>derivative as fuck
>oh, another TPS mixed with survival and stealth mechanics
>cheesy dialogue
>souless presentation
>uncharted + TLOU
>even faster zombies
at least that's new, bravo Sony
>derivative as fuck
>oh, another TPS mixed with survival and stealth mechanics
>cheesy dialogue
>souless presentation
>uncharted + TLOU
>even faster zombies
at least that's new, bravo Sony
I was actually somewhat looking forward to this until they showed gameplay. Why is every game a poor mans metal gear and far cry? Shit is getting really fucking old. Part of the reason why I got bored of Horizon.
Yeah this one is #fortheconsumers
yeah I think the same thing everytime I see this game
I thought TLOU was a good change of pace from the Uncharted series because while they are both story driven TPS games at least the gameplay in TLOU was different enough to be refreshing
but this just seems literally like it could be dlc for TLOU which is disappointing to say the least
>souless presentation
This i disagree with the most.
If anything this game has the characters and narrative to make this a game that is worthwhile.
You don't see singleplayer games like this often.
what character(s)
what narrative?
can't wait for the youtube port :)
When can I but the $200 optional DLC to hang people from my ceiling to spasm when a zombie gets close?
Narrative as in the way the game's plot and story is presented.
The voice acting is top notch, the presentation is great and honestly i like the idea of being a bounty hunter in an open world with zombies in huge hordes.
there is no narrative in what we seen. it has been "get by the zombies, and don't get killed"
but I think you are false-flagging
Nigger see the first trailer. Fuck off.
And then they downgraded it. The demo looked like ass compared to the last one.
Downgraded how?
I have no problems with the game, not everything can be unique, but holy fuck how is this game not coming out this year? It was far enough along to have a stage demo last year, and one this year. How the fuck is this a 2018 game?
"run from the zombies!!!"
You're pretending to be a shill.
What's wrong with his hand?
They don't say that in the first trailer. Stfu.
You can clearly see from the little we have seen what type of personality our main character has.
The bounty hunter lifestyle + the lonewolf thing is very explicitly represented even though we have barely seen anything.
>he is a grough loner with a knack for survival
You are pretending to be fucking retarded at this point.
My entire point was that they at least have the atmosphere nailed to the point where the game could easily be worth while from that aspect.
Textures are worse and his character model looks less detailed.
are the people who complain about uniqueness the most plebian type of complainers out there?
>another tps mixed with survival and stealth mechanics
i actually like these, but all i've seen recently with these traits are TLOU and horizon. list some more OP. surely there must be dozens for the ps4
if you want more of the same, I'm sure. I won't argue that it seems to effectively recreate everything that is trendy and expected in cinematic zombie stories - but to be excited about that is to be excited about new flavors of mountain dew or anticipating the announcement of the next f2p moba derivative.
the power of PS Pro
The sombies seem to very controllable, so i'm thinking it might be possible to always have a horde of zombies with you as some sort of non-magic necromancer
Metal Gear Solid V
The Evil Within
Shadow of Mordor
these are huge fucking trends in games dude.
that would be cool and unique if they played with manipulating zombie packs a lot.
Quality > Gimmicky shit
Okay so you are pretending to be fucking retarded.
You have compressed the new footage down a ton from its original 4k feed to some retarded resolution.
It is even a 286 kb jpg. ffs dude. Stop yourself.
looks exactly the same, retard.
just excessive amounts of depth of field overuse by shitty devs
on a scale of gimmick:pre-packaged you may have a point. real life's a little more nuanced tho
this game was absolutely volatile, worst tropes in gaming getting shown off one after another....
who approved this dog shit and who the fuck is making it
Not really sure you're aware what a TPS is and even the examples you gave are wildly different. TPS is a genre over the shoulder or third person is a perspective.
You aren't even trying to hide the fact that you are a shill.
Not sure you have the brain capability to really parse the argument you are trying to make, so I won't progress this argument any further. Maybe you'll catch up, or maybe not.
It's exactly the same you fucking mong
None of those games are like days gone
waiting on you :)
You literally said there's a ton of boring generic TPS games on the market and your fucking examples included Zelda..
>uncharted + TLOU
I'm sold
What other open world zombie game is there on console? And this looks leaps and bounds better than the one at the Microsoft conference.
You say there's a ton of them and Uncharted is somehow one of your examples and also fucking zelda?
Yea, so many damn games, pretty much identical to days gone my man
What I literally did was list a series of games that have survival and stealth mechanics like this game does. Literally that is what I did. Three of them are shooters, two of them are stealth games with minor survival aspects that have mechanics lifted from top trends of action games. Use your noggin dude
Dying Light is there for open-world. The Last of Us encompasses this game's main action in its moment-to-moment gameplay.
Because breaking a few games to the most basic of features, like perspective is a great way to make an argument
>how is this game similar to other games with stealth and survival mechanics
well it's different I guess if you consider its gritty realism art style that is sourced from The Last of Us and the Walking Dead, but it is mechanically more-or-less a culmination of those trends and those games.
Dying Light is first person and entirely different in tone. Days Gone seems like it's borrowing from others, but the sum of all the parts is still something that's unique and not on the market yet.
So why say TPS then? Wew lad Zelda has stealth elements in it it's exactly like Metal Gear Solid.
Both are video games too. I know it's embarassing to fuck up but going right to insults just makes you look worse.
Kind of hardly a unique spot, but it is technically not on the market.
>poor man's metal gear and far cry
>when metal gear is a poor man's far cry
Fuck off, Kojidrones. Days Gone looks to be as bad as MGSV.
could be good if they try to copy witcher 3. But this looks like shit right now desu
Is the crux of your argument here that the games I listed don''t all have guns? Cause that certainly doesn't get rid of the other shared mechanics this game has with those, and it being another shooter is not really something that wins it any points in uniqueness lol
This is obviously Bend's last game before being shut down.
