Fire Emblem Heroes

*Sniffs rapidly*"You smell good~"
I am going to commit a crime

save me from the E3 shitposting

Fae is unbearably cute. She also rounds out my team nicely by being able to body a lot of popular, hard-hitting guys like Reinhardt and Hector and do some nice healing with Renewal+Reciprocal Aid.

I want to adopt Fae.


Her voice is really cute, though. It reminds me of Mercedes from Dragon's Dogma.

Is Katarina going to be any good? She a cutie.

I'm going to protect this dragon loli.


What am I supposed to do with a neutral IV Linde? Any skills that could help her?
I'd try to get her but her skills look really really bad

We don't know the stats yet

>Firesweep Lance
Huh that looks pretty usel-

Wow that art is fucking shit.

Why did they ruin two characters with this shitty artist. Learn how to fucking draw eyes bruh.

Looks like two pieces of paper of cartoon eyes taped onto their face.

>her skills look really really bad
>Wo Dao+
>Sturdy Blow
What are you on about? She's skill inheritance gold. Wo Dao and Moonbow in particular is a fantastic combo.
The only real problem is that she's yet another red in a sea of better reds.

There's nothing wrong with neutral stats, just build her like you would otherwise.

I'm pissed, I want my 13mt Firesweep bow.

>tfw still no new red fliers

I think i found my waifu...i like the brown look.I can't wait to do a full roll tomorrow, get only 1 red orb or none and not get her and at the end of the banner i'll just pull somebody important like ryoma. Not the first time it happened...tried summoning azura and got a thundercock

I want to punch that chicken.

I'll kill you.

>Being skill inheritance fodder is good.

Make no mistake, I will be glad to roll her since my Palla can use that Wo Dao+, but at the end of the day she's probably gonna get completely outclassed by other reds we probably already own. so unless her stat bases allow her to be physical Linde with a sword to the garbage she will go.

>tfw still no new mage fliers
On that note, how do we feel about horse emblem being fucking dead?



>horse emblem being fucking dead?
Wut? did I miss something? what happened?

The first post said the skills were bad when they're clearly good though. I want Athena at 4* so I can get an actual chance for a Wo Dao and maybe so I can use my own Athena too.

Debuff city

I like her new art more than her original art, sex appeal aside it was shitty and her hair made no sense at all.

Good shit user. Can you do one for Faye?

Luke betrayed the cavmemes and has a C skill that inflicts Panic on any enemy above, below or to his sides. Not just directly next to them either, it extends to the edge of the map.

You don't actually think that shit is dead, right? Panic Ploy is not that good and meme teams pretty much always emphasize the player being the one in control in order to properly set up buffs. GIVE ME HORSESLAYERS

The new one's body looks better but the face fucking awful. It ruins the whole picture.

This is the same hack that did Eliwood's picture, right? That one suffers from the exact same problem. The dude simply cannot draw faces.

Ursula is a horse slayer lol

It's gonna make the Bridge maps "fun", at least.

>Doesn't change the fact that the AI is retarded
>Doesn't stop Chad from being disgustingly strong
Who cares? Dazzling staff + Panic already lets you target the blade user in question without getting demolished.

At least they're acknowledging Blade tomes are broken. Glad I have Celica and Rein, but I will always know in truth my Ursula is PERFECTION incarnate.

Panic Ploy only works on your own turn, which makes it a lot worse than it sounds.

It only affects the enemies when they're on the defensive, which is where the cav meme is weakest anyway. When they're attacking they'll still have their full buffs, which is all they need since with their superior movement they can usually guarantee getting the first hit anyway.

This will do next to nothing to discourage Horse Emblem.

Which Charlotte is better:

>Neutral IV

I wish they'd let Yuji Himukai do more portraits. I love his art style, but he's only done Fae and some faggot literally nobody likes.


The Panic debuff works until their next action, not next turn. Line up Luke with Memehardt, he'll have the Panic debuff. Then when the Cavbuffs come up, they become debuffs. It allows you to bait him with a larger variety of units.

Don't worry, they'll let him do Nils so he can keep doing lolis/shotas.

Fuck you.


>liking raigh

Please do not be mean

Shut up Raigh, you're a useless underage edgelord. Nobody likes you.

Ploy skills are fucking busted. We're in an age of Spurs/Drives once they finally hit.

I can't believe she actually got in so soon especially since she was exclusive and I've only seen one other person on Sup Forums waifu her.

Linde is perfectly fine as neutral.
t. +Def -Spd and +Spd -Atk Lindes

You better use that +Speed/-Attack Linde, boy.

Is masked lucina worth the effort?

I do, but it's a pain in the ass to Inherit all the shit I need on her, especially since I have literally never rolled a source of Desperation to really meme with her.

You play for the feathers and orbs, not Thotcina.

You want to work for that busted Quickened Pulse. Everything else is just icing in comparison.

Well, does any of the new banner units look promising?

