Witcher 4 announcement on Gamescom 2017

Game about Ciri, sequel of Witcher 3 (after him). Wait your questions

fuck off i want geralt

Source: My ass

>implying cdpr would split resources between two games instead of making one goty game

they're currently developing CP2077 and something else

doubt it's witcher 4 though

gwent card game?

will the gameplay still be terrible?

>people will still believe this larping shit after about a thousand larping faggot """leakers""" were proved to be full of shit this e3
jump into a grease fire you faggot

>playing any witcher game for the gameplay

wrong series senpai, dark souls is that way

Why the fuck would I want yet another medieval fantasy game, but this time featuring a mary sue as protagonist?

Jesus christ, just let them work on actually interesting projects ie Cyberpunk.

Then why is this shit franchise getting so much praise when it's lacking in the most important aspect?

story/side quests, atmosphere, graphics, music, characters, dialogue

not every game has to be dmc or dark souls

there wont be a ciri game

she can die in one of the endings

might as well just read a good book. then you can avoid eurojank and terrible gameplay loop.

She is a bit of a Mary Sue desu

explain this meme
i have seen it before
more than just a bit

I can't think of any times she's made a mistake or been bettered by someone but compared to Daenerys Targaryen (the greatest GOAT of all time Mary Sue) she's not that bad.

peecucks being hysterical over their almost-exclusive game

You have no idea the shit she went through in the books.

I just finished The Last Wish, what's the order now m80?

>announcing Witcher 4 when Cyberpunk 2077 is their main project atm

>thinking the ending labeled "Bad Ending" is canon

m8... I wouldn't even want a Ciri game. Her powers are retardedly OP if she focuses.