Where were you when Nintendo fuckin won E3?

Where were you when Nintendo fuckin won E3?

yeah that JPG really won E3, I love looking at JPGs instead playing video games

but that's a png

Link to gameplay footage then?

MMMmmmmm delicious tears

Stay salty

>Not made by Retro Studios

It'll be shit

Oh honey, EA's games are more exciting than this. Nintendo fans are just blowing their load due to a game drought.


Oh sweetheart, if you have to defend E3 to even make a point you've already lost.

a title mention is enough for nintedofags to go mental.
you literally lost all dignity on this board.

Like anyone cares what your fatass thinks

drop dead nfag


of course you dumb toddlers eat this shit up. fuck off.

>thinking I give a fuck about a Nintendo made Fantastic Four game

...Fantastic Four?

>Didn't have any hope for Nintendo because I thought they cancelled AM2R for the sake of messing with fans
>No bullshitting, straight to the games
>Suddenly Metroid Prime 4
>Suddenly new Metroid 2D being a remake of Metroid 2
>Mario Oddyssey looks fucking fantastic and its soundtrack is literally GOAT
>Other games looked decent

Holy shit, they literally saved E3 from being lame as shit and my hope too.

I am honestly hoping it's shit so I don't have to buy a fucking Switch.

Almost none of the original Prime team remained by the time 3 came out.

>oh wow it's fucking nothing
I'll be more impressed when I see
a. what gameplay looks like
b. when it's slated for release

for someone who has no nostalgia for this franchise, seduce me

And as a result, 3 was the weakest in the trilogy.

wow good joke, i see you watched dunkey's newest video too

Pretty much this. You're jaded if you didn't think what they showed looked at the very least decent.

kek. yeah they're bringing in the gold tier IP's alright







Finally I have a reason to not kill myself

I won't fucking lie, my dick is fucking rock hard right now at this news.

But I am cautious: Retro Studios ISN'T making Prime 4. Does anyone know how much involvement Sakamoto himself has this time? His influence is most to blame for Samus' '''''development'''''' in Other M

Bro most of the staff was gone by metroid prime 3. As long as they keep with the themes it'll be good.