It's up

it's up

Fuck off, Knack 2 shill.

>Soup rice
>free gift cards

Dunkey is an unfunny faggot
Stop posting him

thanks dawg

>comment section is full of unfunny faggots

I never understood the appeal of watching other people play videogames. Especially if they're too shit to play properly. Like, why not play games yourself or with your friends?

Dunkey is hilarious actually.

Dunkey is a funny faggot
Keep posting him

go magnum

I bet you don't watch him because he is black
He's actually of peurto rican descent

poor man's fitzthistlewits

I unironically like dunkey

Not even him but it can only be funny for you 15 year old redditors like you who swarm Sup Forums. This unfunnny faggot triggers me so much I'm actually posting on this shit board.

I don't watch niggers

>not liking dunkey

fuck you Sup Forums.

nah he's pretty funny

oh, it's the ninty fanboy. Better prepare for some uncalled Microsoft burns, avoiding and/or not saying anything about Sony and praising Nintendo for literally anything.

What a fucking hypocrite, he said that the Arkham games sucked and now he's actually licking the balls of Shadows of War and Spiderman. Which one is it?

literally nothing he does/says has any humor in it, It's just "i'm talking in le wacky voice and there's not a single joke here"

Anyone entertained by youtube gamers is an idiot, None of them are funny.

nah he's funny

>implying Microsoft doesn't deserve every harsh word directed at it.

dunkey has the best edits of the press conferences, though he's biased as fuck against devs who he feels are bad
still funny

>arkham games
>big beefy, surly batman past his prime dancing about like a ballerina

>nimble, agile, graceful youth meant solely for subverting and tricking the enemy

It just works for spiderman. The only thing that made sense in BamHam were the takedowns.

Who's the jackass?

SovietWomble is funny

nah nah nahnanananah
He's entertaining

>Completely ignores MS conference besides the Minecraft section they crowbar in for investors
>Cherrypicks and focuses entirely on the two good announcements at Sony's E3 while defending a remaster of a remaster

>B-But he's making Knack jokes so it's all ironic and you can't criticize him!

>caring about this unfunny retard

nu-Sup Forums, everybody.

are you really so upset about this you are in tears?

>implying it does
you could make the same "joke" with Sony's conference as well. Actually, it would be ever better, just imagine:


also this

He was just praising the plot of Arkham though

he shouldve ripped on Sony too, they were worse than microsoft overall

Im surprised he didnt use the fucking dance in the ubisoft conference with the dabbing panda

>How can anybody have different taste than me?
>It makes no absolute sense
>I must ridicule and insult to alleviate my confusion
>reddit, nigger, child I must use them all!!!
>People nust know of how this displeases me and how I am not interested in what they are.

Thats what all his videos are.

He cherrypicks like a motherfucker and gives inaccurate reviews

>mfw dunkley will never release a video of him just screaming over a league of legends cinematic

Are you stupid? Batman is so fucking scary because he is agile as fuck even though he is so fucking big. You are actually being as much of a hypocrite as dunkey if not more because you're defending his bullshit.

>'press Y to win sucks'
>'b-but it works on spiderman because he has spider senses'

He is like our nu-oldJonTron?
>inb4 our

>He cherrypicks like a motherfucker and gives inaccurate reviews
so like all you faggots too
great his videos should do well here

Dunkey doesn't do lps any more.

>Monster Hunter Worlds
Just goes to show how you can rape an established franchise and make it generic cinematic garbage and normies will still eat that shit up. It's sad to see Monster Hunter die like that.

>le 3D world is bad meme
Why do you people watch this cuck again?

>"there is no doubt this will be one of the most mechanically impressive games yet"

What? It was 10 minutes of quick time events.

>watching blacks

>He only talks about one Nintendo title.

What's up

Missed opportunity to shit on Spider-Mans constant QTE but otherwise pretty good vid.

>electronic celebrities

end your life, underage Sup Forums users

He apparently isn't familiar with the franchise so he just thinks the game looks cool

And he didn't say 3D World is bad, just inferior to the other Marios

>having an opinion is the same as making a video about reviewing a game and pointing out its flaws and good bits.

>"I like to suck nintendo's dick for a living!"- the youtuber

Reddit incarnate

Batman is fucking dumb because he has the agility of a gymnist, the strength of a weightlifter, and the body of a model, which is physically impossible. At least other capes have the "super" excuse.

>acknowledging dunkey's opinion on games

He has bad taste and dislikes tons of games just for the sake of being contrarian. You should only watch him for his humor.