Will Sup Forums buy her games now that she's back?

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Sure. I'm glad that now metroidfags can finally shut the fuck up. Oh, wait, the complaint is now that they wanted a 2D metroid. TOPkek

she got a 2d one tho, metroid: samus returns

two games were announced

They got a 2D metroid now too though.

Nintendo Announced Metroid Prime 4 as the 3D game.
and Metroid: Samsu Returns as the 2D game.

Literally nobody gets to complain now, its perfect.

A New 2D Metroid was shown.

I'm preordering the Samus Returns LE the minute it's available.

Prime 4 is a ways off, but I'm just as hyped.

Can i remodel her ass in that game?

FINALLY I have an excuse to post this without it being off-topic Sup Forums trash.

Thread theme:

Yes, collector edition, amiibos, everything. She's back baybee

I don't even have a 3ds but I'm getting samus returns just to show nintendo what kinds of games they should be making

Top kek indeed.

This is it. Put your money where your mouth is, faggots. Support the series.

Actually we have two samus's now. The 2d version is a alt reality that ignorges stuff to up.

I want to punch Samus in the gut and put my penis inside her!

Her pained face will serve as my release accelerator.

That's why I said games m8
Glad Metroid is alive and kicking

Nah its probably just a retcon of metroid 2, which didn't have much story to begin with.


Why does she have two left feet?

Nope, Nintendo want two stable franchises says 2ch.

Prime hunter carrys on samus you know with zero suit.

In what context this image was done? It seens very specific and hard to be useful besides generic shitposting. 2 metroid games at once was completely unexpected.

Yes, both of them

One of those "make Colbert vidya related" things. You wouldn't imagine how funny this was of a coincidence.


Someone deserves to be fired for not putting this in the Spotlight and instead shoving it as the second game in the Treehouse

AM2R >>>> 3DS Return of Samus

Why is Samus purple?

Not even. The 3DS remake is more than I would have expected from a Nintendo remake. No wonder those fuckers were shutting it down hard,

Not yet when Senile Sakamoto is involved with Samus Returns. If I see anymore shit about Adam or bleating about muh baby then I'm dropping it so hard.

have you played a metroid game or is this just bait?

>Not even. The 3DS remake is more

AM2R was tuned to perfection. the 16bit graphics were on point. shitty blurry 2.5D can fuck off.

Nigga this is crazy

This. I will gladly give the 3DS game a chance, but the quick time events I keep seeing makes me nervous. I hated them in Bayonetta, I can't just give them a pass here.

I mean this is no question. AM2R looks gorgeous as well, but I have to support the new game and at least give it a chance.

But that melee parry thing only makes the combat more interesting and fun. Now you can do something besides dodging.

I need to buy a 3ds and a Switch


>Metroid Prime 4 is developed by nobodies
Maybe, depends if it looks good or not.

>Metroid 3DS is developed by Mercury Steam
Almost certainly not.

Anyone hyped for the 2D game is retarded, you REALLY should look at who is making it and realize they are literally professionals at sacking this genre.

If it turns out good, good, I'll be happy, but the chances of it are slim.

>remake of RoS
>new Prime babby game
Still waiting for Metroid 5. Going on 15 years now.

I have a reason to buy a Switch now
That's what you fuckers wanted.

I don't care if it flops into oblivion, I need new Metroid in my life again
And that Xenoblade 2 looks pretty neat too I guess, even though the "2" part is a lie

Why would they show a 3DS game alongside the Switch games? It would just show how shitty and outdated the 3DS's hardware truly is.

We'll see if that turns out to be the case. It's a risky move.

>It would just show how shitty and outdated the 3DS's hardware truly is
Everyone knows that and nobody cares.

>It would just show how shitty and outdated the 3DS's hardware truly is.
>three years ago you would've defended tooth and nail for it
I really fucking hate you Switchfags

I will if I even consider touching the thing, fuck you for giving Mercury Steam money.

I'll buy MP4, but probably not the remake of 2 cause I already have the superior AM2R to play.


>He didn't read the file name

Agreed, people would have not been mad or far less mad if this showed up in the Spotlight. It feels so fucking good that two of my favorite franchises Halo and Metroid are back!

But M2 3DS is a completely different game.

>He doesnt understand that Fusion is the final game in the chonology and always will be.
Not only are all the metroids dead (I mean im sure they are also in a lab somewhere but whatever), but you need to understand the pottery on display.
>Samus is a bounty hunter
>at the end of the series, she has a bounty on her head.

Because the people who run Nintendo's advertising are idiots

AM2R is overrated. It's still a great effort but it's not perfect like people claim. Since they were doing an unofficial remake, they had to keep a lot of the flaws that the original game had. And all the new stuff they added seemed a bit pointless. An example would be the escape sequence they put in the middle of the game. Usually an escape sequence is supposed to be the climax of a Metroid game, right at the very end. But the only reason it exists in AM2R is "DUDE ESCAPE SEQUENCE LMAO" as a way to jerk off nostalgiafags. Plus the world wasn't really designed for Samus's new abilities and just remained extremely true to the original Gameboy game, so it was a bit clunky to explore. Plus the soundtrack felt more like a case of "Metroid's best hits: Eurobeat edition" rather than a Metroid soundtrack.

