So is SotC getting a remaster or something? That's pretty cool, I've never played.
So is SotC getting a remaster or something? That's pretty cool, I've never played
>remastering a game that is perfectly playable and already has a hd version
what's the point?
it's a remake you dolts
There's nothing perfectly playable about those controls and camera
Backwards compatibility is shit according to sony so please buy our remasters
>There's nothing perfectly playable about those controls and camera
the way sonyfags talk about SotC you would think it was the greatest game ever made though
I'm not buying a ylod machine.
It's a remake. Maybe they're adding the cut colossi, or even creating new ones specifically for this game.
Or sub to PS Now for a smooth and modern streaming experience.
It's bullshit.
yeah good thing The Last Guardian had great controls and camera, lots of confidence in team ico :)
I was just about to buy the HD Collection and now I'm so conflicted on what to do.
>tfw 2017 trailer looked exactly as I remembered the game in 2005 for the first time
>tfw I know it'll look like a blocky, polygonal mess if I replay it on my PS2
This is what I'm most interested in.
I hope they fix that shit.
Buy it and play Ico
The controls are fantastic, chill out.
I ain't buyin' this unless they add some new shit
okay-looking graphics won't do it for me
I never played the original despite wanting to since ps2. I missed the download when it was free, and I'm sure as hell not paying $20 for it
Yeah, missing ICO would suck if I just bought the Remaster. But since it is actually a remaster instead of a remake, I'm inclined to buy the HD Collection anyway, to play the classy version and compare them to each other.
As we were discussing yesterday
If it doesn't have the cut Colossi, it's pretty disappointing
Full fledged remake.
you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, shitspewer. you obviously never played the ps2 nor the ps3 version.
the ps2 version run at 22fps average dipping to single digits here and there and the ps3 port had all kinds of fucked up and unresponsive controls.
OoT is still one of the best games ever made despite the N64's technical limitations you shit sucking subhuman.
P C S X 2
There is every chance the remaster will be much worse than the current HD remaster. For a moment I thought it will be a proper sequel but I guess we just can't have nice things this year.
Actually 30 in the world & drops to 20 & below in the fights
the grip physics were coded for 20fps, bluepoint didn't notice & sped them up to 30fps
>muh controls
spotted the casual shitter who sucks at video games.
So maybe they should cut their losses and not focus on trying to shove this shit game down our throats for the third fucking time.
>the ps2 version run at 22fps average dipping to single digits here and there
your PS2 is broken.
>unresponsive controls
stop sucking at video games.
Yes. Shit drew me into the world hard.
Never played the original, was there any footage in the trailer that implied it wasn't an exact remake like where the colossi were or anything? Just wondering
who are you quoting?
Looked exactly the same, which is bad because after 12 years people want the cut colossi
8 were cut & 4 of them were pretty much finished & there is still evidence of them in the final game
If you wanna hold off on SOTC, but still want Ico, just buy Ico off the PSN store. It is the remastered version of the game.
>which is bad because after 12 years people want the cut colossi
It's not common knowledge but there was suppose to be 48 of them. SotC was the perfect storm of good and bad things happening during development. If that many or any more than there already was got into the game it almost certainly wouldn't have been as popular. More people would've dropped it. It did what it did good and didn't overstay its welcome.
no cut colossi no buy
I'm tired of "remakes" that just pretty up graphics and nothing else
I hope we get them. They look neat.
Being made by Bluepoint ACTUALLY
Was the HD version that bad that they have to remake it?
It's fine, but it was released 6 years ago. SotC is worth preserving and updating in each generation for the benefit and education of faggits.
I've tried repeatedly and not been able to get on with it at all, so I'm actually pretty hype for this.
Of course something entirely new would be preferable. But it does feel odd that I've completed Ico and TLG multiple times and SotC not once.
Shadow of the Colossus for ps2 is a perfect game in every way except framerate. Remaking it exactly the same with current gen graphics, 60fps at 4k is fine with me. Of course, they'll fuck it up somehow because nobody knows how to do anything right in the video games industry.
Changes in a remake should only be something that was broken in the original game.
If additional content/levels are made it should be optional as to not ruin the fun of nostalgia fags.
Bonus points for including audio/video settings so you can switch it to the old game.
Would be the perfect way to do it but nobody will ever do something like this.
This isn't made by Ueda. Personally, I want as little changes as possible to preserve his vision. Don't want some fat american shitlord smearing Ueda's creative vision with dorito smelling fingers
I mostly agree, but if it's cut content that was almost finished but didn't quite make it into the original game, there's not really an excuse. I don't think people would have any cause to complain about the almost-finished colossi being added
Perfect chance for them to add in the cut Colossi.
> I don't think people would have any cause to complain about the almost-finished colossi being added
You'd be surprised. I think it's best to jut make a really nice remake of the game, all pristine and mostly untouched.
>muh remakes
there's nothing more cancerous
>there's nothing more cancerous
Shitposting, console wars and redditors.
if that remake trailer would have said something of the lines of "with 3 never before seen collosus added" it would have been game of e3. besides, it's not like there's much of any plot to the game, so it wouldn't ruin any flow
what's wrong with 22fps? that's a cinematic fps for a cinematic game
there are plenty things more cancerous, idiot.
>it's not like there's much of any plot to the game, so it wouldn't ruin any flow
Get the fuck out of here you casul scum
t. lead loremaster
The models animations and lighting are all a bit off, annoys me
but otherwise looks good
I need new content though, like cut colossi
Never got why so many people complained about the controls. I never felt like they got in the way.
