E3 Live Letter in 6 hours

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Reminder to kick any SAMs not wearing the Amatsu set from your PotD groups.


what is the live letter even going to have?

maybe focus on gameplay and in depth class changes?

Concrete potency numbers for theorycrafting autist, such as myself. Hopefully they nerf Hagakure down to 15 instead of 20 so it won't be so autistic to juggle Kenki.

Autistic questions from Summoners about stupid bullshit (worst players in the game), butt slider questions from Balmung (worst server in the game), and questions about planting citrus fruit or some shit from social players who don't matter (ever).

You can skip it.

Is that a motherfucking Rogue One reference?

who odin here

check a look

Hopefully after all the complaining WHM gets overbuffed so the new meta is WHM/AST. I don't even play a healer but fuck SCHs.

We will get both OF questions and "[Naoki Yoshida] discusses the latest information regarding the upcoming launch of Stormblood". I don't think we will get the full patch notes today, though.

>smn was briefly not good for like half of two raid tiers a couple years ago, please fix
literally every summoner

There will be a smattering of info, possibly a response to some of the outrage after the media event. I'd say it will be 75% fluff though, vids of dungeons/boss fights, some gear/glamour items shown, that sort of thing.

New servers WHEN

Patch notes today?

Preliminary maybe.

full patch notes will be during downtime like they were since forever
maybe they'll upload the preliminary patchnotes tho

I think I read tomorrow somewhere, but I'm not sure. I can't remember what they did for HW

>get hype for expansion and poopsock it
>there's not enough content to last for two weeks before the raid not to mention the extra early access time
>yoshi just tells you to go play a different game/log less hours

Who wants to start a new character with me pls

I'll most likely go play that shitty vanilla wow server if that's the case

what server?

How about start crafting, gathering, playing triad, finishing old content that you couldn't do solo before?

>DPS are a MNK and a MCH who don't AoE
>start giving Balance to myself to Gravity shit
>they complain

You'll run out of new things to do if you only level a couple combat jobs and don't do crafting, gathering, glamour etc. There will be enough to do otherwise. After I level my raiding jobs (healers) I'll have to farm primal weapons, do my crafting and gathering jobs, make a little money to maintain my gil cushion for moving housing plots, get some new glamour items, etc. It's enough to keep me busy. I also work full-time so I don't play 12+ hours a day except on weekends. I guess if you fall into that category you might run out of shit to do before 4.1

>omega is released
>6 months after, 4.1 is released
>its even worse than 3.1

I'll wear my redfly yukata and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>being a girl

I'm on Revenge of the Horde story content and got half my gear from the wolves den+POTD weapon will I make it before Stormblood bros?

>not telling them they dont pay your sub


Depends on how shit your group is during Final Steps of Faith, if you can clear that you can poopsock the rest of the story in one night.

>not wearing the groom suit and a fedora



I thought about it but I was afraid of getting kicked.

>tfw you're afraid of shitters wasting your time even more


Yes, Yoshida, and a majority of SE are huge fucking star wars nerds. Just look at 12.

I'm leaving the internet once you can download the patch on thursday. I don't want cunts ruining everything and posting dats.

I don't have a job so I'm looking at 15 hours per day. I'll most likely level a couple of classes but that's going to bore me fast. I want shit to do after I'm done with the story..

>third character
>just now noticed you could start taking the ship to Vesper Bay from Limsa right when you gotta keep going there in the MSQ
Seriously how can any other city compete? How is this fair SE? Do they purposefully want everyone to pick Limsa/Maelstrom?

>get FSoF the other day
>still wipe twice
>scratch by with only the MT alive at under 100HP
At least I was the last to die (SCH). Wouldn't have made it without my heals since I had to res the other healer at least once per try.


>we're removing Cleric Stance
>healers don't panic!
>*changes to DPS so I can actually have fun*

Get fucked YoshiPoo.

people will still spoil it in-game

I'll just change to the npc and system chat only.

And i'll avoid PF.

The main problem with Limsa is dat erry lubber be slammin ther gums like 'ey been hittin tha hootch at 'er blimey shores yadirggety.

Damage scales off MND now, it is a 10% nerf technically but practically it's a boost because you can min-max damage spells between heals much easier without le stance-dance maymay faggotry.

