When it's reasonably priced. Which it isn't right now.
Carter Martin
Isaac Perez
Actually, yes. My bare minimum expectations were met and then exceeded past the fucking moon. Metroid's redemption is all I wanted. Nintendo is cool again.
Jacob Robinson
Ill get it with the new smash is announced or once the new pokemon is shown off.
Jeremiah Campbell
That's quite a good line-up
Camden Fisher
Zelda and Mario is almost enough to get me to bite. I'll save some from my paychecks and hopefully they'll be a good bundle by then. And more games.
Jackson Reed
>So are you getting a Switch now? I would if it was possible where I live with walmart and gamestop pulling this artificial scarcity shit Its impossible the only store with video games in 100 miles is walmart and our local one had 3 in stock on release day and hasn't even attempted to stock since then
Caleb Butler
Also rocket league is the fucking shit, being able to play it on the go will be awesome, hopefully single joycon support
Hunter Peterson
i'm probably going to get one now. i'm a sucker, really
Nicholas Rogers
>wiiu ports as far as the eye can see I'm uh, good thanks.
Cooper Lee
wii u ports on the go!
Isaac Rodriguez
I already have one.
Matthew Wilson
add in smash 4 deluxe/smash 5 and bayo 3 and the line-up will be perfect for me
>Metroid's redemption Remember when Team Ninja were going to redeem Metroid back in 2009?
Ryan Cruz
Haha no
Josiah Baker
that's what they get for raising min wage~
Nicholas Ross
Price drop and I still have like 7 Wii U games to play. So I'll get a Prime 4 / Animal Crossing bundle in 2020.
Nicholas Wilson
I have been been trying but the piece of shit is still out of stock!
Adam Ross
As soon as >Metroid Prime 4 >New Pokemon Game Are released, they were too ambiguous about them.
I would love to play some Kirby and Yoshi as well.
Alexander Diaz
>Good game >Child game >Child game >Child game >Child game >Good game >Good game >Child game >Child game >Child game >Boring >Child game >Child game
Jacob Perez
honestly it's fucking nintendo, same old franchises, zelda mario metroid zzzz, and a bunch of kiddie games like fucking yoshi and kirby, yet more pokemon, no fucking thanks.
that said, it's still the best from E3, so you can say nintendo won if you like, if that's what you're into. it's not what i'm into.
i'll be buying the xXBoXx, simply because it's the most powerful console and can actually do 4K.
Alexander Diaz
Camden Anderson
already beat botw on pc. Only excited for xenoblade 2 and new pokemon. Neither will come out this year.
Dominic Campbell
Was it a good experience? Afaik it's still glitchy as fuck.
Ian Cooper
>Zelda: BotW
I'll wait for the emulator to be perfect.
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Why would I play some shit "party" racer?
A mini game made into a whole game. I'm sure it would be fun for all of 20 minutes.
>Splatoon 2
I'd rather play an actual shooter if I was going to play a shooter.
>Mario Odyssey
Mario jumps around version 34? No thanks.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Might be a good game but there are plenty like it already.
>Xenoblade 2
Might be good but I wouldn't buy a system for it.
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
I'd rather play an actual turn based game.
>Kirby >Yoshi
If I wanted to play a platformer with a gimmick I'd pick one of the 10 million that get released every year
>Metroid Prime 4
Don't know anything about it.
>New Pokemon Game
The only thing that would interest me in a Pokemon game is the nostalgia factor of the original 150. I wouldn't care about the new ones. Also, the Pokemon Sun and Moon games looked like they'd be a pain to play.
>Pokken Tournament DX
There are plenty of better fighters I'd rather play if I'd want to play a fighter.
Parker Ortiz
>cares about power >buys a console
Samuel Williams
I was thinking about getting a Wii u instead so I cant get cheaper games. Haven't owned a nintendo since the 64.
When they announced MH XX they nearly got me, since Xenoblade 2 really looks great too (nothing else is interesting for the Switch though) but after Monster Hunter World got announced for pc I changed my mind. There is no reason to get a tiny muffin without frosting if you can get a delicious layer cake for the same money (or more likely for 15 bucks less).
Parker Myers
I hope these are just placeholder prices or else I'm gonna be extra pissed
Eli Perry
No one does and neither do you, fucking false flagger. There was no redemption to be made, it was simply a new installment that sucked.
