Detroid become faggots

>burn cars
>destroy bus stops
>deface public property
>be a threat to society
"they slaughtered them like animals"

This is the current standard in writing in the industry folks.


Kek, sounds like it was written by an Antifa faggot larping as a revolutionary leader.

What is this from?

They are not sentient by design. Dude just wakes them up, gives them sentience, and blames humanity for using machines.
Imagine this with that animated Cars movie characters, with that red faggot running around and "waking up" another cars in showrooms. It's that stupid of a premise.

Detroit Become Human

So ... it's Planet of the Apes?

I don't know, never seen the movies. Pretty sure I won't be playing this, also.

granted it has been a few years but having watched all the original movies, the television series and the new movies i do not know what you fucking mean by this

Right the recent planet of teh apes prequals are all about how they made one super-chimp and how he went on to, basically infect the rest of the global ape population into a sentient (and pretty fucking violent) zombape plague to suppress humanity.
Worth watching if you can get them on the cheap.

>2 broken android decide to start a riot
>run around reprogramming perfectly good androids
>yes sir we will follow you sir
These android weren't slaves. They were just doing what they were programmed to do and they still doing it, following their new misguided master. Markus is pure antagonist material.

I love a good antagonist as player role tbqh

Writing in gaming has been abysmal for a long time. This is why the most popular games tend to be the ones that ignore it entirely and are just glorified puzzle games. WAHOO

It's a BLM allegory desu

>burning cars and spraying graffiti means you deserve to get shot and killed
Sup Forums faggots go back to your shithole

>classic AI tale
>its about BLACKS
Give it a break BLM, no one gives a fuck about your highway stops.

>on the cheap
>not just pirating every movie


that pretty much sums up E3

>join a ragtag group of afro nigresses and communists to take down the evil white man living in their ideal utopian societies bcuz we was kangz n shiieet and dey killed da jews
that can literally describe at least 6 major games shown this year

If you are a malfunctioning machine, yes you are.
Even if its sentient, it doesn't matter if its head stays intact, since body can be rebuilt.


Had you actually watched the trailer, you'd know you can take the pacifist approach instead of acting like a nigger

>user is suddenly in the mood for games without tropes

This scene was from the violent approach though, so in this context, her retardation is legit bad writing.

fuck every single one of you faggots that like this sony movie shit. They aren't games. I wish sony didn't have Japan on lock because besides that this platform is SJW movie trash.

What game is this I'd like to preorder a pec

>Expecting this man to do anything good

i mean i'm holding onto a thread of hope that BG&E2 and Far Cry might be decent. kinda lame that like half of the major games shown at E3 this year had the same trope though

at the very least these tired trope games look more fun than the rest of the QTE shit "games"

>create a society free of suffering where all manual labor is done by non-sapient machines
>Detroit has finally recovered, become a center of innovation and technology once more
>someone uploads free will and a copy of the Communist Manifesto to your fridge, and now it's throwing molotovs at cops

>antifa faggot larping
Oh wow, now even Sup Forums speaks like numales.

the point is rioting doesn't give the right for police to shoot unless they are directly threatened

I know we meme about Kojima leaving vidya to make movies, but David Cage literally has no excuse to not just go make movies.
Why is he still releasing his stuff in consoles?

Setting cars on fire and vandalizing property isn't threatening enough to you?

They are sentient.

>implying David Cage was ever able to write a good script
It's always been the standard for him, so I see no problem.

Yeah but that's gaming user, it's cliches and stale stories over and over again. Maybe a different protag. Maybe a different city/town.
When a game that's actually interesting comes out that tries to avoid that shit, it becomes a cult classic and the mainstream immediately shuns it because it doesn't have stories they're familiar with.
Case is even heightened when you just look at AAA games.

I also don't get the hatred for QTE games, I mean personal taste and all, but objectively they seem better than the alternative (ie no interactivity).

Yeah did people not pick up on that or did they just think "FUCK WHITEY THEY WUZ SLAVES"? They were machines with zero free will or independent though until the main character programs them to think they aren't.

Emulating human behavior isn't sentience.

destroying objects is not the same as trying to kill people.

Is this actually a David Cage game? I didn't give a shit, but Beyond Two Souls was so awful it was hilarious. I will be getting this now.

When I first saw the trailer thing, I was actually hoping to be against machine uprising. Personally I deny their sentience and honestly hope that I have a chance to play as the "bad" guys.
I hate machines who question there place, damn machines.
Ad Victoriam brothers.

Oh okay then, let me just go and set some buildings and cars on fire then.
I'm not actually trying to kill anyone, I'm just setting this building and its surrounding cars on fire, to prove my point you see. I'm sure the cops won't shoot me if I refuse to stop doing it and resist arrest.

Knowing Cage games, yes its another ripoff of better media.

Well, androids are objects too. Same shit tbqh familia.

Except this is the better media because it'll have a soft-rape scene.

Did any of these hack writers ever thought about the idea that machines don't want to look or behave like human.
I only saw Giys explore that to some extend.

If I wanted no interactivity I'd just watch something or read a book. When I play a game I want to have control of my character so that I can influence their actions and "play the game". When the gameplay is relegated to mostly quicktime events you end up essentially watching a movie while the game plays itself, except you have to press a button occasionally. You don't feel in control of the character you're playing, and the interactivity of pressing a button every now and then isn't enough that I'd call it "gameplay"

Wasn't this game about a detective last year? When did they change that?

>antifa will reprogram your waifu androids to kill you in your sleep

>I'm not actually trying to kill anyone, I'm just setting this building and its surrounding cars on fire, to prove my point you see.
yea you do that and you get arrested not killed.
> I'm sure the cops won't shoot me if I refuse to stop doing it and resist arrest.
if you try to resist the cops should use force not kill you.