>witcher 3
it would inevitably be mentioned I guess
>uncharted + TLOU
I don't get it, is that supposed to be bad?
He's got a bit of a Bend in it.
Anybody else want to punch this game's protagonist in the face? I can't even say why
PCbro think TLOU is and Uncharted are while they praise Memeground Unknow and Memetale.
Why is it always zombies? If it was at least general urban fantasy shit they could have more interesting varieties of monsters.
>if you want more of the same
name 1 open world singleplayer game that has what we just talked about.
You are of the belief that a reorganized room is the same thing as a new room, or the same room with new furniture. There is a big difference when you get a new room with completely new furniture, as opposed to a familiar room with the same furniture, but maybe a table's been added or just the couch is in another spot.
This is, inarguably, a very familiar experience that may satisfy some but still is very familiar.
>This is, inarguably, a very familiar experience that may satisfy some but still is very familiar.
Familiar to what? I just asked you to name a game but you couldn't because you know you can't name one single fucking game.
These analogies you are coming up with don't fit because games aren't all made out of the same parts. They are made out of parts that are completely different from one another.
Ah, I see you are an idiot or I am being trolled. Still waiting on you to catch up.
I guess it has it's market and it will sell.
My Dad loves Uncharted, Tomb Raider, FarCry 1/2 and is pretty hyped for Days Gone.
Also the "it's Unkarted + TLoU" argument is not a bad thing.
I can tell you really wanted to make a food analogy but didn't ant to look like a retard. Also, quit using shitty analogies.
>Uncharted + TLoU
Yes it is, atleast when its over done like it is. I guarantee Sony forces their studios to make that kind of game now due to that success
>implying you wouldn't do that if you were Sony.
It's free money m8.
you not understanding isn't something to be proud about
No fuck off you are the one who critiqued it for being the same as something but you can't name anything else to compare it to.
Honestly the only thing i can compare it to is red dead but in a modern day zombie apocalypse.
How about you quit comparing video games to stuff and actually talk about video games.
sounds like you can't tell games apart if not for their box art and pictures of games. what's mechanical similarity matter!
you entered a thread specifically about comparing it dude. again, i don't think you're posting with your brain turned on.
Funny i was going to say the same thing to you.
but that wouldn't make sense?
>this posting style
What you underage, retarded, or both? Fuck off.
You are the one saying it looks the same as all other games.
>No argument
Its uncharted +tlu without any of the charm, or character of either.
Just the gameplay, which is the worst part of both.
with actual reasons for support, mechanical similarities. the most you have presented is presentation differences, which when it comes to games, mean nothing.
>you dont see singleplayer games like this often
the last of us
uncharted 2
uncharted 3
uncharted 4
uncharted: lost legacy
god of war 4
That is one ugly, blocky looking Beretta.
Metal Gear Solid 2 had a nicer looking Beretta 15-16 years ago.
>Not one of them are open world
>which when it comes to games, mean nothing.
>All 2d sidescrollers are copies of mario games
Is it just Far Cry or Horizon + zombies?
I'm bored of raiding&clearing enemy camps
I'm excited for it. It could end up being a good game. We'll have to wait and see.
if the difference between Mario and other side-scrollers is the way that the sprites are styled, then yes it is a Mario clone. Come on, dude. Post smart already.
You are reducing game mechanics down to the overall actions performed.
You are neglecting the fact that each mechanic is implemented differently from game to game (look at spiderman games compared to spiderman 2) and also they tie into the other mechanics present in that particular game differently from the same mechanic in another game.
You can't dispute this so just stop posting.
this is probably the most uninspired game at E3. It so safe and boring.
the mechanics are what the actions perform, and the mechanics are not implemented very differently. stealth is the same as mordor, or MGS, or TLOU, shooting is not worth mentioning at all, the differences you are noticing do not impact the way the mechanics operate, only the situations that they are performed in differentiate this mundane hodge-podge of a game. You are really just defending this thing for no reason.
Well if the what you are complaining about literally has the word shooter in it and you list games without shooting then you just sound retarded
I never said "tps" or shooter.
Casual love it apparently.
>stealth is the same as mordor, or MGS, or TLOU
You really can't tell the difference between a planet and a kernel of sand.
That's disingenuous. You are acting like there is no similarity to the formula of hiding in bushes, tossing shit with an arc-reticle, grabbing people from behind, crouching behind cover, keeping noise down... they are mechanically the same. Other mechanics play into MGS' stealth more than TLOU, I will say that, but the stealth is mechanically the same.
Even if you don't agree completely with that, you can't honestly say that you do not see the spirit of this point I am making.
>4k feed
you mean 2160p feed?
It looks pretty good to me. But then again I'm 29 and don't bother with the contrarian culture of Sup Forums or autistic repulsion to anything cinematic or story oriented
literally thought it was a TLoU spin-off until the title was revealed, even though the zambos were different
you seem above it all dude
I'm fairly above it all
I hope he got paid for that, or else that poor person has unimaginably shit taste.
>You are acting like there is no similarity
Never said that. I just said that there are clear differences with how it is implemented from game to game.
Take for example the bike in Days Gone. You can put NOS in it. These are clear differences you are ignoring. And these games all have a ton of these small things. But you wouldn't know because you don't play them do you?
>but the stealth is mechanically the same.
I just don't agree. The movement mechanics and the crouch/prone mechanics are completely different and feel different to use.
>Even if you don't agree completely with that, you can't honestly say that you do not see the spirit of this point I am making.
I don't see the point in saying that it is samey or generic because other games has done something you deem similar.
I see that you don't find it interesting and that is fine.
But i don't think your explicit reasoning is something i could agree with.