What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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good job posting more Sup Forums bait on Sup Forums - the vidya
>The Daily Telegraph
He means that girls and boys will grow up thinking the bodies in Dead or Alive are naturally obtainable. For boys, they will become bitter and realize 2D > 3D, while girls will feel let down by their appearance, even more so.
body image expert AKA fattie
>concerned body image experts
>youth and women’s advocate Melinda Tankard Reist
>psychologist Sarah McMahon, director of BodyMatters
>The Butterfly Foundation spokeswoman Sarah Spence
>La Trobe University’s senior research fellow Dr Liz Conor
>Liz’s doctoral thesis examined Australia’s Modern Girl, particularly the Flapper and the new forms of feminine visibility made possible through urbanization and industrialized image production.
literally not a single one of them actually contributes any value to society. they are literally professional ideologists and propagandists, paid with taxpayer money to perpetuate their political agenda.
Photo of author.
Pretty much speaks for itself.
Healthy, fit portrayals of human beans are unhealthy for children
Please idolize 500 pound tubs of lard instead, they're realistic and healthy
It means nobody, women especially, wants to work out and improve how they look. And everyone should be okay with being fat/chubby.
if your wive´s son gets a boner coz of 3D anime she´ll be fine my jewish untolerant friend
Maybe for the less attractive guys and girls. Pretty sure everyone else will keep doing what they've been doing since the beginning of time.
bodies like that ar obtainable, not the huge tits, but everything else yes.
>impossibly big breasts
well shit
Then don't let children play them.
Adults, who the games are often already intended for anyway can still do so if they please. If they just choose to "ban" them, then they're just saying that their population are all as dumb as children, and can't be trusted with taking care of themselves.
>not the huge tits
Who let the virgin underage in here
Uh more like overweight disgusting land whales in their 20s
i lost it
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
If you ignore them they will go away.
Play Anthem or BGE2 instead
>hot video game women are misogynistic and offensive
>hot women in porn are feminist and empowering
leftists are insane
>body image experts
>porn harmful to children
Don't buy your kids "porn-inspired" games.
How hard is it to follow age ratings?
VR & sex bots are making 3dpd obsolete. They're scared of losing their meal tickets.
Give her gray skin and she would be a cynobite holy shit
>body image expert
this means nothing
>Body image experts
What next, professional porn historians?
Well yeah, it's for adults so keep children out of it. They shouldn't be viewing this material. Btw you reminded me I still need to buy DOAX3.
>Videogame Code Authority incoming!
What a time to be alive.
>body image expert
Fat acceptance advocates aren't "experts"
>digital drawings
Literal brain cancer.
But if they don't have big breasts how will Australians know they aren't children?
>body image experts
They mean hambeast don't they?
>professional porn historians
That's been a thing for fucking ages now.
Holy shit someone actually used their brain and used archive for once.
Journalists are subhumans, experts say
I don't like 2d because I have a choice, 3d just doesn't allow for me
I feel so sorry for all the cute, petite, DFC girls in Australia.
>body image experts
Some games are not for children
Like dildos for example
do you seriously think that natural big tits dont exist?
Wasn't some game banned there because it glorified graffiti or some shit like that?
>"I don't want to take care of my children even though they are my resposability, I want society and corporations to do my job because I am too busy going out with friends, checking Twitter and because I can't be bothered to take care of another person that isn't me."
Modern day parents are fucking awful.
Why are parents letting their kids play these games in the first place?
They meant time for Sup Forums to be mad and stupid and fish for content like this to enable it. Probaby the worst trend on modern Sup Forums is the whole I'm going to fish twitter and blogs for hash tags and phrases that people pretend to be triggered over constantly and post a a screenshot of it thing and be like "what do you think guys?" Like gee I wonder.
This is the part where you post predictably and it's like literally what is the purpose but shitposting fuel.
Can someone tell me what a body image expert would be?
Didn't they bitch and moan over DoA Dimensions?
I want to live in the Harry Potter country
>((((((((((((((((body image experts)))))))))))))))))
She looks like she eats a baby a day.
Doesnt matter, Japan doesn't bow to the western c*cks
Fiction is poisoning our children's minds.
Only reason games get banned here now is if drugs are used in a positive way, i.e power ups and shit and if there is sexual violence. I have never heard of a game being banned here because graffiti.
