Realistically speaking, what are the chances of this actually happening?
Phil Spencer wants to bring OG Xbox emulation to PC
Other urls found in this thread:
Is Phil Spencer's job specifically to kill sacrifice Xbox for PC
We can only hope.
I'd love to play some Xbox OG games.
Why though? Can't think of any worthy game that isn't on PC.
I can only think of Ninja Gaiden Black.
You can tell they're desperate. The backwards compatibility of 360 and OG Xbox titles is not your usual Microsoft. Look at the Kinect, half a billion dollars spent on R&D for that useless piece of shit, and they also spent hundreds of millions on developing the controller. They're pulling out all the stops to try and make their gaming brand desirable.
If there would be interest for it, we would already have a working emulator. There's no reason to wait for the company to do shit, people will figure it out themselves if they really want to, see every other emulator scene.
This wasn't even released outside of Japan, right ?
zone of the enders
>to """"""""""PC"""""""""
Yeah, fuck you and your win10 shit Phil
because there are no OG xbox emulators
is that actually good or do we just glorify it because we cant have it
>xbox emulation to pc
Not like it matters, the VA is all english and you can just look up a good for the weapons or simply experiment what works for you best.
Oh please god yes. I want to play project breakdown and unreal championship 2 at high res.
I rented it and thought it was okay, I'd like to try it again. I don't really remember it.
Slimy cocksucker should do it then.
There are, though. An amazing amount of progress has been made this year.
Next year might be the one that Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS all hit the PC.
I just want to be able to play Soul Calibur 2 with some of my old friends again.
The example I usually see people give is JSRF
>xbox 360
I sure hope so. I really want to play og Ninja Gaiden 2 instead of that shitty sigma port.
>gets cracked completely open
>we finally have a good xbox emulator after all these years
Fuzion frenzy online when
yes please
no one actually wants to buy a xbone
you can play it on dolphin
it even has netplay
It's the best game in its genre.
Phil i take back all the mean words i called you make it happen.
I'll finally be able to play Shenmue 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Steel Batalion, and
>it even has netplay
And you need decent rig for that on both sides. Both players must use same settings or it will desync like hell. What if my friend has only potato pc?
Nice, gotta try it out.
3DS is already pretty playable
you both need to run the game at 100% speed
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Is Phil, dare I say /ourguy/ ?
and this is good
this guy want everyone to be able to play the game no matters the platform compared to sony and nintendo
a centralized platform with every games ever on it would be great so you don't have to buy a switch and a ps4 to play 1 or 2 exclusive from it.
I love you Phill, please just do it
I dont care about the Bone, the BoneX, or any other modern Xbox stuff, but seeing as no one has made an XboxHueg emulator worth using, or that's even complete, in the last 15 years I'm always willing to listen/read about any chance of it.
CXBX Reloaded is making a lot of progress.
If you know how emulation works, you'll UNDERSTAND how impressive this webm is
Huh, that's improved a fair bit since I last checked original XBox emulation.
Do you know offhand how the 360 and PS3 are coming along?
Wait, So what's the point of owning Xbone X then?
>Ninja Gaiden Black and Breakdown on PC
Wow. Living the dream.
The same reason there has been to own an Xbone: space intentionally left blank
>pushes for a revival of Voodoo Vince
>gets Phantom Dust remade with online features to be released for free
>was able to swing OG Xbox games on the Xbone
>now is pushing for it to be on PC
When is Phil going to publicly tar and feather Mattrick at E3
Much the same. Slow, glitchy, terrible audio, but most of the games are loading and running which means 90% of the heavy lifting is done
To think we were told this day would never come due to THE POWER OF CELL
Phil Spencer is honestly making me reconsider my stance on Xbox after badly Don Mattrick fucked everything up.
Spencer has gone on record to advise people against "upgrading" their Xbone unless they want to rice out their performance. At this point, Microsoft has shifted the Xbox brand to be a Win10 equivalent to the Steamboxes. The xXboneXx is just for people that want to play Win10 games better but aren't going to make the smart choice and build a PC.
