This is what a happy, proud and profitable gaming company looks like.
This is what a happy, proud and profitable gaming company looks like
Is this true? Holy shit, I'm never buying another Insomniac game in my lifetime. I don't give a shit either, the only thing they've made that was noteworthy was Ratchet and Clank and that shit isn't even that special.
Insomniac's position on the immigration policy means absolutely nothing to me as a player/consumer. The fact that they feel the need to gather together and tell me about it instead of just MAKING FUCKING VIDEO GAMES is indicates a major issue with the industry in my opinion.
You make vidya games. Your fucking opinion on immigration doesn't concern me.
Why the fuck did they feel the need to make a video on how they feel about shitskins coming into the country?
>3 asians
>1 token black
>Rest is white
So much for diversity. Also, why are most of them dressed in dark clothes? Why do most of them have black or dark brown hair? Why do they all look so unhappy?
>no one is dressed weird or has a weird hair color
Wait... Why is this Sup Forums?
It's true. OP didn't even say anything bad. Or Sup Forums related.
This Sup Forums boogeyman bullshit is getting outta hand
>comments disabled
>ratings disabled
I don't understand. It's like they KNOW what the response is going to be, yet they still do it.
>Mixing work with politics
I want to hug the little old Asian lady.
whats worse than Sup Forumsv?
paranoid nu-Sup Forums. theres always one of you assholes.
Honestly by their faces it seems they don't care and were forced to make a statement by shareholders
Could you imagine a fucking cotton candy company making a video like this? We don't care about your political views, just make fucking cotton candy.
I hate that the gaming industry is fucking infested with SJW cucks.
I wonder how many of them secretly voted Trump and supported his new migration laws, but don't dare telling anyone at work, so they went and stood with the others when the photo was taken.
Most of them look like they've come from a funeral. Probably 1/3 of them agree with Trump but are scared shitless to speak up.
Hilarious vid anyway.
I am so glad they went out of their way to gather in an office to give this statement. The LORD knows there is nothing better they could be doing.
Spiderman will sell over 15m units, Insomniac will make a shit load of money and there is literally nothing YOU can do about it
>these people are responsible for turning Ratchet into a walking meme and run the franchise to the ground
I wish borders had been closed a long time ago.
This post is the epitome of everything wrong with Sup Forums.
Not the complaining about Sup Forums (though that's annoying too), but the paranoid, self-righteous bullshit.
I have never once been on Sup Forums, and yet even saying something like "Nigger" gets all these triggered replies like this.
Sup Forums has always, and will always be like this. If you don't like it, leave.
This was essentially me at my last job. I acted enraged when Trump was elected, but I voted for him and support temporary immigration bans under the right circumstances. Working at a tech company is painful as a conservative.
>The ABSOLUTE STATE of the western industry lads
yah, kiss their ass until you learn it's a batman skin
>Hello, my name is "Video Game Company". Let me tell you all about my political views and how we should do something about them.
What the fuck is even going on?
Why the fuck is this even a thing? I don't care about your politics. I don't care about American Politics. FUCK, I don't even care about MY OWN COUNTRIES politics.
I just want to play video games, then go to a website with almost unfiltered content and talk with anonymous people about these video games.
Why is my hobby being infested with this shit?
>this guy made ratchet & clank
>Insomniac used to be one of my favorite game companies
>Resistance holds a dear place in my heart
>But now instead of making decent games, we get stuff like this
this isn't fair
Why do developers feel the need to be political or shove their political ideologi in their games. I could not care enough to wipe with it. What caused this? I just want to play games without being reminded of shitty reality.
I don't know why all of you bitch about Sup Forums when the industry itself is pushing this political horse shit on you. Sup Forums is just the reaction. Why get pissed at the reaction instead of the thing causing it
It's to cull anyone who doesn't tow the party line. You out anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you.
>Constantly making this thread
I bet you don't even know what you're mad about anymore.
Pick another hobby, it's only downhill for video games from here.
You and me bro.
I don't give a shit about something that mainly something that exists on the internet. Keep it to yourselves.
In the end, it's just marketing.
"Look at us, we're doing this so you will talk about it!"
That's all it is these days, get people to talk about YOU.
Thanks to liberalism, you too can now feel like you live in a dictatorship.
Because the thing causing it doesn't shit up Sup Forums with threads full of autistic screeching about agendas and conspiracies.
>pay attention to us we're vry good people i wanna be the next Atticus Finch
You're powerless to lash out at the core of the problem, so you lash out at random people.
It's how humans work.
I like how everyone just disabling dislikes and comments. Fragile pussies.
Well Ratchet ps4 was shit
fuse was shit
ratchet a4o and ratch ffa were shit
resistance was shit
Right it just shits up the industry and DOES cause the online fervor against you see on Sup Forums you dense cunt
I don't give a fuck, Sup Forums's now nothing but pissing and moaning about the colour of pixels ad how it equates to genocide. Go moan about it on reddit. Fuck you.