You knew this would happen

you knew this would happen

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Mexico here, we dont care and we like it.

Thanks Juan

How can one game look so fun?

Mario is literally a mexican plumber though?

Hahahaha, Shut the Fuck Up Bitch. This Cancer is finally dying and no one will miss you. Enjoy your last stand on E3.


Bot don't you feel appropriated? lol



Ay caramba, este juego es para mi!
Gracias Nintendo!

corn rows mario when>?

Has she ever been to Mexico? Mario's copyrighted image is fucking everywhere. Its onlu fitting Mario takes their look too.

Do you hate that WB killed off Speedy Gonzalez? We all loved that little fuck.

The death throes of the victim class. I am loving every laff.

mexico here too.

we all love this kind of stuff.

>We want more representation!
>Not like that though


Italian, but hey Italy is basicly the Mexico of Europe over here. The Economy is terrible, but hottest chicks and best food, though.

What's really funny is that the US has a history of deeming things that Mexicans like as being racist against Mexicans. Just look at Speedy Gonzales.

Yes, loved the show every morning along with the roadrunner.


I can corroborate, this is true. 'Mexican' americans need not apply.

>implying this isn't one of the coolest stereotypes

this to be honest, Japanese developers know where are hearts are.

>sonybro here. Currently tweeting this to the most triggered latinax I can find. Don't think you're beloved Nintendo can appropriate this culture and get away with it.

Odyssey will be edited to reflect the modern times we live in.


>We want videogames to represent more cultures without using anything from their cultures.

Mexico LOVED Speedy Gonzales! Fuck PC people for killing him off dude.

How should I feel as an Italian then? Who fucking cares

But Mario is Italian and that's a Mexican stereotype.

Why is it always white people who get pissed? The only thing I saw blacks complain about this E3 was that the black females all have generic fros.

Speedy was in that new show from a few years back. He owned a restaurant.

I think they only banned his sidekick, Lazy Mexican or whatever he was called.

It's payback for stealing Goku, stupid beaner.

Yet no one gives a shit about black afro samurai chicks in every non-Nintendo game.

>random nobody twitter screenshots
when will mods ban this fucking shit archetype?

would be nice if his skin wasn't so thin he got upset over a childrens game

Its funny because the actuals Mexicans dont give a single shit

fucking hate this, you don't represent shit

I honestly love the mexican stereotypes as a Mexican.

I never understood why everyone else gets so triggered about their country's/whatever stereotypes.


Solo los a esos gringos maricones les interesan esa mierda de "CULTURUL APROPEEASHUN" por tantos estrogenos que les meten por el recto, y por esas feminazis y negros retrasados.

Que pongan a cuantos mariachis quieran.

You know there's more to Mexico than mariachi sombrerors and day of the dead right?

Fucking white people

I like those skull dudes

Mexican here and im appoved this
looks funny only sjw americans offend with this

>No one in Mexico has ever worn a sombrero
>Natives have never worn feathers

Did these people never look in a history book in their life? Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Can confirm. Mexicans love their culture enough to share it with the rest of the world for others to enjoy. Mario's wearing a sombrero, a poncho, and playing a guitar; he isn't going around calling everyone a lazy spic or chucking drug dealers over a wall

This means war gringo

This is like 50% of what mexico looks like.
The other half is a desert where people kill each other.

Lazy Gonzales.

The looney toons show wasn't bad, but not great.

>would be nice if a italian sthereotype that actualy fucking says MAMA MIA MACARRONE used mexicans stereotypes less

This is nothing new. In the 90s, liberals were crying about Speedy Gonzales being a racial stereotype despite the character being extremely popular with latinos.

Do people like this create these "problems" because they want attention/hits?

I don't believe anyone this miserable with life can exist.

It's because these people have nothing better to do between spending all their trust fund money on 12 dollar coffees and going to college for useless art degrees

we need to take control of the Japanese means of production and ensure total subjugation to the SJW clique

you say it, fratello

This. Mexicans living in Mexico don't give a shit about this. It's always the Mexican Americans that make a big deal about this.

what's wrong with saying "it would be nice"

You basically nailed it. They're never happy and it's never about the resolve. They just want to blame whitey and get followers on social media while they do it

I'm Italian and the whole premise of Mario has offended me for years, but this fucking mulignan just wants to cry about shit now because it's a non white sterotype. wow.

