
>video games
>video games
>video games
>video games

Everyone else:
>VR titles
>paid mods
>indie shit
>ports of old games to switch
>le wacky randumb devolver conference
>normie tier garbage like god of war and uncharted
>indian waterfall bands



>no DLC

implying pokemon/metroid/kirby not being normie tier garbage

t. buttblasted sonyfag

This is the Nintendo fanboy's brain at work. Notice that it didn't seem to perceive the paid DLC for Zelda, but holds DLC as a point against other publishers.
Researches hypothesize that this selective perception is an adaptation to an environment with little to no games during most of the year.

there's a difference between games+dlc and just dlc

Microsoft won, even with no games

So now you're saying that no other conference featured games? Before you answer, it still counts as a game even if you don't like it.


>It's okay that Horizon is getting paid dlc expansion though!

why doesnt anyone remember yoshi?

are you confusing the Devolver conference with the Pre Pre Show or something?

Microsoft won with no exclusives. If you branded the MS conference as just "Games" and removed the Scorpio shilling, everyone would unanimously claim it was by far the best conference. But Sup Forums thinks that E3 shows can only be graded by how much you want to suck the publisher's hardware off after the presentation is over.

there are also games and ''games''

The irony of this post is that his house burns down after congratulating himself.

Because Yoshi's Island is trash and if you disagree you're wrong.

but thats not true

Rehash, but admittedly good.
>games games games
Oh you mean super Mario rehash grand theft auto edition and some weird rabids / Mario game nobody wants? Skyrim a literal 6 year old game you are JUST getting? A rocket league port?

Nice games you got there.

Xenoblade 2 seems to be absolutely fucking amazing. Pure adventure feel already, like you're a fucking boy and just have an awesome adventure with a 10/10 young girl waifu next to you.

>Microsoft showed more Playstation games than Sony did
You cannot make this up


>nintendo announces games
>not even a year for the release date

enjoy the next 3 years of nothing

Yeah because Sony is known for releasing games on time

Ahh how lucky we are to catch another beautiful example of the Nintenbro's natural behavior. Upon detecting a threat, the Nintenbro will emit a specialized poison gas that effects Sonybros but is ineffective against all other predators such as Mustards and Xdrones. However this gas does have the effect of making these species confused, causing them to ignore it in search of more interesting pray. It's estimated that a lack of natural predators early in the Nintenbro's development is what's led to this adaptation.

More like

>zelda DLC packs plz buy
>"we're making games we promise"
>games no one asked for


Yoshi's Island is the biggest platformer on the SNES, has unique mechanics, the best level design, and a unique artstyle

I agree. I wish they could make a Yoshi game as good as that one again. The new ones are so slow.

the irony is sony still lost

OP here, not even a Nintenbro, but all this butthurt in this thread is hilarious, face it, Nintendo clearly won E3 this year even if all their games turn out to be garbage

OP here, nintendo is my lover and I want to have sex with her

>Just started development on the most important games despite not having done anything for years

fixed that for ya. enjoy your 1 game per year.

Nah, this year both Micro and Ubi actually served up.

>doesn't even know how to greentext and has to redirect to posts

Sure smells like underage


Damn you are criticizing the Switch for "just" getting skyrim well how the fuck would a console that has been out for 3 months get it earlier? Are you being dense on purpose?

The sad thing is that Microsoft actually won this year. First time I've ever seen this happen and I've been watching E3 since 2009 at the very latest.
But of course you won't hear many people admit that because Microsoft is so irrelevant. How many Xbox fans are even on this board? Five or six?

We all played skyrim 6 years ago. Everyone is sick of it. It has been a meme at this conference that Bethesda and everyone else needs to stop shoving it down our throats.

And as a nintenbaby, you are just now getting to play it.

I was in high school when skyrim came out. I'm a fucking graduate student now. Put that into perspective. You are getting literal scraps.

I would get an xbox just so I don't have to shit a gaming pc up with win10, all sony had that interested me from e3 was dad of war: warshota edition.