Oh no

Oh no


nigga this is a good thing, it'll be the same new team that did Splatoon, ARMS, and BotW.

Let Retro do something new for fucks sake

Best case scenario retro is working on something else

On team on ninja, all good news.

Let retro work on earthbound or fzero next.

>debut from a new team

At least Sakamoto isn't around to mess it up...

>same that did BotW
>good thing

Is that bait or are you just retarded?

yeah boi retro is free

This is bait

so it's the team that gave us boring AAA bullshit like online shooters and open world games

I saw a few people pipe up and say he's involved in the remake. I'm afraid. That's literally the ONE thing that could go wrong!


Fuck Prime fags

Lies. When has IGN ever been a reliable source?

>no Sakamoto
Thank D*G

>i-it's okay guys
>i-it was never good
>i mean it will be just as good the team doesn't matter

>Retro not developing

Well fuck Nintendo then

Good. Maybe it'll actually be fun.

Are you not aware about how strict Nintendo is when it comes to outsourcing? If they want something to be a certain way, they will get it to be that way.

Good. Retro deserves to make something else but Prime all the time.




>not retro
>beyond 2017

Retro hasn't had the people that made the Prime trilogy good for years. If Retro made this game it wouldn't hold up to the first three, and you know it.

Better to wait with bated breath that this new developer, whoever they are, knows what's up.

Just like Other M right?

Fine by me. How many people that worked on Prime are still at Retro?

Prime 3 was a decade ago.

What the fuck is Retro making?

can't it just be a new dev team within Retro?
i believe most of the old Prime devs left Retro anyway

New 3D Donkey kong fucking PLEASE

>other m exists

Maybe nintendo doesn't understand then

Tanabe is competent enough, and as long as Sakamoto stays the fuck away, I'm fine with this. Sad though cause I love Retro's work, but they better be up to something cause it's been 3 years of silence from them.

Don't worry, senpai.
Tanabe won't let you down!

New IP, brah.

>Implying Nintendo is not enough paranoiac to be sure, in full QA mode, the game will be good before it get out of their HQ

>Other M

New sci-fi IP, baby! Remember they got the sci-fi music guy. It's gotta be sci-fi

Retro has been free since fucking donkey Kong came out, what the fuxk are they doing

Producer of:
>Paper Mario: Sticker Star
>Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
>Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge
>Metroid Prime: Federation Force
>Paper Mario: Color Splash


I was just thinking it might be MercurySteam and then I saw this.

A MS Metroid could have been good, actually. Lords of Shadow was great, aside from the "not a CastleVania" whining, and Mirror of Fate was a decent MetroidVania. LoS2 only sucked because it had a shitty director and no Kojima guidance. With Nintendo helping, it could have been good (and I think Samus Returns will be too). They can make some awesome environments.

The game is fucking dead if it's a non-Western dev. Japanese cannot make FPS.


this is good cause most of MP1/2's devs left after they were done which is why MP3 felt so different and wasn't as polished

and after MP3, they're basically all gone now

give it to someone else, MP3 wasn't that good anyway

yea just like
>other m
>star fox zero
>mario party 10
>sticker star
>color splash
>federation force

You forgot the original Prime trilogy and Tropical freeze

God you anti-Primefags are sad and pathetic

>BotW is bad XDD

or it can turn out great like
fzerogx smash4 hyrulewarriors luigimansion2

>Hyrule Warriors
You just wanted to smuggle in this shit, huh?

>t. primebabby

Those were with Retro, I omitted those because it's useless information in determining if he's a decent Producer without Retro. I did forget to say he also produced:
>Dillon's Rolling Western
>Excitebots: Trick Racing
>Metroid Prime: Hunters

and Co-Produced SSBB and Aura Aura Climber

Well yeah, did you expect it to be released this year? Are stupid or just a black person?


Team Ninja's part in that game was mediocre. It could have been slightly better if a certain special someone was capable of using the wii remote with a nunchuk.

Next Level Games will probably take up the reigns. Here's hoping they won't repeat the Federation Forces fiscal.

>"I didn't like BotW"

What the actual FUCK is Retro doing then, that's what I want to know.

They've been no shows for like, literally years now.

