>be group of middle class Germans that wants to take fix economy during Great Depression
>eternally become the officially designated cartoonish bad guys in all movies, video games, history books, everything forever
Be group of middle class Germans that wants to take fix economy during Great Depression
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe they shouldn't have started chimping out on Poland, France and Russia.
OMG I can't wait for wolfenstein 2!!!
yeah, thats totally it, you nailed it. It was because they were just trying to fix the economy (which they didnt do) that everyone hates them. Nothing with them starting the bloodiest war in human history and committing wanton slaughter of civilians during it while committing dastardly war crimes all along the way.
>complaining about cartoonish over the top nazis in a fucking wolfenstein game
Kill yourself.
>that wants to take fix economy during Great Depression
That's all well and good, but i don't know if starting a war was the right approach, user.
>go on a genocidal rampage
>invade other countries
>not bad
Was carrying out ethnic cleansing campaign in polish corridor and refused to negotiate on Danzig or an extraterritorial railway to east Prussia
They declared war and refused all German offers of peaceful negotiations and Germany had no choice but to attack
Annexed parts of German-ally Romania, staged anti-German Yugoslav coup and placed its tanks and artillery in forward offensive positions on the border rather than defensive indicating an impending military aggression
>Was carrying out ethnic cleansing campaign in polish corridor
No they werent. Stop posting bullshit made up revisionist meme history you stupid stormfag.
>complaining about cartoonish over the top nazis in a fucking wolfenstein game
the game portrayed the characters pretty realistically
sure, the scifi was over the top but the story tried to take itself seriously with drama/tragedy and all, instead of going for the cheesy mecha hitler style of the original wolfenstein
>Be middle class German in the 1930's
>Trying to fix fix local economy
>6 years and 6m jew later
>Be forced to pay War Reparations to the Allies equivalent to around $23b
wew lad, they had one solid plan.
Maybe they shouldn't lose the war.
>phoneposting trash
>nazis dindu nuffin
checks out
sage and report
Good friends share : )
Stop identifying yourself with historical figures that you don't remember.
This is the Sup Forums equivalent of claiming yourself to be twinkponysexualgenderbionic
Its just a power fantasy for autistic nerds. they like turning the nazis into misunderstood antiheros so then they can identity with them
>Falling for the "Hitler will make my shit life better!" meme
You deserve to get disembowled.
It can't be any worse than this slow march over a cliff we're going through right now
>Being a faggot
Back to plebbit with you
dindu nuffin
>dey dindu nuffing, dey were jus unemployed
trying to destroy democracy and all of western civilizations achievements since the enlightenment is going to make you look like a bad guy.
ok so what were their totally legal reasons to invade the netherlands and scandinavia
Hitler would have all of Sup Forums killed you dumbass. Do you really think Hitler liked autistic basement dweller who hate 3d women and spend their life shitposting on a meme image board for frogsexual edgelords?
Mad much, my good bitch?
Hitler was literally a vegan who spent much of his life as a neet and quite possibly never had sex. He'd understand our plight.
see this It's the same reason why commies are also disgusting people who deserve nothing in this world
>Attempt to violently overthrow the state but fail at it
Hitler war ein guter junge. Er dindu nuffin.
Do it again Bomber Harris
Just giving an example...
Citizens of Berlin saw the west army as saviors not because they felt they own country was dying as fast as their remainder army, but because they did not want marshals Georgi Zhukov, Rokossovskin, Konev, etc. and their respective armies to arrive first to the city. Probably the first lines of the Red Army were honorable and civilized, but after that wave the only thing Berlin's population (even more than 2/3 of them were women) could wait were drunk savages, rapists, etc.
>Soviets staged an anti-German Yugoslav coup
Shut the fuck up you indoctrinated mouth breather.
Germans living in german lands given to poland after WW1 were getting persecuted as fuck retard.
