.

Play both.

AM2R was fantastic and I'm sure this 3DS version will be great too.

Go fuck off forever you underage faggot

Why wouldn't you play both?

Huh, I have AM2R_10 instead of 11 and remember downloading it right before it was DCMA'ed. Did the creator update it afterwards?

how dare you assume an upcoming game is gonna be good

Play both, they both are/look pretty fucking great OP. No reason not to try them both.

Yeah, he got one update out and then the DMCA hit.

It's a shame because he planned on updating it a lot more, had an updated soundtrack ready or something

Dude, they're going to be two different games.


Why couldn't it be an original game?
Does Nintendo think the average consumer really cares about Metroid 2? Or if they did that they wouldn't already be content with AM2R?

Metroid story, despite being generic sci fi 80s schlock is apparently impossible to write.

Fusion sort of ended all potential sequels.

Metroid has a story?

>food analogy
Why would you want two cakes if one is clearly better?

Just because one is inferior doesn't make it bad.

why would I want it? there are two of them. Why would I need two of the same thing?

Because you can eat both. Imagine it with smaller portions if you can't imagine enjoying eating two cakes.

nigga what you gonna do after you eat the first cake

Why can't he just release an update anonymously?

>because you can eat both
This is were the food analogy falls flat. We're not talking about food. We're talking about tangible things with infinite replay value. There's no hunger element, there's no eating element. The analogy sucks.

>infinite replay value

no point breathing
everyone's done it

one's devil's food cake and one's a carrot cake. Two radically different takes on cake. Where AM2R is a 2D only and MSR is 2.5D. They are almost entirely different.

What a retarded analogy. Everyone stop using analogies right now please

You can only eat something once. Then it's gone. If you don't understand this then by all means keep using food analogies.

The idea is that even if one is better than the other, there's still two good things to play or eat or whatever analogy you want to make, okay?

Why would I want something just because it's different? Sup Forums not understanding food analogies my fucking god

>the idea is that
Do you think I'm retarded?

Playing is pretty comproble to eating. Hunger is metaphorical for any sort of desire.

Unless you genuinely feel as though you could be satisfied with one game (as per your infinite replayability viewpoint), there is nothing worse about having two games. Even if they are similar.

>Sup Forums
>not only shilling Nintendo but also defending food analogies just because another nintendobroski used one

>I don't like food analogies because I'm a retard
It's not the food, it was never about the food, the food was always a metaphor for enjoying things

Look, I'm a fat American. Food analogies are my life.

>it was never about food
Christ this place is stupid.

Why do you care so much about this analogy?

Maybe you like what each has to offer. Look if you don't want to play a free fan game by all means don't. It just seems like you're being closed minded about this since if you like the 2D Metroid games, you should enjoy AM2R.