Blake Garcia
When the price drops and the games I actually want come out. No reason to buy one right now.
Lucas Butler
Thank you, weeb scum. (You) appreciated.
Gavin White
>can actually do 4K
How is it going to actually do 4k with a 1060 equivalent GPU
Jace Edwards
yeah i cant be fucking bothered with dealing with
crashes driver issues constant errors shit simply stopping working for literally no reason, like waking up to find your wifi stopped working or your usb failed even though you didnt even do anything the fucking hardware-specific glitches such as the one with fallout where lucky amd users get to have rainbow pixellated textures with no fucking fix in sight
no mate computers are too much fucking messing around and i'm done with it. all i use my pc for is to play black desert online and mod ever-increasingly large titties into skyrim.
Alexander Walker
My man
Mason James
>No Dragon Ball FigtherZ
Caleb Williams
i never owned a wii u so i might bite soon
Christian Thomas
No Pikmin 4 No Animal Crossing
no buy.
Jackson Cruz
How'd you fit such a big dick inside such a tiny mouth
Nathaniel Jenkins
>still counting ports >and logos and spoken word announcements >forgetting that mainline Pokemon has been permanently ruined by save editing and hacked Pokemon, and Bank >forgetting that Metroid Prime 3 was extremely mediocre, and that MP2 was boring >caring about babbys first and second Platformers >no MHXX in the west >third party support is FIFA and Rocket League
Brandon Cruz
Getting it for Xenoblade 2, but will wait till end of the year for dem Christmas discounts
Levi Baker
>Why would I play some shit "party" racer? spotted the anti social retard >A mini game made into a whole game. I'm sure it would be fun for all of 20 minutes. t. didn't play it >I'd rather play an actual shooter if I was going to play a shooter. what the fuck is an actual shooter? >Mario jumps around version 34? No thanks. It's a 3d mario, nothing wrong with it >I'd rather play an actual turn based game. what the fuck is an actual turn based game?
work on your bait, but you are probably just trying to fit in I guess
Bentley Hill
when I actually have money yeah maybe.
Nolan Wilson
Xeno2 didn't look promising. One thing is graphically, but the entire direction of it just seems lackluster at best.
I'll wait for release for the verdict, but for now it's not exactly impressing.
Robert Sanders
You guys are acting like children. Might as well like the same company you call kiddie. For such "mature" consoles like the PS4 and XBONE, a lot of kids and summerfags migrate to those systems. Let's not be those summerfags and be calm when defending your system, okay? Tl;dr: Stop acting like fucking children.
Carson Hernandez
I won't bother quoting your dumb shit so take these responses.
A shooter that has actual depth to the mechanics like csgo.
If you get excited at the idea of playing "watch mario jump up and coins appear" for the 30th time then you might be an actual retard.
A turn based game that isn't just a joke. If a 10 year old can complete it, it's not worth playing.
Matthew Robinson
You mean that console that had games you wanted but refused to get for contrived reasons?
Asher Hall
If only I could find one, they aren't in stock anywhere near me
Kevin Morris
The switch game is either going to either be the Gen 7 equivalent of Coliseum/XD or Gen 8. The last two gems have had enough Gen wanking as it is, let's give Gen 2/3/4 some time to shine
Jonathan Phillips
Same here
Jaxon Anderson
>plays bdo without a good PC How?
Luis Jones
In October.
When SMO releases.
Logan Davis
and buys a console
Nathan Richardson
Reminder that Zelda BotW has less hand holding than any AAA open world game released this decade.
Juan Wright
Just shitty games.... of course not
Camden Harris
You'd think they'd want more in stock around this time so more people could impulsively buy after the E3 announcements but what do I know
Logan Taylor
Yeah and I'll play it on pc when the emulator is perfect.
I only have a 4k tv and monitor so I imagine botw 900p upscaled will look bad, regardless of any dsr it has.
Joseph Perry
who said I didn't have a good pc?
all computers are like this
i'm sick and tired of spending half my time fixing bugs and errors.
Robert Wright
I'll probably pick one up around Christmas
Hudson Reyes
Exactly. It's fucking silly. Three months later and it's still hard as fuck to find.
