It's fun.
You just wait
Soon endlessly re released skyrim will be the only game on the market. Full paid mod support so you can continue to play skyrim until your death.
They will not surrender till you can play skyrim on your fucking shoes.
every other game will just be a mod for skyrim
that's good my man, more money to make TESVI great
This. I think i bought it like 3 times. One for 360, one for ps4, and then finally went to PC. Its pretty much an unending playground of DLC as long as modders exist. Why do you think Todd wants that sweet money from modders?
People know a classic when they see it, it's as simple as that, user.
>muh fun
Nice buzzword
it's meme-tier casual shit. to the point most idiots who scooped it up seriously ask "HURRR WHEN'S SKYRIM 2 COMING OUT?"
elder scrolls is dead. get used to decades of skyrim re-releases.
I bought it 360 originally, and pc later when i built one for mods.
I know a friend who got the SE on black friday to replay it.
It's the quintisential rpg to the average person.
We have to buy his game.
Sauce on the art? That's really pretty
I wish I was this optimistic.
>gift friend skyrim on steam bajilion years ago
>he still plays it this evening
>he failed a semester or two due to it
I'm sorry.
Because this is a fun game.
To this day I jerk off to bara argonians.
Every time I consider buying this fucking game again, I remember how much more I like Oblivion and stop myself.
I think it's Shintaro Kago
I played 1000+ hours over 2012/2013/2014 modded.
I want to play it again because of new mods, but I'm not even playing video games I should have years ago, I got Metroid Prime, Morrowind, Oblivion, Masquerade Bloodlines I wanna get out of my backlog.
The better question is why the fuck would they stop selling Skyrim?
Have you ever noticed that they sell games from 2004 on steam, and that people still buy them?
As someone who gave zero shits about Skyrim, I'm excited to see it in VR at least.
It's one of the greatest games of all time
What happened to Skyrim?
creatively bankrupt
Why do you need 3 copies of the fucking game to jack off to skyrim mods?
Yes, because in PC-Land, games don't die after 2 years and mods can keep a game running for 5, 6, 7 years (and beyond?). You console kids will never understand the power of mods.
>mfw I got it along with all DLC by trading someone a pair of TF2 earbuds 5 years ago
Modded out the ass it's a pretty fun game, just the dungeons are all shit.
What does that have to do with buying the game 3 times on console?
They're not making a TES VI so they're milking the shit out of Skyrim.
Too bad the guys that make cool shit like new weapons and armor migrated to fallout.
>Countless opportunities to address some of the bigger issues of the game and implement new features
>There's still about 100 bandits for every citizen in a major town
>You still can't actually grant people mercy
>Still no real way to adjust the difficulty curve more for super late game players like having a variety of the different "Overlord" class characters instead of just the one
>Still no major events based on time or anything cool like that Todd meme
I want to believe they'll eventually try to make the game better
>Handwave argument
You would make a great feminist.
>why are people still buying skyrim ?
Are you seriously asking that ?
So did Skyrim VR get announced? Would pre-existing mods be compatible? Because, that could be interesting for the smut stuff
>putting effort into your game when your fanbase does it for free
not happenin
sex mods let you grant mercy
>I want to believe they'll eventually try to make the game better
We're planning on adding some of those features you are talking about in the next release of Super Skyrim Special Edition X. Features can be enabled for just 1000 creator bux each.
>yfw its been 6 years and skyrim is still being shilled at e3
Better to have a fantasy with single player and mods being shiiled for 6 years than some popular MMo with more shitty addons.
How did that become the two options?
More like more money to pump into marketing instead of better programmers, writers, and a completely new engine that isn't just a heavily modified gambryo.
I can explain this actually
People still buy nintendo games and consoles when its the same games and systems.
I fucking love this meme
Skyrim with mod is literally the most perfect game ever create by mankind.
Modders have already made a better game than Bethesda could ever hope to make
How many employee does Bethesda has ?
100 ? 500 ?
the numbers of modders for Skyrim is easily 100 times that.
Skyrim was the last major jump in graphic, compare to Oblivion, and even back then modders had already created some next gen shit.
By the time they make TES6,
Skyrim would have transcended gaming altogether to simulate the fucking universe.
You'll be disappointed to know Bethesda had both.
Its his fault, you're not the one making him play a mediocre 6 year old game.
>Omg Valve is still selling Half Life 1
>Omg People are still buying Half Life 1
>Omg Bethesda is still fucking selling Fallout 3
>Omg People are still fucking buying Fallout 3
>>Omg People are still buying FUCKING CALL OF DUTY
>etc. etc. etc.
OP... just punch yourself in face.
I skipped a class to buy it on launch day and had a full month of play time logged within a year and I still made the Dean's List every semester.
How is Bethesda going to sell us Skyrim next year anons?
Why wouldn't people buy the perfect game? You HAVE purchased it... Right?
Do you have the artist for that pic? I love taht fucking artstyle
I've bought Skyrim on the PC, 360, Xbone, PS4 and have it preordered for the Switch. What's your excuse for not preordering?
