Is this a good thing?
Is this a good thing?
I am open to new ideas from a new team.
Previous titles have shown that most of Nintendo forgot how to make one, so throwing new blood at the series could be what it needs.
probably a good thing for a series
Tweet have been deleted, so I dont think so
Definitely it is
Prime 3 sucked ass so I'll take it
It is neither a good or bad thing until they show the game.
It's Nintendo EPD.
you guys arent tired of metroid yet ?
Never ever
So what the fuck is Retro doing?
inb4 it's a bunch of people from BioWare Montreal
Retro itself was a brand new team when it made Prime 1.
What the fuck is Retro working on then?
The 4 stands for "wont be released for 4 years"
From Software???
Good, now Retro can focus all on the open world Dong
inb4 platinum
New Donkey Kong
If it's a new team with new ideas, why are they using the prime name?
This comment is hilariously retarded, the fact that you thought it was insightful only makes it funnier.
metroid prime was a terribly controlled piece of garbage.
no, it's not a good thing because nintendo could instead spend resources on a good (2D) metroid HD game.
LMAOing @ your life
You never know, a new team could end up being the best for a dead series
Nice argument you fucking faggot. You're hilariously retarded.
it's not argument, you said something dumb and it made me laugh, thanks for that.
retro was new once too, you never know what could happen
Sad thing is, you're probably right.
He's not wrong though. Prime 1 was Retro's first game. Where each individual developer worked prior to being at Retro is another matter, but it doesn't change the fact that Retro was a new development team when Prime 1 was released.
Yes. All the people that made Prime at Retro are now gone. It's better to hand it off to someone with new ideas. Prime 3 did pretty much everything we could expect Retro to come up with at the time. If they make it too similar to the previous games, people will wonder what the point was.
Do the things that were obviously done right, but fix what could be better. Like the fucking Spin Attack and also getting the Speedbooster in there. There is so much more that the Prime series can do and we don't want the left overs at Retro to just copy Prime 1-3 and call it a day.
You drunk, m8?
mass effect andromeda is made by new talented team too.
>talented new studio
It's going to be shit.
Just like mass erect andromeda
but it's literally true you autistic nigger
>hating on Donkey Kong
How does it feel to have the shittiest taste imaginable?
It could go either way, Retro Studios were a bunch of nobodies before Prime was released. We'll know for sure when some gameplay footage is shown.