Nathaniel Nelson
Spent about 960 on new computer parts, so no I won't. Maybe at the end of the year, so I can get Odyssey and MarioxRabbids
Joseph Brown
Month / IP
>03: Zelda >04: Mario Kart >06: ARMS >07: Spatoon >08: Mario X Rabbids >09: Pokken >10: Super Mario >Fall 2017: Xenoblade, FIre Emblem
Jace Wood
I can mildly understand the thing with the NES Classic, at worst you can emulate everything and those games already exist in multiple forms but this is their big new thing they are banking on and they have hype building, why keep people waiting
Evan Flores
If I can find a place to buy the fucking this really stupid for them to hype it up but not have any stock after E3 to get sales from impulse buyers like me
Dylan Parker
Cuckstation 4 >Bloodborne
Colton Cook
It's only mainly their fault, I think. Pretty sure they were in competition with Apple to get certain things from Samsung. I am not completely sure though, may be wrong.
James Ward
It's really not that difficult. I have a thrown together mediocre gaming PC and it doesn't have any of those issues. Not sure what the fuck you're doing to your PC for shit to be crashing and breaking all the time. Have fun with your $500+paid online Xbox with its 25 FPS 4K.
Luis Edwards
yeah it should be higher
Dylan Hill
Guys where's MHXX localization
Alexander Ortiz
$299 really isn't that bad if you have a job.
Gavin Gray
hell yeah sign me up brother
Jayden Murphy
needs donkey kong and animal crossing
Ethan Bennett
I will buy it again for the portability. Cross play is awesome, never have an issue finding a game.
Easton Young
A console needs exclusives! >nintendo gives exclusives No, those doesn't count because they don't apeal to me, a super mature gamer, I rather play generic shooter No176 to show my maturity :^)
Kayden Adams
I keep getting reasons to buy one but I'll keep waiting for Smash in the Switch I'm not going to buy a WiiU just for like 3 games and right now one of them is in the Switch
Jose Barnes
Not yet, but it's getting there. Once Pokemon, Kirby, and Metroid are officially out (probably by the end of next year) it'll be worth getting, especially by then since it'll probably have a price cut
Blake Price
I still maintain that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a shitty version of the WiiU 8 but everything shown today besides Rabbids, Skyrim, and no Monster Hunter look amazing. Plus my WiiU and 3DS got content (BOTW DLC and Metroid 2)
Dominic King
Will buy on the day Metroid Prime 4 releases. Saving money until then.
Jose Williams
This. When its 200-250$ BUNDLED it will be okay.
Kevin Flores
>So are you getting a Switch now? >ports, multiplats and shit that wont be out till God knows when nah
Hunter Gomez
What games do you play, and time stamp please
Josiah Gutierrez
Where did I say their exclusives don't count? I said I don't want any of them and as a result I won't buy the system.
Isaac Young
Rabbids, Platoon, ARMS, Odyssey and Xenoblade are all coming out this year tho
Gabriel Rivera
The console costs the same as PS4 Pro in my country. Every AAA game costs 25% of the console itself. Fuck this shit.
Benjamin Ward
A timestamp of what?
Let me skip posting what games I play because here is how it will go
>I post the games I play >You post "LOL YOU PLAY THIS GAME" regardless of what games I post
Thomas Collins
Still no animal crossing
Logan Reyes
>Rabbids already lost me with the first one
Brayden Harris
Bro I regularly spend $200 on shemale hookers, I bought a Switch day 1, how's it feel to be a poorfag?
Cameron Diaz
Chase Rogers
Next year E3, or announced along with the mobile game. Be patient
Mason Flores
Nope. Got Devil Survivor Overclocked in cex yesterday.
Josiah Adams
So I just got home from class. Has nintendo won e3 yet? I see they're showing off some kind of musou right now, but I don't care for the genre.
Jonathan Watson
Yes at income tax.
Ryan Watson
>it's okay when nintendo ports! This board is so fucking delusional
Zachary Robinson
good day sir
Lucas Phillips
>it's powerful so it's the best That's retarded.
Jason Harris
I've been considering it, but I don't know what to with this Wii U. Any suggestions? I have a lot of virtual console games for it I also have BotW. Maybe, I could just keep it plugged in, and not get the Switch BotW
Luis Brooks
Your game library. Shouldn't be too hard. You are at home by yourself right now.