SotC is alright. It's The Last Guardian that had those problems
>The models animations and lighting are all a bit off
the ultimate, unquantifiable criticism of remakes by nerds who NEED, DESPERATELY to have something to complain about
the soul isn't there!
i would hope the loremaster knows the difference between plot and story
It's not controls they had a problem with, it's lag due to shit FPS. They're just too stupid to understand the problem so it became MUH CONTROLS
So long as it's a 1:1 remake with a stable framerate I'd be happy to play it again.
>SotC with TLG controls
Oh god. OH GOD.
It looks like some fan made Unreal Engine remake like those you see on YouTube. It doesn't have the artstyle of the original, it looks generic as fuck. Since Ueda probably isn't going to direct it, it's might be shit. I hate to say this word because it's pretty vague, but this remake does look so souless.
just because you cant notice details
team ico games have a distinct look with their bloom lighting and halo effects and that's not here
Just look at some Last Guardian footage and then this trailer, it doesnt look like a team ico game
How does the artstyle look any different to the original?
the pedants are here
Imagine if PS5 gets 60fps,
you are gonna get a shit ton of remakes even its already on PS4
>looks like some fan made Unreal Engine remake
this. the assets are quality but its like they are using the engines default shaders and lighting
There will be cut Colossi
As as Season pass
Tha's the exact feeling I had watching the trailer.
It just seems so useless right now.
It has none of the light effects and the bloom that SotC and Ico had. Notice also how fucking pinkish Wander's skin is.
>a person who is excessively concerned with minor details
yep that's me, i do care about the minor details of a remake of my favourite game
hopefully they change the ending this game was mean
Buy it
This remake looks like shit.
that's the key word
dont even joke m8
That's not the artstyle, then.
Fucking dropped then, no wonder it looks wierd as fuck.
not the guy your arguing with but
Art style would be changing the designs of the Colossi or the HUD, not altering bloom effects.
Fan games are shit according to nintendo so please buy our "remakes" with N64 graphics.
Lighting and bloom ARE part of the artstyle.
man u is dumb
of course shaders, lighting and effects are part of the art style. and if you dont want to call it that they are a part of the way the game looks, which he is saying has changed
Eh, debatable. But you're probably still wrong about this anyway, there will be bloom and god rays in the game.
No, they're effects.
Art style is design of the environment, of the characters and how they're portrayed in their characteristics.
As in, taking a drawing as example, the art style remains 100% unchanged from the the early sketch to the detailed sketch to the line art to the coloring and to the final effects.
Same goes for videogames, adding or removing effects won't change the art style.
You meant that shaders, lighting, effects , and art style are part of the art direction.
just because lighting, sahders and bloom and stuff are done by the computer and not an asset made by a person does not mean they are not part of the art style
Like you can draw a shaded or unshaded picture
but in video games the lighting is done by code, so how that code is set up effects the artstyle, as lighting is part of the visuals
you wouldn't say lighting in a picture wasn't part of the art style
or is someone drew halo effects around something you wouldnt say it wasnt part of the art style
so why way it just because the computer is doing it
Remake is not worth it when you have this artstyle in HD version, for someone that played the last 2 versions. I'll still get it IF they add something new and significant (lost Collosi); also it will be cool for people who where born when the original came out.
just take ur shit out . it is METROID TIME NOW FUCK OFF SONYPONY
whats the difference between art style and art direction man
you are just being a cunt with words
Its obvious what we are saying, IT LOOK DIFFERENT, and it does, and thats all there is to this argument
>yfw they're gonna redo the animations
The more rosy coloration of Wander's skin is the only thing that concerns me so far about what's been shown from an artistic perspective. I'd guess it's just to increase the contrast between the start of the journey and the end, making the gradual desaturation of his skin more noticeable. But only time will tell.
You are being an underage idiot, art style is what said, all the things you listed put togheter are art direction. It's not hard and it's common knowledge.
What's the point?
The ADHD, cowadoody-twitch-streaming-youtube-watching kids today won't appreciate this for what it is.
They'll call it boring because it has no enemies other than the colossi or because it lacks any sort of leveling up or le epik skills upgrades or crafting or looting.
They wont appreciate the loneliness and sense of wonder of galloping through the forest or the canyons in search of the next colossi.
I can already picture them complaining about it not having a map or any objective markers telling them where to go next, and the hint you do get which is the sword and a tiny ray of light won't be enough for these spoon-fed babies to know what to do.
I am excited for a remake with modern graphics but that's because I played the original and I know what to expect, but if you leave it to the modern gamers who grew up with call of duty and youtube, this game will suffer and its legacy will be forever tarnished.
Guarantee they won't do this
Remakes by different devs always forget these little things
are you trying to make me sad?
because it's working
they mean the same thing
you are splitting hairs
the 15yo indian pooinloo underpaid Sony guy that does facebook pr duty doesn't even know what that word means. Leave em alone, all is lost
But it is on twitter as well.
>just because lighting, sahders and bloom and stuff are done by the computer and not an asset made by a person does not mean they are not part of the art style
I didn't say anything on how the effects are applied, it makes no difference, effects on a drawing can obviously be created y hand, still they're not part of the art style
>you wouldn't say lighting in a picture wasn't part of the art style
I just did, because that's how it is.
If an artist drew, as example, a storm on an ocean with a lighthouse in the distance, then colored it in b/w with the various shades, then colored it, and then added various effects to the lightnings, to the light of the lighthouse, and to the reflections in the water, the art style would still remain unchanged from the line art to the final colored drawing with effects, because none of that affects the art style.
What effects are is presentation, art direction, not art style.
>you are just being a cunt with words
Flash news, words have meaning, different words for different meaning, their meaning doesn't magically change just because you decide to arbitrarily swap them out of your ignorance on their meaning.