I think that's something people from the United States like to say.

they create these problems because they want to control everyone else and they know that social critique is an easy way to intimidate everyone into seeing them as the leaders and deciders of what will be considered acceptable

they're self appointed religious authorities

It's a cool stereotype. Everyone likes sombreros.

I like how the NPCs are spooky skellingtons and the general Day of the Dead atmosphere.

didn't lazy gonzales have like mind control powers or something? I only remember seeing him in one episode

yeah, lets go with the other Mexican stereotypes like copious amounts of drugs and violence.

Mexican here. It'd be great if we could get more than, "LOOK LE DAY OF THE DEAD!!! AND LOOK!!!! LUCIA LIBRE!" There's more to mexican cultural than the two I mentioned above. That being said, this doesn't offend Mexicans because Mexicans are openly racist against everybody, including themselves. It makes us laugh, because we know it's just shits and giggles.

>has never bitched about the italian stereotype.

Racist cunt.

oh, you poor, uneducated person of color.

Don't worry! I, an educated, white liberal American, will be offended for you!

Every mexican I know absolutely revels in stereotypical mexican culture.

My roommate is half mexican and he cooks shit like Enchiladas and makes bomb-ass street-style tacos several times a week.

Mexicans I've worked with play mariachi music 24/7 over the radio.

It's bizarre. They absolutely love their stereotype and play into it at every opportunity. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Fuck, I forgot a lot of the shit this show pulled.

>Ever listening to a fucking CHICANO that refers himself as """mexican-american latinx" or whatever the shit
Don't do that OP, most mexicans like that shit, ignore the chicanos

mario is literally the embodiment of an italian stereotype
and I don't care

>the stereotype of being a fun loving people with a rich history of music and art
that's like the asian stereotype of being a genius
If Mario and the skulls slept all the time and stole jobs then there would be a story

I think Slow Poke Rodriguez in the show too.

>nigger ape saying fuck and stealing is PROGRESS
>mexicans playing music for fun is SATAN
Let's face it they are only mad because he's white

Mexican American here.
I don't give a fuck.

It's only American latinos that think being brown gives you an opinion on anything Mexico related.

I really wonder what the fuck happens in America to turn all these people into such faggots.

can't win wars with lawnmowers, pablo



Wtf?!!! How is this allowed?


Only "mexicans" who are offended are the "mexican americans" looking to be offended and forgetting we sold that land after we lost.

Get fucked, Mexican mario is great


Maybe she could try asking actual mexicans what they think about it?
Also check this 5.

god that show looks like garbage

Good shit this game is made by japanesse people that love mexican culture and not fucking burgers whit superiority complex, rite m8?

When will we punish the real perpetrators of mexican cultural appropriation? American-mexicans whom have never been to mexico being allowed to shamelessly use a culture for their own gain.

That's the thing, it's not about representing cultures, it's about representing ethnicities and homogenizing culture

How did Mexico take the news of MH being ruined? I know you guys liked it from playing a bit of online.

He was called Slow Poke Rodriguez in the US version i guess.

Right? Those little guys are cute as fuck.

>I'm Italian and the whole premise of Mario has offended me for years
what a fucking pussy
sono italiano pure io, catasta di legnetti

>Black's love blaxploitation
>Mexican's love whatever their thing is called
>Asians love Kung Fu
>Only whites have a problem with these things so that means no one can enjoy them

Exactly. Fucking cucks getting offended for other people just to virtue signal.

Nintendo is such a current event guy :3

>But this stereotype means we loves big hats and dancing a lot

Well yeah, that IS our culture.

>game takes popular elements from a certain culture
>not allowed to implement these elements because that's somehow offensive

Well then you may as well take off your denim jeans since you're appropriating german culture stupid cunt.
>inb4 white people have no culture :)

Please drink bleach.

It's because unlike white and black Americans, they don't give a shit about all this racial structure and culture shit. Props to them.

Blame PC Americans with sticks shoved up their asses. Americans that aren't pretentious fucks love the cliche of the gun-toting, loud, ass-backwards and overly patriotic American. It's hilarious.

BROTHELS? *1up sound*

>I never understood why everyone else gets so triggered about their country's/whatever stereotypes.

Nobody actually gets triggered over this, only idiots that feel the need to defend a group they don't even belong in because muh virtue signal.

Mario is camarada so its okay.