Since this is an official remake, they have the option to change as much as they like. So hopefully they can actually fix the original game's flaws.


t. nintendo marketer

The 3DS was always shit. It was awful when they switched from a Wii U game to a 3DS game during directs.

>shit developer
>mid-combat cutscenes
>piss and snot color palette
>no feeling of atmosphere at all

If you buy this, you're an idiot. Nintendo has blatantly given up on the series by outsourcing both games to new developers, one of which we know to be awful.


No one gives a shit about your fan remake.

This. But I have to give props to Nintendo for doing not one, but TWO new Metroid games period. Not only did they announce Prime 4, they went further and did a "new" 2D game.

But AM2R is clearly superior. Nintendo should have hired the guy the way Sega did with Taxman and producing Sonic Mania, but at least they're trying.

Oh fuck off.
You're only shitting on it because of Nintendo's shiny new toy. Switchfags are the worst fanbase on Sup Forums, and that is really saying something

I've hated the 3DS for years. Compare the ugly ass art of the metroid remake to the new DBZ game and tell me this is alright. Every 3DS game is ugly, and most of the DS games too after they abandoned sprites

Of course. I'm a huge Metroidfag.

>posting this in every Metroid thread
Maximum autism.

Counterpoint: I agree that the game isn't perfect, and some elements could be improved. However I still think AM2R is a solid 8/10.

everyone need to read this, b/c is true

What the hell do want us to do? Not buy it and live without Metroid games for another 15 years?

Sonyiggers on suicide watch

Hi Sakamoto.

you, read this

Yeah, led by the fucking ol' hack Sakamoto. You can see his bullshit influence based on the melee combat alone.


Wait so does this mean, Metroid General is back?!

Your worthless opinions can fuck right off boyo.

Why are Metroidfags on Sup Forums insanely autistic?

support the remake, or complaing about the new metroid, by NOT buying it.

We don't know that.

>So hopefully they can actually fix the original game's flaws.
More than that they're evolving 2D Metroid. The scan pulse is a nice addition. We don't need to power bomb every fucking room now to find hidden paths.

you tell me

>fucking ol' hack Sakamoto
yeah let's forget he was the mind behind all the other 2D Metroid games and they were all god tier.

Does Prime trilogy plays well on dolphin emulator? Meant to replay it for the longest time

Fuck yeah I will. What they showed of Metroid 2 looks really great. It's what I wanted Other M to be, this cool mix between counter attacks and blasting things apart. That rapid fire is pretty nice, roots you in place if you want the best dps, so you have to use it with good knowledge of when it's safe or when you stun the fucker. Metroid fights should be amazing and we haven't even seen the Omega, just a Zeta. I wonder if they will have expanded certain areas like AM2R did. Would be pretty cool actually to see similar locations and then a small nod to it hidden in there.

metroidfags will never shut up
they don't even play games in the series or games in general, just cry on the internet

>Compare a full blown console game to a handheld with noticeable weaker hardware
>Shitting on the original DS
Die in a hole

Metroid threads used to be the best threads in all of Sup Forums until the Other M disaster. I remember having some nice lore and games discussion back then.

I also like how the game gives us a choice on whether we want directions. Something 2D Metroid has been failing at for a while.


>mfw I like Metroid
>mfw I didn't buy Fed Force
>mfw I'm going to buy Samus returns and prime 4 and enjoy them

Everyone complaining is not really a Metroid fan.

cautiously optimistic, nintendo isn't actually developing it so it might turn out good
i'll also admit that it's hard not to be excited for a new 2d metroid, even if it ends up being really linear like fusion

At least he actually listens to the fans instead of going for Other M 2. I bet Prime 4 is just like Federation Force and Hunters, linear as fuck and all about Samus and her retard friends.

Yes, I've been playing prime 1 and it works great. Using your mouse to aim es god tier. Don't be scared if it lags a lot in the first cutscene. And look for a guide with the optional settings.

Will probably buy a Switch just for the new Prime desu

So Nintendo remodeled Samus' shithole

Guess I'll be lurking in the Metroid threads that are sure to go on for the day

>cutscenes and QTEs added (though getting eaten to drop bombs in the Metroid Queen's stomach was always a bit QTE-like)
>probably will not have the great atmosphere of the original
Overall I like what I see, but I'm a little worried.

He's aged past his glory days. His writing is shoddy bad fanfic-tier. He managed to fuck up the canon and create plotholes with just Other M's existence alone.

>tfw have this as a poster
>tfw don't know how to turn it into a wallpaper


Prime 4 and Xenoblade for me. Couldn't give less of a shit about Splatoon, Mario, or Zelda t b h.

Where can I see this extended gameplay that you've apparently seen?