So now that it's been revealed another studio is working on Prime 4: What the hell are they working on and why is it...

So now that it's been revealed another studio is working on Prime 4: What the hell are they working on and why is it talking so long to reveal it?

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I would fucking cum

Star Fox shooter.

Hopefully A third donkey kong game

Reminder that the deus ex composer is helping retro in their new game

perfect dark 2

I want to believe

does nintendo even have major development teams anymore? theyve literally only had zelda and now mario for about 5 years of development or more.

>neo Tanabe
>looking over a new team of developers
We're fucked.

What does "a talented new dev team" mean? Does nintendo have a new studio? I've always thought they could use a couple more studios to fill the gaps.

almonds activated

Nintendo doesn't have studios anymore (not counting 2nd parties). They combined all their studios into Nintendo EAD a while back.

I was wondering what had been of that one game with Giant Robots Nintendo showed a few years back, but apparently the thing has been cancelled.

Stop making me dream of things that will never come to pass.

Fuck you user. Why do this to me?

The lead programmer of Retro died of cancer shortly after MP3

Who knows what they're up to

Only their internal ones. Monolith Soft, Retro, 1-Up, etc are all still their own thing.

Have you been living under a rock?

They made the last two DKC games

They've been hiring a shit load of people over the last 3 years.