>dey dindu nuffing, dey were jus unemployed
>dey were jus unemployed
yes, much like how the black community went to shit due to the welfare state and why mudslimes that are maintained by the government don't assimilate and their kids end up as extremist. Work is essential for assimilating into society.
>nazi weren't human, they're simply evil and terrible
Every human being you know has the potential of being just as bad or worse than scumbags like Hitler, Mao, Stalin. Give any person the push and you can easily turn them into monsters, capable of committing atrocities.
>le nazis were just humble political servants who dindu nuffin
fuck the hell off
Evil begins with good intentions
>make a retarded revisionist claim
>get it carefully explained to you how you are wrong
>just double down on it anyway
why are stormfags such emotionally driven retards?
>trying to destroy democracy
democracy was a mistake
Bullshit. I'm Romanian and that last point is so fucking far fetched even for Romanian naziboos that it make you look like a retard by comparison
The Nazi's were the lesser evil. It was a war of labor=source of value vs usury and usury won.
>There are people in this planet who defend Krauts
The list of shit ethnicities go like this
1) Mexicans
2) Germans
3) The French
Followed by everyone else.
>Declaring Bankruptcy in 1940 or war declaration
Easy choice
Nothing new
Nothing new
Its because what they did to the jews actually kinda is hollywood movie levels of evil.
Sup Forumstards are the new fucking vegans, as in, how can you tell if somebody likes the Nazis? Don't worry, they'll tell you! Over and over and over again.
I didn't even look at your nonsense antifa pic. I responded to what I thought was an ignorant person with truth, but it seems you are a liar instead.
>Try to exterminate the slavs
>They're pissed off and coming for you after you fail
Larping wanna be nazifags are the true dindus of our time.
Why do Europeans hate each other so much in such a tiny land mass? You couldn't even tell each other apart if you had them all in a line.
You'd never see someone from Ohio have some sort of deeply ingrained hatred for someone from Nevada or Virginia.
Jumping off a cliff has more dignity that knowingly being the niggest of niggers in European history then getting bitchslapped by communists so hard your men started growing boobs.
Thanks for making the USA what it is today, too.
>actively practice eugenics
>get sad when people disagree with killing people to control the gene pool
Reminder that the reason the Jews are so prominent in banking, finance and politics is because they have naturally higher IQs then whites.
By targetting them Hitler was unintentionally waging a dysgenic campaign against his own people, driving them all to Western Europe and America where they could prosper.
There's extensive records of nazi executioners that suffered from PTSD, massive depression as well as psycho-somatic disorders because they felt disgusted by what they did, but they kept doing it. There's accounts of memebers of Mao's Red Guard feeling incredible shame and even being suicidal for what they did, but even after feeling terrible for the night, they would wake up and go back to being monsters.
People forget, but humans are tribalist apes, and culture is the thing that keeps us in line and makes us able to resist basic pack mentallity. Put any person in that situation, and they would do the same shit the Nazis did, just look at lefties in the US today, and Antifa, that unironically run around looking like fascist attire claiming to fight fascist.
>I dont read anything that proves me wrong and prefer to just stick with my emotionally driven fantasies!
yeah, seems about right. You literally cant be a neo-nazi unless you are retarded
Sup Forumstards leave.
>actual facts with evidences and sources
You are worse than an SJW, fuck off immediately.
KK sweetie.
It's that sort of mentality that will lead to another Hitler, Mao, Stalin to rise. Every human being is capable of unspeakable evil.
>want world domination
>fuck over your allies
>fuck over your own country
>cant take the heat so you kill yourself
report all Sup Forums crybaby bitch boy threads
OP is a fag, but you just took the faggotry to a new level with the "muh democracy, muh western values" bullshit
>wanted to fix the economy
>"first step is to start a war, perform mass genocide, and claim superiority over everyone else"
Yeah that's kinda what happens when the German army indiscriminately starts to vent out on Soviet civilians and starves out the local populace. Bomber Harris knew - start shit, get lit nigga.