Are you literally stupid? Your MND stat will be your damage stat, so it's the same as switching it to int using old cleric stance.
Moreso, cleric stance now is a raging strikes for healers.

Healers will effectively do more damage than they've ever done in 2.0 and 3.0.


>been nofapping this entire year
>decide if I am one of the first lvl 70 Samurais on my server within 3 days I will indulge myself and order a hooker
now im motivated

Please stop using Dissipation.

That's the dumbest thing I've read today.
Enjoy poopsocking PotD for your hooker I guess.

There's no actual question thread on the OF, so either the statement they'll be answering OF questions is an error, or they'll be addressing hotbed issues that're frequently being discussed there.

In other words, White Mage whining.

>playing triad
>4* still useless and share 1 in a deck rule with 5*
It is dead till they fix that shit.

>tfw can DPS in PvP in 4.0 as Healer

>WHM wasn't meta for half of a tier
>"WHM was never good"
>rip WHM

>spending a money just to throw a hotdog down a disease-filled abyss

It's going to take 5-6 hours of potd from 50 to 60 with 100% armory bonus.

Stone 1 being available to every healer is going to be goddamn annoying.

Just go to a bar and buy drinks for any girl you'd want to fuck and odds are one of them will let you buy her enough drinks to pity fuck you, you're marginally less likely to get the herp and clap that way

Try to PF the new primals alone I can guarantee that will keep you occupied for many days. You might have a stress induced heart attack though

Oh shit yeah fuck that. Whenever NPCs start talking like that I just spamming Enter to skip it all. FUCK you Kojishit.

Not that user, but I order a prostitute at least twice a month. It's legal in my country and they're usually cleaner than normie sluts when it comes to STDs.

I also live in a third world country so they're really cheap if you have a good income. Think 7-8/10s for two hours for $100.

>ASTlogs is all that matters
I guess people want this braindead, cancerous gameplay.

THIS! Why can't people in a fantasy world just speak boring, contemporary English so us ESL gamers can know what's going on? :(

>some people tag their stuff on pixiv with ff14
>others tag with ffxiv

They speak boring, contemporary Japanese. Its only in the English version that try to be fancy.

What does the removal of toggled cleric stance have to do with 20% Balance? you're just baiting

I want to BULLY Lilybell

>fantasy world

A dramatic reading of the patch notes from yoship, translated by that interpreter who makes everything sound like a question


>playing dumb

Are there flower earrings in game?

>Stone 1 being available to every healer is going to be goddamn annoying.
Did you miss the part where PVP skills are now completely separate
Keep up

do not talk about my wife this way, thank you

old reward from one of the seasonal quest, pretty sure they're on the mogstation now

Shire earrings for heals vaguely fit the bill


hours left bros.


Found it. Thanks user.

There were some as an event item, they might be in the cash shop now for a couple bucks. Peach-blossom something iirc. The shire healer earrings the other user mentioned have a sorta Native American look imo, kind of like little dream catchers. They do have tiny flowers on them though if memory serves

>literally five hours

She's a shit translator.

I just realized I have to farm Gordian Earrings for every job now. Fuck my ass.
Not to mention my High Allagan Ring of Casting will go fuck itself on the Ninja glamour.

>third worlders can't read this

Legion > Shillblood

I heard english native speakers even find annoying to read shit like this because it's barely understandable, imagine not being a english native speaker, fuck Koji fox the hack

RIP WHM. Sleeping fools and knocking them off ledges was the best part of pvp.

Sheryl = Mikumo > Misa >>>>> Minmay >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> Ranka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Freyja

>grind more AP, the expansions

now with more shit writing and more pruning

Basara >*

You still have fluid aura, are you fucking blind

Shut up and heal, bitch. I'm trying to have fun here.

Accessories are getting "all classes" removed?

why are the graphics ugly? with that much money why haven't they updated graphic or do they rely on potato players?

>mfw watching all the Kirito shitters drop Samurai because "KENKI IS TOO HARD AND COMPLICATED TO USE" and "IT'S NOT LIKE MY ANIMU"

can't wait

Well that's good.

Good luck making them go anywhere close to the right direction without cc.

>is given addon support
>removes all textures from all UI

The only native English speakers who should have a hard time reading that are children or blind people.

Everyone else has no fucking excuse.

Non-native english speakers shouldn't be allowed to play.