pcfag here
Nintendo won
pcfag here
Nintendo won
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How many times do we have to tell you, user? Nintendo won
remember when nintendo won in 2009
sonyfag here
Ninty won
We all lost the game.
PS4 and WiiU owner, it has to be Nintendo. That's the only company that granted one of the big wishes of the consumer base
>gets btfo in other poll
>makes it again
How delusional.
How many polls will it take is the question
No one. We all lost.
>different poll
>expecting a different outcome
yeah no. Try in one week, maybe then you will get your 50% Sony win poll
I missed the Nintendo conference. Can someone give me a rundown.
>That's the only company that granted one of the big wishes of the consumer base
Thanks to Sony there could get the best monhun so far, though, and we already know that it will be out in 2018.
Thanks to Sony we* could get
>metroid prime 4 switch
>metroid 2 remake 3ds
>mainline Pokemon on switch
>new Kirby game on switch
>shortly after nintendo conference and during nintendo stream
That's a moor, not an ancient Egyptian. You all nerds really hate blacks, guess you all get punked on by em. I know all faggots on Sup Forums will get raped by em if they were to say all that shit to their faces
Anyone who isnt a fanboy knows its Microsoft
Nintendo and Sony were decent, and Nintendo was really this only one with a big announcement with Metroid Prime 4, but Microsoft was overall much better.
>third poll with the exact same results
Just accept it already.
>implying moors where black
how embarassing
You mean the conference where they announced a car
Why? Didnt ms just show the same old games and multiplats like sony
Not like they revived fable, scalebound or ninja gaiden
Unironically Bethesda. Sure the same Skyrim and Fallout shilling every year gets annoying, but it's nothing compared to the forced SJW movie game feminism everyone else has. The Evil Within 2 was also the only AAA proper video game without any bullshit.
Ah , I noticed you only refuted my first statement, but not the fact that you Sup Forumsirgins will get raped by the long dicked niggas lol.
Microsoft was literally quantity over quality. Nintendo and Sony did better. It surprise me that Nintendo is preferred so much, though, with monhun having a trailer and a date you wouldn't imagine that. Dunno, maybe the retards spamming retarded shit about monhun world all over the board made people annoyed.
>no forced diversity
wolfstein 2
Nintendo >>> Microsoft > Ubisoft > Sony >>> EA > Paid Mods
This tbqh
> 22 posts
> 22 users
> 200 votes for Nintendo
Nintendo is using image boards to make meme sales. Mods get a lotta money to let the ninten shills to make more threads
EA was better than sony this year
mainly because they showed actual gameplay
You mean that 5 minute part they got out of the way at the start and then showed 90 minutes of nothing but games?
I can finally use this.
quantity* over quality
Yes, that conference.
They also announced the most powerful console in gaming history along with what will probably be the best racing game in gaming history.
Too bad you weaboos only care about anime-style video games
devolver digital won
microsoft was better
because new game announcements matter unlike shit we saw last year
sony didn't had shit
>waaaah people vote in my poll
good job faggot
blacks are violent and rape, yes we know
I don't get hwy Nintendo won. The only thing of value they showed was Mario Odyssey, which we've known about, and the new Kirby game. We saw a title card for Metroid Prime 4 and they passingly mentoined a Pokemon game on Switch, which we all knew was gonna come. Not even a cinematic or any kind of presentation for either.
How can people get excited over so fucking nothing
I voted when Nintendo only had 10 votes, and this is my first post in this thread
holy fuck you can vote more than once
jesus christ nintendofags
>"Lurking?" What the fuck is that?
I'm honestly really astonished at how bad Sony was this year
Like I get it. They're far in the lead in sales so they don't need to make any major moves or answer the X1X directly, but they didn't even fucking try.
I teach history and asked students who they thought won and while most in the class didn't actually watch the conferences, they did overwhelmingly say they were interested in the new Xbox console and didn't think Playstation made any noise. Keep in mind this was before the Nintendo event so it was really just a sony/MS vote.
>v-votes were rigged because no captcha!
>v-votes were rigged because tor!
>v-votes were rigged because samefag!
get over yourself faggot tripfag
Oh, if only they knew...
>The MOOR of Vencie
>Called a "black ram" in the first fucking scene
>not black
lurking yes but also the fact you can vote multiple times.
Clearly Nintento fags are very insecure.
once the hysteria passes and the metroid fags calm down people will realise xbox won
Odyssey had the hypest gameplay showing.
Plus Nintendo is still showing shit right now and for the next 2 days at least. Xenoblade gameplay for probably the next 20-30 minutes. Pretty sure they'll also announce some more 3DS games and talk about VC eventually.
Tell me ONE other hype announcement made by Sony or MS besides MHW
PC + Switch fag here
No one.
Ninty being insufferable on Sup Forums like every E3. Switch gonna suffer that drought.