It looks like CXBX Reloaded is only five months old so yeah, they've definitely leapfrogged the sum total of Xbox progress in the 16 years before that.
360 is slow but you can play some games, PS3 is faster and you can play some games.
Would be pretty cool.
MS is treating W10 and Xbox as a shared platform now.
Slim but I would like to see it. Unfortunately it will be tied down to the Windows 10 store and basically be Virtual Console, but as long as they don't do something like restrict it to an Xbox controller or map certain keys to certain functions and there's no way to change them (GfW), then sure.
>Xbox emulator
>Not Xbox360 emulator
No ty.
And that's good for us.
Xbox had better games than 360
This. But thankfully we'll probably get both.
The 360 version is back compat on XBONE
All I can think of is Ninja Gaiden II and Ace Combat 6. Xbox is full of fantastic Sega exclusives.
Wow, an Xbox emulator?
Finally I can relive all the best classic games of the console, such as Halo, Halo 2, Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic, Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Jet Set Radiooooooo
I only want Asura's Wrath.
The PS3 game?
Fable with proper Jack of Blades and non-cucked Sword of Aeons.
PC game.
future, the better in every way sequel isn't.
But... All those games are on pc...
The only reason the Xbox brand hasn't been killed by MS is because Nutella came in and decided W10 was going to be cancerous garbage. Sucking in and trapping as many people as possible into W10 before they wall up the garden is literally the only thing MS cares about right now. Spencer has no doubt been basically told: "Use Xbox to get people on W10, Xbox stays as long as its useful for that purpose."
That is the only reason Xbox still exists. Its just a vehicle to get people into the W10 environment. Which makes me hope that the scorpio bombs hard, because as bad as Xbox is doing, there is a legitimate chance MS just says 'fuck it' soon. Of course that would leave Sony unchallenged and usher in a new era of vidya hell. (Nintendo is pretty much a different market than Xbox and Sony)
>every game ever made that was worth playing will be playable on PC by 2020
If he brings OG emulation to PC, and resells the old games through some digital distribution, would it be possible to revive some old franchises? I know a lot of them got bound to the xbox due to exclusive contracts and then because the xbox lost the console war nobody bought the games so they're just left to rot, even amazing games like metal arms.
>he thinks pc gamer actually use it
Xbox game pass = Xbox 360 and One games.
Hello Sonybro! It seems like you have forgotten the plethora of amazing video games that were on the original xbox. But I will give you the chance to look it up sonybro
Xbox 360 too.
Did your father touch you when you were little?
>Emulated Xbox games come out on PC
>Gets cracked
>Any Xbox rom can be loaded into it
>Emulating Original Xbox
But why? All Xbox games are already native to Windows? I cant think of one Xbox game thats not already on PC.
>Xbox game pass
What are you talking about?
Yeah no one wants to play those shit games
Is he trying to kill Xbox?
This industry is so backwards Microsoft is the consumer friendly one now. Fucking Microsoft.
That's /ourguy/ turned out to be the hero this generation needed
Honestly cant tell if this is s sarcastic post or not
No, he's trying to save it.
0 percent
The best game of OG Xbox, Jet set radio future.
As a PC guy, I really really like Phil Spencer.
Phil Spencer seems like a nice guy.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Mechassault 1 and 2
is it even good
He probably saw this and decided to announce the emulation
waaa edgy
>Do you think we'll ever live in a world where all of those platforms are playing together?
Phil: I think it would be nice.
>A world where there's no money either, I guess.
Well, I dunno. Xbox Live on Android, iOS and Windows, we don't make any money from connecting people. You and I probably use a service like Discord. There's different business models where it's not just about charging people. The console space is a little more difficult because there's no money made on the hardware. So in that space the business model has to be a little different.
I'd say another thing we've been doing on the PC side is Mixer, our broadcasting. It was great to get PlayerUnknown on our stage, a huge game on PC. Some of the console people don't know about it. Felt a little bit like our Minecraft announce way back in the day, when we brought that to console. A lot of the console people were like "what is this?"