E3 non shitpost edition

Can we please get a thread about what games announced at E3 people are excited for, buying, pirating etc
without turning into shitposting and fanboy flame wars

I'm really excited for Kirby. Can't wait to see what unfathomable abomination he destroys at the end of the game.

I have bought BotW DLC already
Will be buying dishonored 2 DLC
Excited for a good remake of SotC
Will end up playing ass creed, GoW, Days gone and spidey
Would like to play mario odessey but I aint buying a switch just for that game.

You realize what kind of people come to this board, right?

>pick related

I'm honestly looking forward to the Shadow of the Colossus remake. Those graphics look sweet. And I love how the new wolfenstein looks, and I say that as a Sup Forumsack. Nintendo did nicely. I wish we actually saw some gameplay of the new Metroid fps game and the Pokemon Switch game, but I'm still excited for them.

excited for
>God of War
>Days Gone
>State of Decay 2
>Metroid 4
>Metroid Samus Returns
>The Evil Within 2

>You realize what kind of people come to this board, right?
>non shitpost edition

I'm excited for games that don't have blacks in them, so mostly Nintendo stuff.


2018 can't come sooner


I want to say GoW but gameplay doesn't look that fun

This. Nintendo killed it by virtue of not being shit.

>2d metroid
>farcry 5
>sotc remake

thats it really

im so fucking happy a 2d metroid is coming

Metro Exodus
Code Vein
Wolfenstein 2
The Evil Within 2
Monster Hunter World
Ni No Kuni 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Metroid Prime 4 and 2D Metroid

All in all a merely decent E3, Nintendo really finished it off on a strong note after the boring, lifeless Sony conference.

>2018 can't come sooner
it was a but lack luster that all of sonys bug games are not coming until next year, all we are getting is DLC for this years games.
I was expecting at least GoW and spidey this year.

Excited for the new Uncharted, especially since it's only a couple months away.
To be honest, nothing much really jumped out at me, which I'm fine with because I have a huge backlog of games to work through.

>Excited for DLC

Seriously why would you be hyped about that?

I'm really really afraid of them fucking up monster Hunter world.

If anthem flops you have to givr them points for thr suit designs.

>Metro Exodus
>Sea of Thieves
>SotC Remake
>Dragon Ball Fighter Z
>Super Mario Odyssey

Alright I know you guys don't like brown people but I still want to play the new Assassin's Creed. The ancient setting is really interesting to me. Does anyone know what time it will be set in exactly? Probably Cleopatra and the romans?

ahh I forgot this one. i will probably play this, I like mech shit, but....bioware

God of War
Shadow of Mordor 2
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Shadow of The Colossus
Mario Odyssey

Same. I grew up a ninten/pcfag so I never got to play SotC, but I've known for years I wanted to and just never got around to it yet so this works out nicely for me.

I like the tone they're going for in God of War but I'm not sold on the gameplay just yet, need to see more.

I was really hoping to see a new Fromsoft game and was also on the DMC5 hopetrain, so I'm a little disappointed overall. It was a "good" E3 but there were very few reveals that personally interest me.

Definitely looking forward to both Metroids.
Gonna buy the shit out of DB Fighterz.
Mario Odyssey looks great.
Spider-Man's combat is kind of disappointing but I'll pick it up if it's open-world.
MHW and GoW look mediocre but I have a feeling I'll probably still play them for whatever reason.
Mario + Rabbids looks surprisingly playable.
Wolfy 2 might be good but I haven't played TNO yet.
I expect Sonic Forces to be a disappointment but I'll play it anyway.

If it's a game he likes what's the problem? I'm hype for BotW's DLCs

I was hyped up for a DMC5 reveal and I'm grossly let down we didn't get it. Oh well. Yeah, I don't think I'm too excited by the new God of War game simply because I just don't like that camera.

>All the games I want to play are either on the Switch or on the PC

And they said it wasn't the best combo...

Not excited about anything at all. I guess Metro and Spiderman were least shit and I will buy SotC remake even though it won't be the same without Ueda's magic touch

I'm pretty hype for BotW's second DLC. I thought the exposition in the main story for the champions was really lackluster for some of them. Urbosa and Mipha were decent since they showed up in more than a few scenes and had some lore/dialogue about them that fleshed them out a bit, but Daruk and Revali got like two seconds on screen and short as fuck areas. Felt like they spent all their effort on the Zora/Gerudo parts of the game and then ran out of time and rushed the Rito/Goron parts.

MonHun World
Beyond Gud and Evil 2
Metroid Prime
Metroid 3ds
Pokémon USUM if we're counting that

>the manchild collection

>Beyond gud and evil
>no gameplay shown

What games did you lads really want that didn't show up this year?
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Lost Odyssey 2 That one was an insane stretch though, so I'm not really bummed out
Metroid took the edge off at least, but no DMC5 really hurt.