>a non-retro studios metroid prime
>by the guy who made FF
>"beyond 2017" when they're happy to slap 2018 on other games means there's no chance of even a 2018 release

Retro never really knew how to make Metroid games in the first place. They just got lucky with Prime 1.

If they actually put some focus into this, it's going to be fucking amazing. Nintendo is going through a seriously great time right now, BOTW, Splatoon and Odyssey, if they take the creativity of those games and are able to put it into a "classic" Metroid game it's gonna be fucking amazing.

>kensuke tanabe
Isn't he the fuck that helped make Other M garbage?

No, he just made Federation Force.

>Prime killed Metroid
Fuck off

Isn't Federation Force actually a pretty well made game? It's just a shame about the huge shift in art style and getting yet another spinoff after no mainline or even Prime games in years after the last Metroid game was made that was really bad.

This elephant was kino.

personally i think musou games are boring, but for what hyrule warriors is, it's decent

had good music at least

You can't be lucky 3 times in a row, faggot.

It really isn't. FF could have been good, but the 3DS is not the system for a first person shooter.

Everything else NLG has made is great, though.

>Isn't Federation Force actually a pretty well made game?
And suddenly the apologists show up

This is good

Prime 2 & 3 sucked
Let someone else have a go

Literally my argument before I ever played BotW friend. Just play it.

Splatoon does suck though.

Not that user but I agree with him

>lack of iconic music
>voice acting was complete trash
>terrible frame rate spikes that take you out of the immersion
>story is a nonexistent optional mess compiled of a handful of cutscenes that aren't even playable segments
>characters are either wasted, pointless or forced weeb bait
>dungeons are pathetic; basically just glorified shrines that all look and function the same
>dungeon bosses don't even feel like bosses
>absolutely PATHETIC enemy and boss variety in general
>frustrating weapon durability system
>frustrating cooking system
>both of which are immersion-breaking because you constantly have to access the main menus for both during combat

And those are only half of my issues with it.

Yes the game was fucking trash and it boggles my mind that people are STILL deluding themselves into thinking it's good some several months after release.

I swear Nintendo intentionally gimping the dev times of these games to ridiculous levels so that people are so damned starved to get any mainline Zelda, regardless of how shitty it is.

Were people also this worried when Retro made the original Prime?

Give 'em a chance. You can always complain later.

Prime 2 is the best in the series though.

>splatoon does suck
Well regardless of everything I know I can disregard all of you opinions now.

It's okay if you didn't play it but theres no reason to come here and lie about it.

>Were people also this worried when Retro made the original Prime?
Never been a fan of the Prime games so yes, I'm upset. I'm upset that the only proper 2D Metroid we're getting is a lousy 240p remake of a game that already received an incredible remake

>Prime 2 & 3 sucked

good one

Wow! Did you even play the fuckinggame?

Yes, when people heard that a Western team was making a 3D Metroid they thought it would be complete fucking garbage. Then when they heard Team Ninja was making a Metroid game several years later they were excited. Turns out that people don't always know what they're getting.

Don't pretend to be the same guy who called Splatoon AAA online shooter bullshit just two seconds ago.

You do realize that people that have acctually played the game and felt its magic(- not just watched a lets play like you..........) will be able to tell immediatly thatyou are just listing lies right?

It's not even the same Retro as it was 13 years ago anyway

im sorry Horizon was so bad you have to *attempt* to bad mouth Zelda. SonyPony

Yes I did.
All it has going for it, is it's nonlinearity and freedom of exploration. Being able to at least explore Hyrule's Castle at the get-go is pretty neat.

But that's it. It doesn't offer much of anything else.
If anything, it fails SPECTACULARLY at nearly everything else.

try playing the game next time instead of quoting bullet points of youtubers that have a beef with Nintendo.


I did you idiots.

It won't refute my opinions of the game being SS-tier levels of garbage.

Dropped the Zelda franchise because of it. And I've been playing Zelda since I was 6, starting with ALtTP. The IP's continuing to follow its downward spiral of mediocrity so why bother.

>-b-b-bb-but its got brain dead portal puzzles


Oh shit I forgot they got the Deus Ex composer


That's not the guy who turned OtherM Samus into his (adam's) submissive waifu is he?

You're thinking of Sakamoto

Oh thank god.

That's Sakamoto

Im not, im just a guy who saw you impressively shit taste so any other opinions you have are probably shit too