What happened between Capcom and Nintendo? I thought the Monster Hunter team hated Sony?

What happened between Capcom and Nintendo? I thought the Monster Hunter team hated Sony?

Can't wait to get this on my XBONE, and XX on my Switch.

Are you stupid?
Capcom was making Monster hunter on Sony consoles not because they were contracted to but because it was easy money.
Then Nintendo contracted them to make a few Monster hunter games on Nintendo consoles.
Then Capcom went back to just make Monster hunter games on other console games.

I read that there will still be MH games on Nintendo with classic gameplay.
This looks like Sony was very desperate so they bribed them a lot and sweet talked them into taking this extremely risky move. But one thing is for sure, if this flops, Capcom will never work with Sony again.

>sony bribed capcom
>a game thats multiplatform

can you at least try a little harder when you shitpost?

They like money more than they hate sony

More like the other way around, Capcom is hurting for cash so they whored out the MH devs to Sony.

the bribed for keeping the switch out. Hence why the game is coming to the ps4 only in japan.

This isn't true. Capcom was contracted to only release on nintendo consoles for years. It was like a year ago when that contract ended.

Why would they hate sony exactly? Sony pretty much footed the bill for like 80% of their games these last 4 years.