This is the graphics of a game being released in 2017.
This is the graphics of a game being released in 2017
Stay salty faggot.
Its 2011 hardware fuck off
and yet they win
nintendo truly shows that 60fps 1080p is just a meme
It legit looks like a PS1/Saturn game.
And it looks cool too.
This is a huge city on the Switch.
And yet it has better gameplay than 90% of the console and PC games of 2017.
Off yourself.
It's a good thing the Switch is here and this is probably the last time you'll ever get to make this sort of bait thread.
If it wasn't called "Metroid" then it would be shat on. It's ugly as sin. Sub-Unity asset flip in quality.
For you.
thats a skybox
tfw Mario looks like SA2:B and you can't help but cringe
Well, it's hard to fuck up a gameplay that has been almost the same for two decades.
Those legs are jarring as fuck.
2014 hardware
still a better metroidvania than Shitstained
Is this New 3DS only?
Overclocked 2011 hardware is not new hardware, sweety.
>Caring about graphics on a Nintendo game
Fuck off you piece of shit, it will be fun.
WHat's worse is that it's 2.5D. Doesn't just look like shit it's lazy. Do some sprite work you faggots all the indies do it.
>it will be fun.
>being developed by the same people who made that shitty Lords of Shadow game
more like 2002 hardware. 3ds is weaker than PSP
You can watch the fucking gameplay RIGHT NOW FAGGOT
>And yet it has better gameplay than 90% of the console and PC games of 2017.
And you know this how? Oh wait, you don't. You're just a cancerous fucking fanboy.
Watch the stream. It looks good.
N3DS isn't.
>it looks good
Uncharted looks good, does that mean it also plays good?
N3ds is still weaker than psp.
>all this damage control
Pc virginrace fuck off back to your walkng simulators
No it's not.
>if it has the name it must be good!
fuck off, it looks like trash and so does mario
Nintendo shills are the worst holy fuck
>Nintendo universally agreed by the entire human race to win E3
>Same damage control threads that have been spammed since 2005
Why are Sonybros always so angry?
It looks cool Imo
yes, it is
>This is the graphics of a game being released in 2017
At least it's releasing in 2017, unlike Sony's conference of 2019 games
cry some more, Igarashi
Because they remember when nintendo was good and lament having to move on from them.
it looks like Metroid Other M 2.5D cancer turd smeared over a 240p screen.
you have to be mentally challanged to get excited for this. no true Metroid fan, either of the 3D cancer or original 2D would get excited for this trash show.
>30mins spent on this at E3
You gotta be fucking kidding me
Nintendo fans confirmed literal shit-eaters who should be expunged.
Miyamoto confirmed to die in 2017.
more like 2005 hardware
Oh I see, so they're angry because all their cinematic experiences are so good.
>Nintenbabies every year claiming nintendo wins every e3
>Nintendo once again shows it is the worst company
Keep defending it nintenbaby.
Can you play as Zero Suit Samus?
Yeah, and?
No it's not, sweetie. ;)
Yeah, I really wish this game had a better art style, which is important to Metroid, since it does a lot to contribute to its atmosphere.
I unironically think it looks better than AM2R
no that's the switch
clockwork knight is the shit, your argument is backfiring
It will probably look better in higher resolutions.
>nintendo showed a logo
>and a game from the devs of "the game that killed the Castlevania series"
At least the focus is on gameplay and not QTEs like Sony and MS interactive movies :^)
Pretty much. A sprite-based game with pixel art would've been good. Hopefully this isn't the final build of the game. When does it come out?
I thought Sup Forums hate 2.5D
>It's ok if nintendo does it
Art direction > graphics.
Just look at all these modern games for high-end PCs that look completely bland despite amazing graphics.
>caring about graphics
Konami killed the Castlevania series, you mong.
I doubt it, the assets and backgrounds look super low-poly. This isn't Monster Hunter where you can tell it looks rougher than it should because of the resolution.
This is lazy cash-in console end-of-life filler.
It has 3D models. Of course it will.
>Posts a Saturn game that looks far worse
And the art direction sucks. 2.D ALWAYS sucks. This is as big an insult as bloodstained and Mighty number 9
melee counters is pretty much a QTE
Late september in Japan, by that or a little after that worldwide
>2D ALWAYS sucks.
wrong kiddo
The art direction doesn't look anything special either, which is why it looks so damn rough.
A game like DKCR looks so much better than this.
>Pretty much. A sprite-based game with pixel art would've been good.
You don't even know, my friend.
I mean, I know I shouldn't be complaining, since we ARE getting new Metroid games, but I just really wish they'd make the game look prettier.
>Hopefully this isn't the final build of the game. When does it come out?
September, so I doubt they're going to make any significant changes.
2.5D retard
DKCR art direction was ass, user. Tropical Freeze was a little better, but still has some of the same flaws as the predecessor. Hope it gets fixed when Retro finally reveals the third game
There's never been a 2D Metroid with 3D models, correct? If so, I imagine this is just something new that we aren't used to.
>He's a sub-level pleb who doesn't identify developers and their works
>Never played Castlevania Mirror of Fate for 3DS
>Didn't immediately identify similarities in the initial reveal of the Metroid trailer.
Even the gameplay segment displayed copy+paste mechanics from that trash game. Mirror of Fate gameplay felt bad and was bad. Story telling was probably the only good aspect of it.
This is how we know this Metroid game will be bad. Go play their comparative title.
>2.D = 2.5D
Admit your mistake and move on.
Mirror of Fate looked a lot better than this graphically though
They can''t play games because they don't have any, so they take it out on the people that DO have games.
Think about it: Why hate on Nintendo, which clearly slaughtered Microsoft, but ignore Microsoft? They're obviously jealous they can't afford to Make The Switch!
>mfw this 2.5D looks better than Bloodstained
I missed the 5 moron. I even had the dot. You should be able to have enough reading comprehension to know I mean 2.5D when I mention bloodstained and mighty number 9.
Not buying a 3ds just for this
Yeah, that Samus amiibo looks cool as shit.`
A bloodstained might number 2
They ruined Metroid 2
>Franchise with games coming out since 1986
>Somehow a new title automatically makes Nintendo win
Is that all Nintendo needs to win?
Yup game doesn't have to look good, just have the name.
It's a metroid 2 remake you sperg
Okay, I usually shit on Nintendo graphics capabilities but come on you faggot, it's a fucking 3DS, attack the WiiU or something you moron, you're just falseflagging to make us actual smart people look bad.
>this is the graphics
at least learn English...
> Starting to attack graphics of a machine weaker than the gamcube
> Still sold 10 times more than PS vita could ever sell
Are /s0nybr0z/ mad that the old king is back to challenge their hegemony?
Graphics look pretty bad but I'm still extremely hyped. Looks pretty fun 2bh.
xv-kun pls
>muh grafix
It's a 2.5d game on a console with weak hardware; what'd you expect?
Be happy we're getting a new 2d metroid at all.
lots of games do, i dont see the problem
>Clockwork Knight
My nigga