Hi, we are the best games of E3 2017

Hi, we are the best games of E3 2017.

>God of cinematic QTEs


>No Xenoblade

>caring about Tales of Xenoblade

>Metroid Prime 4
>Samus Returns
>Monster Hunter World

that's it
I would've said Kirby if it didn't look like the same game for the 20th time

Literally zero QTEs in the entire trailer.

>>Metroid Prime 4
Doesn't count. Not a game. No footage, not even a shiny little teaser trailer.


>he wants manletblade 2

Miss me with that shit nigga
>implying it doesn't look great outside of the main character's shitty design

>god of war

you forgot days gone and qte man

OP what are you doing? You can't say God of War looks good on NintendoGAF.

Replace whatever that weebshit is with BG&E and this is definitely the top 4

>Metroid Prime 4
I agree, that picture looked really good.

BG&E2 was so disappointing. I don't know how anyone who played and liked the original could be excited for what we saw.

Where's SOTC remake?

It looks like an average JRPG which is sad because I liked Xenoblade for its originality

I also think he doesn't look THAT bad, fight me

Nobody for Wolfenstein?

I don't even wanna punch down or anything, but I don't see the appeal in GoW. They've poured production value into the narrative, which I could youtube, but the gameplay just looks like TLoU punch-scanning with a dodge roll and some magic. IMO that' doesn't make for a bad game but it's a mid-tier looking game overall, and far removed from the DMC-like the series used to strive for.

We've known it's going to be a prequel for years
Other than that I can't imagine what you're disappointed about. It appears to have phenomenal production values

It's in my top 4

>We've known it's going to be a prequel for years

I need to know if they'll be adding more content like the scrapped colossi or if it's just a graphical update

Ori didn't even show gameplay, did it?

>dad of war
>good, or even remotely interesting

did we watch the same e3?

It looks just like the first Xenoblade did, a mix of fantasy with a mix of some mechanical/industrial elements and sci-fi, and it also looks to take from X's improved gameplay and larger world. It looks like a win/win for everyone except for the hardcore X-only fags who hate the rest of the Xeno series.

It'll be out before
>God of War
>Beyond good and evil
>Last of Us 2
>FF 7 Remake

>It'll be out before
>>God of War
Really? It will be out before Q2 2018? That's impressive, considering they didn't have a release date or anything to show.

Only agree with Super Mario Odyssey and DBZ. Sea of Theives, aside from the meta humor, had a good trailer and it's in my top four of E3.

Great post. Not sure why anyone thinks it looks like a good game, especially a good God of War game. I'm not against changing the style of the gameplay but it looks so fucking dry in comparison to it's prequels.

Wow really?? That's awsome! Got a source?

Prime was my first (and only) game in the series but I really liked it, Its the only fps that ever interested me.

I'll say this as a semi-fan of the God of War series: Dad of War looks unappealing. Cramming Kratos who neither looks nor acts like his old self into a brawler that looks more like some fucking hybrid of Souls and Last of Us than GoW is failing to sell the game for me. Also, talking with Jormundgand instead of killing shit out of it, what the fuck is this.