Fuck off retard, this shit is always lies. The sources never say what they claim they do or are not credible in the slightest. Anything that starts with "i'm gonna show those big bad neo-nazis!!!" is fucking trash. Saying germans were not persecuted by poles is like saying no poles were persecuted by germans.
Someone staged it, because communists sure as hell didn't have popular support before, during or after the war. Allies bombed several of our cities because they wouldn't let Tito's partisans 'liberate' them.
as long as we also report all leftist threads.
Sup Forums is about video games, remove all politics.
we should also get rid of twitter drama garbage and e-celeb shit.
Pissing off everyone at once will do that user.
Vae Victus.
Gee, I wonder why.
Western values is just shorthand for encouraging usury and sodomy.
Nazis were literally just thugs and faggots
True german spirit died after 1918
These "leftist threads" AKA "killing Nazis does not make you an SJW" are the effect to the cause that is Sup Forums threads.
Yugoslavia was neutral at first
Then the British did some shit to give Germany a enemy in the region
Then a mess happened
Then Tito took over because he was the people's champion
And then Yugoslavia told both Nato and Soviet to fuck themselves
Then Tito died
Then Nationalism happened
Then another mess happened
I love how stormfaggots will believe in muh polish genocide! without a scrap of evidence beyong Nazi propaganda, but the mountain of evidence proving the holocaust is always inadequate for them.
What fucking leftist threads
Do it again Bomber Harris
The funny thing is you have facebook threads and shit about antifa/lefty/pol/ raids on every board, when Sup Forums is just people on Sup Forums who browse multiple boards. And most of Sup Forums posters are just libertarian redditors.
What about Czechoslovakia, Norway, Denmark?
Also the anti-German coup in Yugoslavia was staged by UK not USSR
>Army specifically instructs German soldiers not to harm civilians, those caught doing so are given sever punishment
>Soviet army had no such instructions and didn't punish their soldiers
Really makes you think.
To be fair to Hitler, Kaiser was a fucking faggot who shat on Bismark's diplomatic successes and was complicit in starting the bloodiest war known to mankind until Hitler beat his record.
Couldn't be victims if it was, could they?
>we should also get rid of twitter drama garbage and e-celeb shit.
literally impossible because more and more games are shoehorning in their bullshit politics because they think this is them "taking a stand" which will only fan the flames of bullshit political shitpost more. Its a two sided coin and the Sup Forums shitposters are just being reactionaries
yeah, you have roaches crawling all around your house, but they are there because some asshole keeps leaving food out and not cleaning.
Nazis are cool. Pretty much the only people who don't like them are people with childish views of black and white or have persecution complexes, or both.
So you have no arguments nor proof to validate your claims.
yo I know you're baiting but people actually believe this
>Soviet army had no such instructions and didn't punish their soldiers
But they did
As expected of a G*ermaboo autist
Wilhelm was fine, he made some diplomatic blunders but honestly, the UK just wanted to re-assert their world dominance against a surging contender (German Empire) so they shat on him every chance they could and pushed propaganda
I think you missed the core concept, retard. These electionfag Sup Forums queers from /r/The_Donald are talking about politics in other boards when Sup Forums is supposed to be the containment board for garbage like that. That's why you have so many other boards talking about Sup Forums.
Well. I'm from Pakistan. I've been living in Canada for 17 years.
I don't think the Nazis would like me much.
>aryan "master race"
>Few immigrants are able to conquer Germany
>vote for shitty pro "i want more black dicks inside germans wimmins" party
>black propaganda on television as entertainment
>get raped by russians during ww2
>get raped by muzz during the "CURRENT YEAR"
Germans are just cum dumpsters.
Nothing makes me happier than playing Steel Division and annihilating tiger kraut space magic tanks with shitty AT guns and light tanks and bombing their fallschirmjager into oblivion
Then watching the faggot Wermacht roleplayers get mad about MUH UNBEATABLE TANKS MUH AIRSPAM GAME ISN'T BALANCED