What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Why do they keep changing Chris' race?
He was Mexican in RE6
He's Korean in MvCI
What's next?

>people unironically like the right side

Don't sit there and tell me it's not better.
I was never a big fan of MvC3's aesthetic but it looks better than whatever's going on with MvCI.

Spencer looks alright, he's just making a wierd face.

The others are pretty ugly, but still, it's not like you actually see their faces upcolse during game and the game looks good enough in motion.

The real problem is the roster. Did the trailer actually de-confirm the leaks? Zero and Black Panther weren't included in it, tho maybe it's just because they are both dlc?


chun and dante looks better, tho they are also use a more simplified artstyle

spencer and chris look just as ugly in both versions


Same shit happened to Ass Effect Andromeda.

Dante on the left looks like a meth addict.

Bringing realism to characters that aren't meant to be realistic, while also ditching the use of an art style.
Meanwhile, the older games looked better, because they had a unified art style, that made them all look good.

This is PlayStation All Stars level of models right here.

it's actually more faithful to his dmc3 looks

he looked buttuggly especially if you compared how good vergil looked.

>chun and dante look better

They're twins, they look exactly the same. The only thing that set Dante and Vergil apart in the original DMC3 was Vergil had his hair slicked back.

SFV Chun looked realistic enough, I don't understand why didn't they go for her artstyle.

Capcom is also completely dropping the ball in terms of advertising their own games with the characters (while Marvel characters purely fill this role)

Noone will fucking buy arthur/firebrand or spencers game but people could still still get interested and buy a bunch of copies of games like DMC4SE or Asura's Wrath.

Ryce always said he was missing one capcom character

Black panther is dlc

Yet somehow Smash and Musou games pull it off

Probably because they still cared enough to make the characters look good.

It's probably because of his facial expressions

Vergil looked fucking handsome while dante always had some stupid look on his face.

This shit feels more like an MCU commercial than a genuine MvC game. God I hate Disney Marvel era.

WTAF left looks fucking hideous, this is fake right?

>I'm retarded
Playstation all stars had good models.

I don't see why everyone is so disturbed by this. As a person that actually plays fighting games, this is basically a non-issue. The substantially more alarming piece of information we got was that it's 2v2. What the fuck? Why would you deliberately fuck with a formula that's worked for 15 fucking years?

Capcom Vancouver is what's wrong.

>>I'm retarded
You probably don't even know most of those character, so of course you wouldn't have a problem.
Here, let me refresh your fucking memory.

Holy shit, 3m i lasted with the demo what in the fuck they did with mahvel?

> 1 button spam combos
> jump feels weird and retarded
> no "comic feeling" and i'm not even talking about cell-shading

I would be lying if i said i knew more than 50% of the cast but who gives a fuck. The camera was so fucking weird you couldn't see them unless your eyes were literally attached to the monitor. Playstation all stars had way more alarming issues than the aesthetics that made it one of the least played games in the existence of "fighting" games ever.

There was also a 1 button spam combo system in MvC3. nobody ever used it though. In the actual release, they'll probably give you the option between normal inputs or the 1 button spam.

>1 button spam combos

You can deactivate easy supers and auto combos from the menu

You could still see their models in renders, cutscenes and intros/outros.
Even if it's not an issue, it could still be fix simple for the saying that "better means better".
We're talking about a game made by a literally who studio, with a weak budget, from a publisher who doesn't care said game, let alone, 60% of game series in it, that already seemed confusing enough in concept.
>but who gives a fuck
I don't know, me and >I don't see why everyone


Bad shading.

Realistic art style and color palettes don't lend themselves to more colorful designs.

Everything is too shiny.

Even the character select screen looks like shit.

How hard was it to just redo UMvC3?

We are all going to get Dragon Ball Fighter Z instead of this shit, right? Right, guys?

Dante looks like a character from Silent Hill, completely messed up.

I am not much of an ArcSys fan, but it's hilarious how they can make a MvC-ish game that looks 100 times better than the newest MvC.

I know, i am, best E3 game (not irony)

This makes me genuinely sad

You faggot they weren't going for DMC3 in MvC3. The ONLY thing your going to say is "BUT THE MOVES!" as your argument.

It's an OLDER (so DMC1) Dante with DMC3 clothes.


Those faces look like that new KOF on a budget.


You have never seen a Mexican or Korean in your life.

gaijin notto buy DmC Debiru May Cury, no okane left for artisto

this is so fucking sad


What's with Capcom downsizing their rosters nowadays? Even SFIV's vanilla version had more characters at launch than this "next-gen" MvC game.

Did Capcom just become lazy from being on top for so long or are they genuinely trying to become the Asian Activision to Konami's EA?

Yeah, but his face is still much better than MvCI Dante

Why the fuck are you people comparing Dante to DMC3 Dante, not 4?