Alright guys, let's see your E3 Hype/Interest list

Alright guys, let's see your E3 Hype/Interest list.

>Dragonball Fighter Z
>Monster Hunter World
>Marvel VS Capcom Infinite
>Spiderman game
>South Park game
>The Last Night
>Xenoblade 2
>Fire Emblem
>Mario Odyssey

>Dragon Ballz
>Star Wars Battlefront 2
>South Park and the meme name

Fuck, forgot to add Metroid and Pokemon. My bad.

>dragonball fighter z

only thing that caught my attention

>Day 1
Mario Odyssey
Both Metroids
Monster Hunter
Metro Exodus

>Will buy on discount
Code Vein
The Evil Within 2
Mario Rabbids
Xenoblade 2
Ni No Kuni 2

>Ignore/Don't care
Everything else

>South Park
>The Last Night
>Shadow of the colossus
>God of War
>Semi interested in days gone
>Code Vein
>Anthem (Cautious until I know more)
>Kingdom Hearts
>Ace Combat 7
>The Evil Within 2

>caring about days gone
It looks boring.

Dragon ball Fighter
Unruly Heroes
South park Buthole
Microsoft pirate game
Ubisoft Pirate game
Mario Rabbits and odssey
Metroid 2 remake
Fire emblem Musou

And Code Vein.

I'm a sucker for cool bear design

High expectations:
>The Crew 2
>Shadow of War
>Monster Hunter World
>South Park: Fractured but whole

Decent expectations:
>Sea of Thieves
>Mario Odyssey
>God of War
>Dragonball Fighter Z(even though I don't like Z, I do like arcsys)

Possibly good, but will probably be fuck ups

Also I like Metroid Prime trilogy, but this announcement is so insultingly attention grabbing vaporware, until I see any trailers I'm assuming it's Other M-tier

>God of my wife's son
>Mario Oddyessy
aaaaannnndd that's it

Mario odyssey
Battlefront 2
Dragon ball Z fighter
Monster hunter world

>Dragon Ball Fighter Z
>Monster Hunter World
>Mario Odyssey
>Both Metroids
>Sea of Thieves

Maybe Spider-Man but I have to see exactly how the webs work and how much of the city you can explore.

>God Tier:
Dragonball Fighter Z
Mario Odyssey

>Potential Tier (Needs more gameplay/footage):
Metroid Prime 4
New Kirby
Sea of Thieves
The Evil Within 2

>Fair Tier (Might turn out good):
Code Vein
Far Cry 5
Metroid 2 Remake
Monster Hunter World
Skull & Bones
SotC Remake (Really hoping for new content and not a straight remake)
Wolfenstein 2

>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Mario Odyssey
That's it.

Damn, forgot about Cuphead too. I've gotta revise my list.

That's it.

>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid: Samus Returns
>Dragonball Fighter Z
>Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
>SotC remake
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Evil Within 2
>Far Cry 5
>Beyond Good & Evil 2
>Assassin's Creed
>Ace Combat 7
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Mario + Rabbids

I'm probably only really going to end up playing a handful of these games, since I'm poor as fuck.

Monster Hunter World
Pokemon Switch
Battlefront 2
Destiny 2

High hopes for Anthem and Monster Hunter, can't be too hyped off of a tech demo movie.

i still haven't paid attention.

I just play old games.

last game I bought was Rainbow Six Siege, and I still play it.

It's not how many uncut rubies you have, it's the quality of the diamonds you keep.

Dragon ball
Monster hunter
Code vein
Don't really care about the rest

God of War is always hype and Norse mythology is one of my favorites, shit looks beautiful
Spider-Man has been a favorite since childhood and all the uses for webbing looked fun
Wolfenstein was surprisingly good and the new one seems to continue walking that line of gore/humor without being cringe
Assassin's Creed is a bit of a guilty pleasure. They're just comfy as fuck to me and, along with Norse, ancient Egypt aesthetics are top tier. I really miss Jesper Kyd though.
South Park will hopefully retain it's quality without Obsidian working on it
Ni No Kuni 2 looks promising but the lack of the familiars bums me out a bit
The Last Night and Detroit grow my cyberpunk boner but David Cage is a faggot so we'll see how it turns out

Hype (as in I NEED IT):
WipEout Omega Collection

Interest (as in pay attention to it):
Metroid Samus Returns
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Shantae Half-Genie Hero – Pirate Queen’s Quest
Shadow of the Colossus
Ni No Kuni 2
Code Vein
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Splatoon 2