Damn this is pretty disappointing to read...I've been making a huge skyrim mod for the past couple years that's basically it's own game. It takes place in a Italian like city about 6 times the size of Whiterun and it's really densely packed. You play as a State Inquisitor which is basically the Medieval Secret Police and the gameplay revolves around investigation and deciphering between different types of information. You can really roleplay, there's a ton of dialogue, and the game has 8 different endings. There's no map markers or objectives you are given a task and have to figure it out on your own as you wander the city
Seems like everyone here doesn't care about Skyrim anymore, now I feel like I've wasted my time
This place continues to dig through the bottom of goddamn barrel.
>implying fun isn't a buzzword
Fun is meaningless as a metric of quality. It is a vapid, empty word.
I'll never understand the crazed and passionate frenzy of fan support that Skyrim continues to receive. Shit is trash, a significantly dumbed down version of a game that is a dumbed down version of another game. I just don't get how people can enjoy it enough to put in more than 60 hours. Calling it mediocre would be putting it lightly.
The best thing about Skyrim is the fact that it is the medium for Touch the Skyrim, one of the few good things that Polygon has.
cool story bro
Are games not supposed to be fun?
I dunno, I think bethesda is fucking awful and fallout is awful and elder scrolls is fairly awful. But people seem to like it so whatever good on them I guess.
ok? You can look it up of /r/skyrimmods, it's one of the top posts on the subreddit, I'm just worried I wasted my time because nobody will play it
Saying something's fun doesn't tell me anything about it. I had fun watching Space Mutiny. Big Rigs is fun. My Immortal is a fun read.
It's a SHAREHOLDER thing.
SHAREHOLDERS loved how famous and memetic Skyrim became. So Bethesda and Zenimax are running it ragged because SHAREHOLDERS love to see Skyrim's name.
Skyrim is coming to the SNES this year!
Here, I think I saw you drop this back there
Moichandising! Moichandising! Where the real money from the movie is made. Skyrim: the T-shirt, Skyrim: the Coloring Book, Skyrim: the Lunchbox, Skyrim: the Breakfast Cereal! Skyrim: the Flame Thrower!!
He's right though. When asking someone why they enjoy a game, just saying "it's fun" doesn't mean anything. Why was it fun? What is it about the mechanics did you enjoy? What did it do well? "It's fun" doesn't tell you anything beyond that they like it for some reason.
It's not a BAD game, it's just a step down from all the other TES games.
I don't know man, I pirated it.
>redditor worrying about people not caring about his shit mod
Maybe stay in reddit
Nothing wrong with that. I haven't played Skyrim ever. This re-releases are for people like me. not for you. if my Guardian and Wolf Link work on the Switch version I might get that one
I can understand why you eventually bought a PC version (I did the same), but why did you also get a Ps4 copy?
>step down from Oblivion
lol no
That's true and all but if he wanted all that he could've looked up a review instead of trying to devalue the concept of fun
If that doesn't tell you anything then you're retarded
>Being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole
Just why? Do you feel good when you go online and shit on other people for things you don't even know about?
Upboated and gold deposited ;)
Someone might not find the same things fun. Again, if you're having a discussion with someone and are trying to find out what they enjoy about it to gage what you could get out of it based on their tastes, "it's fun" doesn't tell you any of that.
I'm not trying to devalue it, I just think it could lead to a more interesting discussion if you could talk about what you enjoyed about something rather than just calling it fun and being done with it.
>explain why people are still playing skyrim
>it's fun
>saying something's fun doesn't tell me anything about why people are still playing it though
>stop trying to devalue the concept of fun user
>implying redditposting isn't the most reddit tier shit on this site
>actually taking pride on how long you've been frequenting an anime image board
>knowing he came to this site post-2012 but still has to act like an elitist
I tormented a skidrow rip of skrim when it came out. Why would someone pay for a single player game?
People are still buying Oblivion too
And Morrowind
If they could they would still be buying daggerfall (and then put it right back down because it doesn't tolerate newfags)
You only get asses like that on PC though. I wonder how much of a sales boost Skyrim would get if there was an easy way to get sex mods on the consoles.
Business 101, faggot, as long as people are willing to buy your product you provide it for them. I don't blame Bethesda, I blame the hordes of idiots that have already put 100+ hours into it but think it might be different with paid mods on the bone/PS4, or different on the switch, or different with the remastered edition on PC.
>people prefer Skyrim over Witcher 3
cause the last time i played it, it was on PS3 and i had a shitty tv, but now i can play it whereever and actually get to see things
>let me just walk around following a red trail until the next cutscene haha this is so fun
Skyrim isn't perfect but at least it has that d&d 'make your own character' thing that helps with its charm, Witcher 3 only shines in it's world design and a few standout quests, the actual gameplay sucked
Modding requires a tad bit of patience so probably not much when it comes to consoletrash
Stop pirating skyrim and skyrim mods
>being this new
Or am I just this old?
tis a fun game innit?
Ppppfffft no they did not, if you wan some of the best quality mods, look at oblivion and new Vegas
Oblivion the archeology guild, hands down one of the best mods ever.
What is it but Skyrim that Fallout lacks?
I can play the shit out of Skyrim and I only get bored after a dozen or so hours.
I play fallout 4 and I struggle to not quit after clearing a few dungeons. Which is weird because the idea of Skyrim with guns sounds fun.
>dwemers have the same taste of weaboos from Sup Forums
really makes you think
Todd is a very persuasive guy