It's fucking ruined

it's fucking ruined


Retro is a shadow of it's former self now. Most of it's devs left.

Retro was ruining Prime as early as Prime 2. I'm glad they're gone.

Primes head developer is still working it though.

Not a bad thing, because a lot of the Prime key members left Retro after finishing Prime 3.

Also I want to see Retro making a new IP.

Oh then its okay

You know the original Metroid Prime was developed by a brand new team, right?

What the fuck has retro been doing for the last 4 years?

Most of the Retro guys that worked on MP 1 and 2 left. Hence why 3 was shit.

It's like complaining that a new Banjo or Conker wasn't made by Rare. None of those guys are there anymore so it wouldn't matter.



Good; we get Metroid AND a new Retro game.

>made dong freeze 3 years ago
>shadow of its former self


Retro's senior staff left, they casualized Donkey Kong, and are a shell of what they used to be. Prime 3 was the weakest of the series, and if they were still on it would have looked and played like Halo 4, a game with Retro senior staff on it.

Having Tanabe and Breath of the Wild staff on it is a great fucking thing.

>a great fucking thing

t. tanabe

>casualized donkey kong

Why do metroid fans always come across like they hate most nintendo games/never know what the fuck they are talking about?

I like metroid fine but metroid fans are even below sony fans in my eyes

Breath of the Wild staff?
Where's this info from?

To be fair, most of Retro's team left since Corruptioin, so it's not like they're the same company anymore.
Still, I'm worried.

Hold up, the BoTW staff? Whats the source on that? That sounds almost too good to be true.

Color Splash was great to play, Miyamoto was the one who gimped its story and setting.

So that means Retro is making something else? Sweet, but where the hell is it?

mark my turds



I want a fitting end to retro's donkey kong games


he made tropical freeze too, when the concept is good he excels (like another prime)

>casualized donkey kong

Yoshi. The yarn team isnt wirking on it.

>great to play
Absolutely false.

>Breath of the Wild staff on it is a great fucking thing.
Early access metroid


Nice falseflag, sonybro.

>Color Splash was great to play
If you never played a game in your life yes its GOTY


nope I own over 50 amiibo and am the biggest nintendo slut ever (will post timestamed pic if necessary)

metroid fans are always butthurt faggots all they do is complain and shit on other franchises

I hate them

>Mirror of Fate dev is in charge of Super Metroid 2,5

I'll just replay am2r

>casualized Donkey Kong
that's a funny way to spell "made the only DKC equal to or better than DKC2"

ID software is working on it .

It's Returns but with no the waggle is optional.

it's obvious you didn't play it metroid faggot

Are Nintendo fans really shitting on old games just to make the Switch look better?


Wait, do we have actual Nintendo marketeers here? Surely this can't be real


Plus, Retro arguably got lucky with the original Metroid Prime - after Nintendo shitcanned everything else they were working and shoved the development team back on track and guided them to making something good.

The sequel, Echoes, was blah and the 3rd entry is probably the weakest. It was diminishing returns.

Not to mention their later revisions of MP1 basically did nothing but make it less fun to play.

it's metroid fans i.e. the sonyfeg of the nintendo franchise fans

all they know how to do is shit on stuff

>game announced
>it's not made by prime devs
Actually prime wasn't even that good, we never really wanted a sequel, really need a fresh look at Metroid right now

remember that the people who left made Recore and we all know the "quality" of that game

>Metroid Prime isn't being made by R&D1, some American studio is making it
>It's gonna be shit

All I hear is you complaining about Metroid, sony pony.

Remember that they all collectively made Prime 3 and if we're being honest it wasn't very good

How long until they announce Pokemon RPG isn't actually core Pokemon and it's just a Chokobo dungeon kind of thing? I wonder if Nintykids will defend that too

That's true, the development of the original game was on it's way to being a total train wreck. Nintendo had to personally visit the studio to go fucking apeshit on them , I recall the some staffers saying it was like Darth Vader visiting the half-completed Death Star.



>Not remembering Metroid Prime was made in Texas
Do your homework, faggot

Holy shit.

I'm so sorry, Switchfags.

am I reading this right? are you saying MP3 would be better if it were more like halo 4?

your game is gonna be shit dude. that's just the card dealt to metroidfags

Except that's not what is being said. Retro isn't the same anymore, it's a good thing they aren't working on it. I'd be concerned if Tanabe wasn't working on it.

a card is better than no card. The point is, the same team isn't going to be there so it doesnt matter in the slightest if retro makes it or not

How will Nintendawgs defend it when it's finally revealed the Federation Force devs are making Prime 4?

>huge empty PLANET to play on
>need to collect and switch been different ammo every little fight and only get very little ammo at a time and it's also capped so you can't really stockpile it
>retards say it's not empty because you can collect 1200 pieces space pirate poop

This. Also Retro deserves working on new stuff. They already prove themselves with the trilogy.

>need to collect and switch been different ammo every little fight and only get very little ammo at a time and it's also capped so you can't really stockpile it

so it'll be prime 2

Hey guys, I'll let you in on a secret. Who was the only one that wasn't showing a game despite being confirmed as making something for the Switch. It starts with an F and ends with a T.

Fat cunt? That's not a good clue

lets see it sony bro

>I'd be concerned if Tanabe wasn't working on it.

Yeah sure it's a sony fag not someone who is aware of the eternal metroid shitter

captcha takes forever



FromSoft desu

>as early as Prime 2
Prime 2 was great.

Actually, the Prime Trilogy in general are good games.


How old are you?

>inb4 From Software

Oh no he delivered! Better attack something else!

I may be a nintendo consumer whore and a manchild but at least I'm not part of the horrible metroid "fanbase"

Look at this fag who can't appreciate figures.

Considering Prime 3 was the weakest entry in the series, that's a good thing. Leave Retro ending their DK Trilogy and then make them work on something new.
Give Prime to a new fresh developer that can change the things for better.


honestly I do agree with you though

hahaha people were saying this in 2001 when they found out that some literally who developer called retro was going to make a first person metroid

basically all of prime's devs have left
MP3 had some big problems

a new team is fine

They really are the most autismal and cancerous part of the Nintendo fanbase, especially with their constant three-way infighting

>3D fans shitting on 2D games
>2D fans shitting on 3D games
>ACfag praising Other M while everyone else in the world shits on it