I mean, Katarina only looks like Swift Sparrow fodder, unless her Res is high as fuck to make use of her ploy debuff, in which case she might turn out to become red Julia. But everyone else looks like inheritance fooder.

Might as well try to roll for extra brides.

My units are garbage thanks to rng so the Best I can get is around 220 points

Atk Ploy is a stealth Rein counter, so it's good for that at least. Panic Ploy means the end of conventional meme teams, or at bare minimum makes it so you don't have to worry about Turn 1 danced -Bladefags fucking your shit up on Offense.
But yeah, unless we see some stats, it's largely looking like Inheritance fodder.

I appreciate Lucina. Now she gets to be my second best sword.

Eh. She's pretty good because Lucina is pretty good and she's basically the same, but she starts with no skills at all so she needs a shitload of Skill Inheritance to ever be worth using.

Unless you're really hurting for a good sword unit, she's not worth much.

>This person had the feathers to merge twice but not give her a blade+ tome

Shit don't add up

You can do it by grinding hard mode. I can't even get high enough on the lunatic maps to then lose and outgain points.

Almost half way there.

I was about to say that the extra 4 Atk you get from -Blade + is somewhat superfluous, but
The hell are they doing?

Why would you want that thing? Its overrated...even fucking breath of life is least it heals you every time you do something. The pulse is used only once

TT whiners BTFO.
We'll get the rewards tomorrow

Im ignoring it, i cant beat lunatic, only have one worthwhile group of lvl 40s. the rest are under leveled and cant handle veronica when i need them to.

Either b8 or new to Arena.
I figured we hit the 1B mark ages ago, looks like I was right.


Oh, it adds up alright.

Do you have any idea how many time I've rolled blues hoping for Shanna so I can do desperation builds? Do you know how many I've gotten? Zero.

This is the one reason why banners like the triangle adept and the current vantage banner are a godsend. That poor fuck must've never rolled a single Odin.

You do the arena once per week. Imagine using this in a TT mode. Its worthless

with any killer weapon, moonbow becomes instantly usable, with ike, hes aether is now a turn faster, etc. think about how you can extort it you mindless thrull.

>That measly score

You don't have a bonus unit, brah? You're going nowhere fast

>That poor fuck must've never rolled a single Odin.
I want to be that poor fuck.

I have like 12 of the fucking faggot.

I understand what you are saying. Yes moonbow is instantly usable, i was thinking more in the spirit of this mode. Its a wasted slot

in time to pull the bridal focu....FUCK

>You do the arena once per week.
Yes, but it's also the highest end content we have constant access to, and it shines there.
>Imagine using this in a TT mode. Its worthless
Given that Renewal procs every time the map changes, I'm willing to bet that each new map starts at Turn 1, which probably means that QP will fire off at the start of each map. If that is the case, then it's the best seal you can put on someone for that mode.

Look at the B Passive

I do. Using mrobin.


>complaining about 12 copies of one of the best fodder units in the game


Nino is bye bye

He's good for Moonbow, I'll give you that. But Blarblade+ is only good on a relatively small amount of units (especially since I don't run Horse Emblem), and you'd need to promote him to 5* before you can even get it.

Are they seriously only putting in sword heroes....

What in the fuck did you do with your first turns? Why didn't you get Robin and Rein to kill all these colorless losers?

Move Robin one down and right and take out Klein. Move Nino into Robin's spot. Use Reinhardt+Olivia to wreck everyone else.


It lowers your cooldown by one EVERY new round, not just at the start.

Blue reigns supreme

is that the guy who draws the EO characters

Game logic dictates that thundercock can kill 3 units with 2 attacks...if he is not + attack and having blow 3 then there are units over there that he wont kill

Thundercock can't kill any of these high res assholes.

And Robin straight up doesn't kill anything.


Odin has one insanely useful skill (Moonbow), one really good but somewhat expensive weapon unless you're on a meme team (Blarblade) and a skill that's useful, but not currently meta (R.Tomebreaker). Hell, even Defiant Atk has some exceeding niche uses for some units. I'd be hard pressed to find another unit that can be burned for as many purposes as he can.


Is sniffing the hot new fetish? i'm in

Young Tiki amiibo confirmed, so you'll get her in Warriors most likely.
Unless you're talking about Heroes, which doesn't really make sense since we have a mage and lancer coming tonight as well.

i like the concept, rather than us waiting and getting bored, we can grind this until the next amount of content.

>He doesn't have TA/QR Cecilia/Robin to two-shot all those motherfuckers on counterattack

When will they learn?

>keep getting Hectors in my defense records
Never underestimate the power of our liberator Zephiel

>tfw no units that get QR3 at 4*

I'm beginning to learn just how necessary Desperation is for some builds in the Tempest Trials. The amount of Hectors my Olwen could have killed if she'd had it is unbelievable.
Please Gacha Gods, bequeath unto me several 4* Shannas.