Only code vain so far

It's a thing now instead of just being vapour ware. If it's shit I just won't buy it and we can safely ignore Ubisoft from there porn.

Did your phone just correct on to porn

Excited for
>Dragonball Fighter Z
>Cuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil
>Shadow of the Colossus Remake
>Kirby Switch
>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid: Samus Returns
>Mario Odyssey
>Sonic Mania

Cautiously Optimistic:
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
>God of War
>Sonic Forces

Overall this E3 was fucking horrible. Everyone under performed except for Nintendo. I hope VR dies.

*from there on
Wew thanks autocorrect

>DMC5 really hurt
It honestly, truly did.

I thought Nintendo was going to show more third party stuff? Weren't people saying that we were getting all Dark Souls? Beyond Good and Evil 2 is at least going to be a Switch exclusive right?

Possibly buying Code Vein, not sure of God of War because it's still not hooking me like the previous games.
Definitely buying Shadow of the Colossus remake.
Pirating Ass Creed Origins, Wolfenstein, Metro Exodus.
Skipping Spiderman, BGE2, TLOU 2, Uncharted Lost Legacy.

semi optimistic of assasin kangz and wolfenstien

Hoping to see more about what games will come to the OG Xbox backwards compatability.

Crimson Skies is a fantastic start but we still need JSRF, Otogi, Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Dragoon, Conker Live and Reloaded and DOA Ultimate/3 for a solid lineup

I'm actually not excited by anything shown. God of War looks too different and no last of us 2 or From souls game made this the most underwhelming and disappointing e3 of all time for me.

Mordor 2 and Far Cry 5 look good.

That psvr game set in the mental hospital looked interesting.

Really hype for Wolfenstein 2.

Thats all that really grabbed me. I'm sure a few other games will end up being good

> no halo

desu audrey has a butterface
I don't understand why people sperg out over her

NintoddIers, being toddlers, are tits guys

code vein is the one im 100% looking forward to,theyre in the right track with a few more quality changes and assuming the game is decent it has masterpiece potential (or it might fall flat and collapse who fucking knows im hyped tho)

other than that everything nintendo announced im all for,ill need to get some moolah stacked to get all this goodness when it gets a good price at holidays later this year

other than that i dont see anything that appeals to me that much,no dmc hit me hard...

>2D Metroid and Prime 4
>new Kirby that is a fusion of Super Star and 64
>Mario Oddesey looks fucking amazing
>Spider-Man looks fun despite QTE heavy scenes
>DB Fighterz looks fucking amazing
>Wolfenstein 2 is fun looking
>MH World
>Ori sequel
Also the shit that we known about like Crash, Sonic Mania and Bloodstained look great.

This was the best E3 since 2014 and 2010

Bruh Halo CE and Halo 2 are 100% happening, there's no point in adding it to a list of potentials.

Crimson Skies huh? Man I wish time moved slower.

Yeah I don't get those titty manchildren I wonder what her farts smell like though haha

Metroid 2
Strange journey AGAIN BABY

Not the greatest e3, but I'm glad I can dust off the 3ds to play some games I've already played like crazy

>Dragon Ball Fighters

Game looks fucking amazing. I dont even really need to say anything. Might be the most exciting game of E3 for me just because of what it means for the FGC and future events.

>Monster Hunter World

Fantastic Series. Can't wait to see how it turns out running on a real console. Those MH fangirls buttblasted over 'muh portable' and complaining about the game becoming casual can stuff it. This is what Monster Hunter needed.


Really want to be excited, but fuck. Its EA and Bioware. Gonna have to just wait. Also that demo with the scripted banter almost made me want to kill myself.

>Destiny 2

I like Destiny. Come at me.

All I care about is MH World. I just really really want it to not suck.

I fooled around on a friend's destiny account and concluded that I'd have played it if it had been on PC.
I'm willing to give destiny dos a solid try.

I liked

NFS something
Ori 2

Last Night
Sea of Thieves
Shadow of Mordor
Assassin's Creed now with drones

PC Gamer:
That Advance Wars like game
That 3D terraria with pirates
Age of Empires remaster

Wolfenstein 2
Evil Within 2
Dishonored 2 dlc

Crew 2
That mario game with the rabbids
Beyond (although no gameplay)
The pirates game

Shadow of the Colossus remake
Monster Hunter World
God of War

Mario Odyssey
XC 2


Very hyped for GoW and Spiderman. Most of the multiplats looked underwhelming as fuck though. Currently contemplating buying a Switch though, but I already own a PS4 and a PC, seems like it will collect quite a bit of dust.

Really Excited for metro

A Way Out was the most unique AAA game I saw, but I don't know how much of it actually requires cooperative puzzle-solving and how much is just cinematic button prompts.

>State of Decay 2
>Detroit: Become Human
>The Last Light

that's it for me