Is anyone else a bit disappointed they didn't announce Smash and Pikmin for Switch? I like that they showed off a new Kirby and Yoshi game, and Metroid Prime 4, but I would be really hyped if they also showed off Smash and Pikmin. Thoughts?
Is anyone else a bit disappointed they didn't announce Smash and Pikmin for Switch...
Smash would be far better receiving a new entry. Anyone who wanted to play Smash 4 has the 3DS version. It's best to just let that version stand, and develop a Smash 5 for the Switch entry, for when the console starts flagging.
Pikmin Switch would've been nice, although it sounds like they didn't want to throw everything up at once and wanted to keep attention onto Hey Pikmin.
Has there been any news on smash for switch, or is still unconfrimed the time being?
The only things I wanted were a new Pikmin game and info on the Virtual Console and I got neither.
But yeah there was no way Smash was coming yet, they've got so many other competitive games and already have MK8DX
>didn't want to distract from hey pikmin
Kirby has two 3DS games coming out and a mainline one for the switch. No excuse.
No news, no nothing about Smash Switch. It's sure to happen at some point, but nothing outside the standard rumors right now.
yes, but 2 metroid games make up for it bigtime
fuck no, if I wanted to play Wii U games, I'd get a Wii U. I want new games.
Is it too much to hope that they announce Pikmin randomly in the next few days during the Treehouse?
how many units did Sm4sh sell compared to Brawl?
and how many compared to Sm3DSh?
>wanted to keep attention onto Hey Pikmin
Why would they want that? Hey Pikmin is a spinoff game that isn't even being developed by Nintendo. And it was fair to expect Pikmin 4 at an event like E3, since Miyamoto has told us before that it was close to completion.
The Switch itself is disappointing.
Why the fuck did Nintendo simply not upgrade and fix the flaws with the Wii U?
> no miiverse
> no apps
> no voice
I think I can say for everyone who owned a Wii U that the main complaint was that the Game Pad was a good idea but the overall design was flawed mainly in that you could only have one connected and replacing it wasn't as easy as going to your local store and buying a new one.
The shape was also bad as it hurt your hands after a while.
Other than that, the Wii U is superior to the Switch in every way.
It even had the ability to play Wii Games.
The only thing that could have made this better was to add a N64 and GameCube expansion slot to play old games.
What a load of shit for us Wii U owners.
As awesome as the new Mario looks, it's not enough for me to buy a Switch.
Do you need to play the Prime games in order to enjoy them? I thought it was cool they announced Prime 4, but I'm not that hyped because I haven't played the previous three games.
Show's not over.
I am still holding out for Pikmin 4, if Reggie says that there will be reveals throughout the whole treehouse.
Who knows...
>No Animal Crossing
I was looking forward to two things: Pikmin 4 and pic related. Nintendo has yet to show either. Loosing hope...
What did I miss? All I know is Prime 4 and Samus's Return got announced, which is fucking sick.
>Reggie says that there will be reveals throughout the whole treehouse
But those reveals will be minor ones. I seriously doubt something as big as a mainline Pikmin game (if it is considered to be a big franchise by Nintendo) would show up at Treehouse.
I shit you now
You guys are themost idiots ugly and repulsive bunch of niggers i have ever seen.
Before the Direct started the absolute majority of you guys were typong:
Now after 2 hours full of games everybody wanted this turbofaggot called OP says he is dissapointed that we dont get a new Remake of Smash 4
Are you serious you ugly ass troll
>we dont get a new Remake of Smash 4
I didn't want a remake of Smash 4. I wanted them to announce a brand new Smash game, with new modes, characters, and preferably a story.
The next pikmin game is a spinoff too.
>Why the fuck did Nintendo simply not upgrade and fix the flaws with the Wii U?
Because they need to report that they were in the green for the end of the financial year. The only way they could've done that was to fast-track a console release (so fast-tracked that all they could do was rebrand another company's product)
>The next pikmin game is a spinoff too.
What? Hey Pikmin is a spinoff. Pikmin 4 isn't.
>Pikmin 4 isn't.
It's called pikmin world, friend. It was leaked at the same time as mario+rabbids at the start of the year.
Is that the same one Miyamoto was referring to as being close to completion? I thought it was meant to be a mainline game.
New Animal Crossing and Pikmin were my hopes
I didnt expect Smash so soon though.
Overall it was decent to good anyway.
New Kirby and Yoshi, and at least an announcement for Metroid and Pokemon.
Also Odyssey actually having a fucking cool looking major part revealed
>6 years between Brawl and Smash 4
>He thinks they would release a new game in 3 years
Are you kidding me right now
Literally could just pikmin 4 with an original subtitle so that new potential fans aren't put off by the thought of needig to play 3 previous games in order to understand the fourth one.
>He thinks they won't announce a new smash being worked on next year
Dumb tripfag, this was the time to announce it, you're a retard if you believed unconfirmed rumors
there's only 7 pikmin fans on this planet and miyamoto is one of them, I have no idea why they keep making them when they have such limited appeal and sell poorly
besides, they can't beat pikmin 2
I'm more disappointed we don't get a teaser trailer for no moreheroes 3 or fromsoft or platgames titles
new entry for smash when they perfected it 2 years ago?
it's just like mario kart 8
it's already perfect, just port it and add new stuff
if you made a new smash, it'll look and play the same as smash4 anyway
Pikmin has a 3DS entry coming soon and Smash would benefit in the long run from another entry.
i hate how so many people nowadays just want remakes or ports of already existing games.
I also think it would've been better if Nintendo made a MK9 rather than 8 Deluxe but they had to do something about the Switch's already barren release schedule.
The "Pikmin 4 cant come because here's already a 3DS game coming" arguement already got BTFO'd today by Kirby. It's time to stop.
>perfected it 2 years ago
The gameplay is awful
>if you made a new smash, it'll look and play the same as smash4 anyway
Well, the hope is that Sakurai is moving on soon (he said he doesn't want to make any more Smash games) so the next one will be faster with better physics more in the vein of Melee.
>Is anyone else a bit disappointed they didn't announce my favorite games even though they showed off all this other stuff?
Why do people do this every year?
Because Pikmin literally made the most sense to be revealed here.
Also, not everyone has the same interests.
>Also, not everyone has the same interests.
Exactly. So why would anyone assume that every year the show would be pandering to someone personally?
>fuck no, if I wanted to play Wii U games, I'd get a Wii U. I want new games.
Don't you mean "If I wanted N64 games, I'd get an N64"?
They've made a version of smash for every console of theirs for the last 4 generations. A switch version is pretty much guaranteed.
Too soon for Smash (this year is Mario and Zelda), and Pikmin 4 is Hey! Pikmin.
>Anyone who wanted to play Smash 4 has the 3DS version
And all those people would much like to keep Ryu, Pac-Man, Megaman and all the other Smash Guests as well, numbnuts. While it makes a bit more sense to make a new Smash game to you, everyone is riding on the idea that the Deluxe version of Smash will have all the characters from the Wii U/3DS versions.
And with the fact that Mario Kart 8 originally released before Smash Bros, everyone is hoping that that will be enough to make a Deluxe version.