Why do you guys bully this poor individual, again? I only came here in 2010.
He is still that little kid trapped in a man's body.
milking lols
We never bullied him, hell we never bullied anyone. We shaped him into what he wanted to be. Played a part of divine creation even.
There must be more people like him right? They just remain undetected.
Jesus fucking CHRIST
That lower graphic is so exploitable
Shame I don't know how to use photoshop
"Do not hate, hate is not so good. And to be paranoid is a bust. Feel the love that comes from us, and try to feel love that you can offer at least from within yourselves for yourselves"
what the fuck does that mean
>being inclusive to straight people in LGBTQ
Chris is a running riot
I don't think any one person will ever be this unintentionally funny ever again
Didn't CWC used to hate gays?
>It's a Sup Forums plays God and creates a monster episode
You know hes a fucking god in the internet right? Oh wait your a newfag so you don't
what the shit
Yup, a lot of the old trolling efforts were making him upset by calling him and making him call himself a homo.
I didn't force him to mace a GameStop employee, run over gameden dude, or burn his fucking house down.
He should be in jail desu
You know he's fucking joking right? Oh wait youre a newfag so you don't
Super Saiyan Snowflake Super Saiyan
You can tell the recurring infection in his open taint wound is really taking it's toll.
He needs medical attention soon.
CWC is actually a lesbian so he can still hate gays.
it's for straight.
Chris himself said it on facebook.
He puts all this shit out there himself.
stop trying to fit in you fucking redditor
Chris is obviously breaking the Masquerade.
You know you just posted in b8? Oh wait you're a newfag so you don't.
>Do not hate, hate is not so good. An-pa and to be paranoid is-a is a bust. Feel the love that comes from us, and try to feel love that you can offer at least from within yourselves for yourselves
He's a bully himself. He harassing women for not dating him. He's got a criminal record for assault.
I don't want to live in a world with cabals of chris chans
snake people
Do not not ...hate is not so good. i'm par- and to be paranoid is uh, is uh bust. Feel love that comes from us, and try to feel love that you can offer that you should at least from yourself 4 yourselves....
>You know hes a fucking god in the internet right?
But in the stone age!
Reminder that he said all this about LGBTQ community 2 years after he was suppose to cure homosexuality by time traveling his straight blood.
This would have saved you some time.
The best moments from Chris have been shit he did entirely on his own with minimal outside influence.
jesus christ chandler what the fuck is happening behind those soulless eyes
Chris chan is always been a Sup Forums thing you retarded summer fag. Also, he's the reason why autism became a meme. Everytime you call someone autistic on Sup Forums, it's because of Chrissy boy here.
he's in it for that chick with the dyed gray hair
Nobody bullied him. He's a piece of shit that treats women like dirt and attacks game store employees for having blue armed Sonic products.
It doesn't help that he does all of this shit to himself.
Holy fucking shit.
He's wearing the goddamn medallion!
>There must be more people like him right? They just remain undetected.
There is whole forum dedicated to people like him kiwifarms and some of the former trolls are just like him,
pic related Ahuviya Harel was the troll known as Jack Thaddeus and ended up being the biggest lolcow, after CWC of course
Was this supposed to be poetry?
Jesus christ. I just cant with this dude. The attention he craves seriously justifies every single thing Sup Forums has ever done to him.
It's for straight. The most amazing thing is his logic; because straight people came before LGBT (?) the S should come first, to honour them.
look, autism speaks
To be paranoid is a bust.....?
>and attacks game store employees for having blue armed Sonic products.
Quit acting like that is such good and innocent behavior when it is not and is in fact a devilish plan to intentionally overstimulate the senses of good and honest sonic the hedgehog fans who happen to be autistic and have been fans since 1993!
>humps his ps3
>"dammit jack thaddeus give me back my playstation network account!"
Smashed the original. That is a cheap imitation.
This is what happens when Sup Forums gets a hold of you.
It would have been funny if they showed his tweets begging for someone to murder Trump while he's talking about not hating.
Ironically those have also been on TV.
the S is added by Chris. It stands for "straight" because they need to be heard too!