>Shows trailers for some fun videogames
>Shows trailers for some fun videogames
>unveils a shitbox with a clock speed of 1.17 GHz while bragging that it's "THA MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVUR!" and how it will do 4K despite most people not owning a 4K TV and not mentioning that it will only run at a retro cinematic 5 frames per second
This. The sheer amount of content they showes off was admitedly impressive.
I have no plans to get an Xnone...X?... but if I had to choose between the two consoles, that's what I would go with.
Xbox had won a few times in the past but there are barely any Xbox owners here do they usually don't get votes
The year when Sony had the shenmue kickstarter was one of those times
Try again faggot
are sonyfags just really fucking loud?
Outside of e3 half of the threads at any given time are sonyfags consolewarrior shitposting
> Your vote has been counted!
>you will never be this fucking retarded
feels good
As a Sony faggot to the extreme, Nintendo completely won me over with Xcom: Rabbids and Metroid Prime 4
Their falseflagging is more easily noticed this time because nintendo won
> 62 posts
> 42 users
>71 votes for MS
>58 votes for Sony
Stop giving the Tripfag attentionwhore (You)s, Jesus
All drones are equally stupid. You just don't pay as much attention to drones of your own platform because you agree with them.
We had a lot of BotW 10/10 best game ever Sony BTFO threads when that game was new.
If you don't own or plan to own Nintendo+Sony+PC/Xbox, you shouldn't post on this board.
>those results
>nintendo winning
>"we're making a pokemon and a metroid that are so early in development we only have a title for one of them"
E3, in my opinion, is about making announcements that people want to hear
While Anthem was good, it was the only notable thing XBOX showed off aside from Sea of Thieves. Everything was just kinda... eh. Sony showed good stuff but literally none of it was new, or stuff we hadn't seen before. It was just trailers or some gameplay demos.
Nintendo showed a bunch of new stuff, showed 2 (2!) new games in a franchise many people thought beyond dead, and revealed a few mainline games like a new Kirby and a new Yoshi. This is why people liked their stuff so much. Also not gonna like Mario Odyssey looks fucking amazing and may entice me to buy a Switch
Honestly I felt ms should have gone harder with graphics especially because of scorpio
If Sony didn't slip up they would have been buried. Or maybe they realized it's all about multiplats anyways
like always based Nintendo won
and 2010, and 2011, and 2012, and 2013, and 2014, and 2015, and 2016, and 2017, and 2018...
you could falseflag a little less hard
But PC+Nintendo always was the only viable option.
>Nintendo showed a bunch of new stuff, showed 2 (2!) new games in a franchise many people thought beyond dead
You mean like Sony had a series that people thought it was permanently stuck on underpowered handhelds forever and ever? And, again, with a trailer and an esplicit period of release, Sony did better from that point of view.
What game? I actually don't know what you're talking about
Yeah, up until recently, when you can switch Nintendo for Sony if you prefer the games, because they have about the same amount but in a different direction.
I can totally see why people wouldn't want to buy a Switch right now. Especially if they bought a Wii U and was disappointed.
Lol you guys bitching about Pokemon and Metroid having no gameplay shown/no release date but who were the ones jerking off to Sony 2015 and 2016? Face it -- nintendo revealed what the people wanted and we liked it. At least they didn't waste money on making a deceptive CGI trailer
>not knowing about monster hunter world even after the autistic meltdown of raging nintendo fags.
Dude seriously? The whole board was filled with autistic screaming threads.
Sure as fuck wasn't Microshit.
ubisoft won
>Timed exclusive indies
Oh yeah. Monster Hunter is popular here, but it isn't that popular in the western mainstream. Metroid is more well known due to the Prime games, so I have hopes that Metroid will sell well. That being said MHW looks fucking amazing and I may be tempted to buy that shit. I hope both do well.
Also that was one game in comparison to two. And MonHun isn't dead either, it's getting a mainline game this year. The last mainline Metroid was like Prime 3 in 2007.
Nintendo is the only one that actually showed games people wanted.
>the X1X
Jesus Christ marketer at least try and be subtle.
where is the option for "no one ever "wins" e3 you autistic manchildren, its not a fucking contest"
I'm getting that on PC
Not him but the name sounds cool
Guess sonybros would hate it tho
Nintendo won because no one else tried.
>And MonHun isn't dead either
But the possibility of a monhun not restricted and limited by shitty hardware looked deader than deader, it was completely unexpected (inb4 the rumor, nobody took that seriously for obvious reasons). About Metroid, dunno, the Nintendo fans I know have always thought that it was a matter of time, actually completely killing that brand would have been too irrational.
No, they won because they cared about gamers.
>Nintendo closing in on 600.
>PCFAGS and Soneeggers flopping to nintendo when clearly MS won this E3 by a hair
>Sony did better.
showing literately the same shit they been showing for 2 years straight
The pre pre show.
>ms won
>not in lead because no Xbox owners on Sup Forums
Every time
It was the best shovelware conference of all time, I'll give you that.
>sony did better
>only showed multiplats and another old game with better graphics
>thanks to sony
>it's multiplat