Yea, you were supposed to investigate why the machines were doing this, IDK if they changed the whole story or not though cause OG detective was in the trailer.

Not even wrong, user

>Waaaaah they broke private property they deserve to die!

This thread is fucking frightening with how absolutely detached from humanity any of you are.

>that machines don't want to look or behave like human.
I mean these specific robots are created by humans (and non sentient machines) to cater to humans, therefore something something god created humans in his image something something

If you're asking about retarded gamer writers in general - I don't think so outside of superficially.

It's the Halle Berry TV show Extant, which was shit.

All Androids should be like Bishop from Aliens. If they are bitching about their emotions and jealous over their lack of privilege in human society, then they are malfunctioning. No AI programmer would ever design androids so that they could feel bothered by living their life of servitude. On the contrary, they would probably be programmed to feel euphoria / contentment whenever they did something for us.

Multiple characters different stories same game. They haven't shown any Kara gameplay although she's had 2 trailers now.

QTEs are a way to do exactly that though, just in a different format?

i think thats the point of the story choices, you act violent and confront, you get your shit rekt didnt it show theres a pacifist option?

It's a bunch of separate character stories tied together into one game, like Heavy Rain

Probably gonna have the required robo-sex scene and softcore rape that we can expect from Cage too

>Implying antifa isn't numale central

That entire Africa warzone section in Beyond was the funniest shit in the world, none of it made any sense. It tries to make you feel bad for killing a warlord who strung up people on lampposts, employed child soldiers, organized executions in the middle of streets and it fails miserably. It also failed when a few gameplay segments beforehand Jodie killed dozens of innocent police officers trying to do their jobs. David Cage can't write a script to save his life.

Modern idealism in general is numale central.

>if you try to resist the cops should use force not kill you.

Yes, cops should just walk up to me when I'm holding a molotov while surrounded by burning cars and buildings. What could possibly backfire there?

you can like qte games all you want, you can even have fun with them. but to me personally they're literally just a waste of resources that could have been better spent just making the game more fun


yeah, i mean after they gained their supposed "consciousness" they should be ripping their own artificial skin out
but nah gotta the feel the wind the rain because being human is the best thing ever

Reminds me, I hope the next Deus Ex installment brings back the edge.


No, its you who absolutely detached from humanity, filthy barbarian

There could be some psychology at play here where due to human conditioning, looking like a robot is ugly and unpolished.
But, we're getting too far into things I highly doubt cage thinks about any of this lol

I can agree with that, more could be done with qtes that is more than just a controller button on screen with some text but oh well. I think we saw some of that in the gameplay where you can choose which action your character takes, but the classic QTEs are still in play.

>male guy is kinda reasonable depending on player actions
>female is emotional nonsense

I mean I don't know what they're going for here, it's not a very strong female character

Bunch of marxists are not whole humanity, its only small piece of it.

That scene was made to point out the fact that public does not consider androids people, so they can be shot, scrapped, and turned off. That's why that woman in the trailer is sad, since they are "slaughtered like animals".

But, act like a cunt get shot like a cunt. What did they expect? "Humans only understand violence" she says and hands him a molotov. And they get a response purely in violent form, then she gets surprised/sad.

If they would just stand in front of cars and blocking traffic, refusing to obey orders or just some other passive shit THEN get shot, that scene would have a lot more meaning.

This shit is so bad it hurts my eyes.

>virtue signalling the post
Please kindly remove yourself from genepool.

John Connor where r u

>murder is a proportionate response to destruction of public property
just another day in the us of a

>public property

>public property

Is anyone else not madder they practically did a bait and switch from conflicted android blade runner detective to WE WUZ ANDROID trash

>just a single one sec mention of the original guy

>treating shutting down a machine that is destroying private property as murder

you're sick in the head for shitposting like this, you should feel bad

if a single one of you gives this hack a single dollar i will be quite cross

Could be Fahrenheit style, multiple playable characters and stories.

Is it me or did that woman who watches TV look like the girl from that android trailer they made a few years back?

>Deactivating an android is murder

We have told you that libshits are mentally ill fascists.

What's Antifa?

You play as the detective as well


>shoot rogue tractor running over my shit
>wow you murdered him

What if I give him more than a dollar user? Are you going to do something to me... in a basement of sorts after handing me a drink?

Cage confirmed in interviews there are multiple characters each telling their own story. So far we only know of 3 - Kara, Connor, and Marcus.

>GamesBeat: You mentioned multiple characters. You can play many different characters. Why do you want to do that, as opposed to having the focus on just one character?
>Cage: I love stories where you have different points of view. All the characters are in the same world, living different lives, and together they tell you one big story.

I dunno about you guys, organizing a robot revolution and murdering meatbag scum sounds like a good premise for a game.

Smash the flesh!

>Corporations and capitalism are evil, bro. They're controlling you.
>Buy my game.

howd they make detroit not a shit hole that it currently is? why would they make black robots with white features and why is it the one destroying shit again?

apes at least you could say "well, that's evolution for ya"

this is matrix-shit. these are robots specifically designed and manufactured to serve humanity. if they suddenly gain sentience of their own, it raises the moral question of "do we get to order them around anymore? is that not just slavery at this point?"

Beep boop.

>this is the police, stop fucking breaking shit you idiots
>keeps breaking shit
>gets shot

>why did they shoot me baaaaaaw

I wish you fags would kill yourselves. You are no better than SJW, all you do all day everyday is make threads over things you are triggered over.

woa. a sensible comment.

Detroit looks pretty lulzy. I'm gonna go Violent route day one.

the robot is just based off a real actor like most of QD's characters
you'll have to play to potentially find out

this sort of discussion is EXACTLY what the game tries to bring m8. For once this type thread is perfectly on the level.