>Please don't make images of unobtainable bodies it ruins the Children
>dark chocolate
big tits are not achievable dumbass. You either have them or you don't.
a bitter ugly, often fat, bitch that can't stand the fact that almost every woman is better looking than her but she can't do anything about real life women being better looking so she tries to affect what fictional women should look like
This is the bait thread to try to draw all the Sup Forums shitters away from the e3 stuff right?
>hey lets buy video games with blatant sexual imagery and highly sexualized everything for our young kids
In the 00's, Jack Thompson made a big fucking out of evil violent video games causing kids to go fucking apeshit and shoot up schools. In the 10's we got feminists telling us they cause sexism in children. It's fundamentally the same fucking argument, and just as stupid.
I wouldn't buy my hypothetical kid GTA5.
I wouldn't buy my hypothetical kid Senran Kagura.
I wouldn't buy my DOA: Extreme games.
If you gotta let them play shit like that, let them be mature enough, and be sure they understand that video games, almost by definition, are unrealistic in their portrayal of literally anything. Feminists, of course, can't comprehend that people might not be completely and utterly retarded, or void of any ability to discern video games form reality, perhaps because they themselves are fucking retarded, so everyone else must be too. An extension of this is that they also don't understand that highly violent or sexualized video games are meant for adults, and kids, and it's the parents' responsibility to make sure their kids aren't exposed to media they aren't ready to digest. No no, just fucking ban it, shame it, and ostracize anyone who might enjoy something they deem dangerous.
Very hard apparently
>body image experts
>aka feminist bloggers
It harms my dick because of how much I fap to it.
Maybe children shouldn't play the games in first place?
Eh, hello? Have you been living under a rock? """"Hot"""" women in porn are actually literally object for male gaze. In fact, any kind of beauty in the eyes of the patriarchal system oppresses women and kills about 100000000000000000000000 women around the world.
>Impossibly big breast
>danielle bregoli
Best honkers SFM porn?
I agree! Boobs need to be banned! No boob girls only!
the west is fucking cancer, these people act like humans can't figure out what's considered fucking normal and can't separate between 2D and 3D
Maybe they're suggesting that they polluted western women's gene pools so much now that they can't be pretty anymore.
I wouldn't normally watch a film with ugly people, same with games and TV.
(((body image experts)))
That's more of a luck of the draw thing. Or surgery.
Still, these bodies aren't nearly as bad as the beanpoles the fashion industry was known for.
"Rated M games are hurting out children!!"
It's called shitty parenting.
same as dicks right, you just get born with one and thats it?
Don't worry. Collapse soon.
This looks like a very elaborate joke that went out of hand.
>porn-type heroines
>body image experts
children can go fuck themselves, assuming it's legal in their country
It's all a means to an end.
They want to control all media.
Meanwhile fat acceptance is a thing. SJWs just hate pretty things. Search "pornoterrorismo in google" SJWs says it's something empowering and progressive
This user beat me to it.
>cited that the game promotes, and provides instruction for illegal graffiti and real-life graffiti artists.[12]
I'm not sure it'll be much better when muslims run things
Well damn, I'm not saying Australia isn't cucked but that wouldn't get banned now. Only sexual violence and drugs.
>It's fundamentally the same fucking argument, and just as stupid.
>Cancer: Games make people killers!
>Media: No way
>Cancer: Games make people sexist!
>Media: Sounds logic.
>What did they mean by this?
If you show people perfection...then why would they settle for less?
This is true. We need to promote better body types like Marie, not this fat cow.
Isn't it amazing how quickly the left turned into the morally grandstanding religious right?
>no tits
>no ass
no thanks
Shitty parents who buy video games with porn-type heroies are harming children, logic say
>SJWs just hate pretty things
All of modern feminism boils down to crippling body image issues. Which, of course, are somehow men's fault.
You're all fucking stupid. There is a reason why no girl wants you.
>body image experts
It will because the women will only be allowed to shut the fuck up.
Children don't buy Dead or Alive, or Japanese games in general
so what is the point? portraying bodies that are different from the average is bad because the average body cant turn into a different one?
do these people realize how moronic and borderline insane their line of reasoning is?
Ive wasted millions of potential children to the thought of cumming inside of Honoka
Am I a mass murderer?
Ideally I'd like to see the two devils kill each other off, muslims and feminism to destroy each other, but given that feminists cant actually fight there's not much chance of that happening.